Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 617 The Second Victim

For almost everyone on the battleship, the void war means an extreme compression of perception. The whole world that surrounds you is only the tremor of the deck under your feet, the explosion of gunfire and the impact on the hull, and of course, in the narrow space. The din of a fierce battle breaking out in the hallway.

In a battle between jump gangs and anti-jump gangs, you need to fight your way out of an area as large and complex as a city. All it amounts to is an endless battle to gain access to passage after passage, closing the boarding gap or keeping it open. Reply to the relocation command, follow the displayed path, move the body to ensure a clear path or use it as a blockade tool - and while all this is happening, you don't know whether the battleship you are on has fallen. Has the bridge been captured? Is the battle going well outside? Or is he already doomed? How much of this warship is already occupied by boarding forces?

There is no order and no grasp of the overall situation. This is gang-hopping warfare, where encounters and raids happen simultaneously at all times. Only when you barely squeeze out enough time to stop and start to calculate where you are needed or where the situation is more pressing, will your sanity return briefly.

Therefore, Fu Qinghai usually prefers to sit on the bridge. The complex detection arrays and sensor systems carried by the battleship will gather all the information here, allowing him to have an overview of the battlefield and observe the battlefield situation. But it is a pity that it is Sigismund, not him, who is sitting on the bridge of the Eternal Crusade now.

Roar, tremble, shake.

Alarm bells, flames, flashes.

Screams, explosions, death.

The splashing blood turned into blood mist and filled the air, and the shirt and cloak were ignited by flamethrowers and plasma incinerators. Every heartbeat is filled with the muffled sound of bolt projectiles exploding in the human body after hitting the target.

The commanders of both sides continued to issue orders through the communication channel. These intermittent words, which were severely disturbed by the background noise, were resonating and strengthening with the roar of the ship's hull when it was hit, like a perfect sound storm.

Under the weight of the light of the cracking arc and the molten flame, Fu Qinghai penetrated the entire deck. Whenever he encounters another black legion gang-hopping team at an intersection or a corner, the advance and retreat of the tide of war will instantly reverse.

Looking down from a macro perspective, the complex and intertwined battleship passages look like a network of blood vessels, forming the blood circulation system of the Eternal Expedition. Key facilities such as plasma reactors, void shield generators, subspace engines, and sublight engines are internal organs. The Chaos Space Marines are inflammatory germs that invade the blood vessels. They are fighting hard with the Black Templars and armed sailors as immune cells. The two sides flow back and forth in the blood vessels and repeatedly compete for the ownership of each passage.

Devouring each other's lives.

Fu Qinghai, he is an antibiotic.

He does not engage in tug-of-war-like repeated struggles and trench-war-like defensive defenses. Whenever his figure rushes through a battleship passage, the dirty pathogenic bacteria in the blood vessels of the Chaos Space Marines will shatter and melt away, and the powerful penicillin will Let their fragile cell walls shrink and explode, and then burst one after another into piles of cell fragments clogged in the inner walls of blood vessels. The corpses of the traitors lay staggered all over the passage, and the intestines and organs in the power armor were flowing all over the ground.

Qing Zhihu followed behind and was very busy.

Fu Qinghai was running but suddenly stopped.

Except for the Screaming Mask gang encountered in the bilge area, which had a slightly larger number of people, most of the other Black Legion gang-hopping troops were dispersed into assault teams of five to ten people to fight alone. For an assault team of this size, Fu Qinghai could kill them all in one encounter. But gradually he noticed that the enemy seemed to be avoiding him consciously. How did he do this?

Fu Qinghai leaned over and lifted up the corpse of a Chaos Space Marine with one hand, pulled off his helmet, then took out the miniature communication device from his neck armor and put it to his ear to listen carefully. Listening to the intermittent noise coming from the communication channel, which was still full of static interference, Fu Qinghai was very sure that the enemy would not be able to effectively organize, coordinate and communicate under this situation.

Fu Qinghai suddenly remembered the feeling before.

"Someone just tried to get into your mind."

Freddie's words still ring in his ears.

Psychic means.

Fu Qinghai probably guessed it in his heart.

Someone uses some kind of psychic means to inform other Chaos Space Marines, which can avoid communication interference in the battleship, just like trying to peek into their own hearts before.

"Hmph, will running away solve the problem?"

Fu Qinghai put down the body and muttered to himself.

It's just delaying death.

Fu Qinghai continued climbing along the shaft.

As a result, as soon as they stepped onto the middle deck, they saw a group of Chaos Space Marines in front of them, already in formation and waiting. Their black armor is studded with the brass emblems of their deities, which, along with Cthunian runes and Nagra Kali hieroglyphs, promise blood, souls and skulls in the name of the war god's glory. Displayed on their armor is the Eye of Horus made of dirty gold in the center of the eight-pointed symbol.

A Chaos warband who worship Khorne.

"Aha, I said why can't I find it?"

Fu Qinghai smiled and said:

"It turned out that they were all sitting here waiting for me."

"What the hell are you?"

The leading Chaos Space Marine asked in a deep voice.

This space warrior did not wear a helmet, held a meteor chain hammer, had dark skin and long black hair, and showed a mouth of iron teeth when he opened his mouth to speak.

"I am Abaddon's biological father."

Fu Qinghai spread his paws and said calmly.

"What? Are you Horus!?"

the Chaos Space Marine said in surprise.

He looked suspicious and clearly didn't believe it.

Forgot...only the Chinese love to use ethics to criticize others.

The other party obviously didn't get Fu Qinghai's original intention.

Big talk failure!

"and who are you?"

Fu Qinghai raised his hand and pointed at the other party and asked.

"I am Davarus, former Captain of the 44th Company of the World Eaters Legion, and current leader of the Black Legion Splinter Warband. I heard that you killed Telemanon and his Screaming Mask? A little bit. I mean, let’s see if you can let me play for a little longer, and don’t get torn apart so quickly, hehe.”

The Chaos Space Marine grinned.

After the words fell, the opponent's body suddenly began to mutate violently. Huge blood-red flesh wings stretched out from his back, and a thorn-like horny crown grew and stabbed out from his head... The Chaos Space Warrior turned into a possessed warrior within a second or two. , and this look is still a Khorne enchanted warrior.

"His ha, roar..."

More than thirty Chaos Space Marines behind him began to transform together, embracing and accepting the demon in their bodies wholeheartedly. It turns out that this Chaos warband is composed entirely of possessed warriors! Those possessed warriors who can freely switch between demon state and normal state are usually very powerful beings.

It means they have subdued the demon inside them.

Kayan stood on the bridge with his eyes closed, observing the situation on this deck through Davarus' perception and perspective. It was his idea to summon Davalus through psychic communication to guard the exit of the shaft to intercept the mysterious black-armored warrior. If he didn't do this, Kayan was worried that all the Black Legion gang-hopping teams would be defeated by him one by one and killed. .

"Thirty-two possessed warriors..."

Kayan moved his lips and whispered to himself:

"It should be enough for you."

But Kayan didn't know.

The moment he saw that all the opponents were possessed warriors.

The eight demons in the ghost armor were cheering.

"It's time, Qingshan, to go on a killing spree!"

Varak urged impatiently.

"Kill, I want to kill, I want to kill..."

Even Kayako is longing for it.


Davarus roared and charged forward.

The possessed warrior was on all fours and lunged forward like a wild beast. Scarlet muscles broke through the gaps in the power armor and coiled around his two arms, forming exaggeratedly shaped giant claws. Kneeling on all fours, he kicked the ground and flapped his fleshy wings behind his back. The possessed warrior of Khorne flew into the air and dived to hit Fu Qinghai.

Are you the only one who can fly?

Fu Qinghai unfolded a metal bat wing with a thick frame from his back. The blue energy formed a translucent wing membrane. Then the bat wing suddenly fluttered, and the supernatural power propelled him into the sky and crashed into Davarus. , the enchanted warrior was knocked back halfway through his dive and flew towards the top of the deck.


Fu Qinghai pushed Davarus and hit the pipes and cables on the top, making a loud noise. Both of them were waving their claws vigorously. Davarus slapped the side of Fu Qinghai's face, and Fu Qinghai tilted his head slightly. Fu Qinghai slapped the side of Davarus' face, and half of his face was torn off.


Davarus opened his mouth and roared in pain.

With Fu Qinghai's claw, the left side of the possessed warrior's face was torn off, including the skin, flesh, muscles and bones, as if the entire face had been cut open, including the nose, eyes, bloodshot brain and mouth. All the teeth and tongue inside were exposed, and the look was so miserable.

Not only did Davarus feel heartbroken, but the demon in his body was also suffering simultaneous damage - even higher. The claw just cut off a large piece of the demon's subspace essence, turning it into little bits of light and disappearing. Between the blue and black claw blades. The eight evil spirits were sucking greedily.

Davarus struggled hard to get away, but was horrified to find that he was becoming weaker and weaker. The demon in his body once gave him nearly unlimited recovery capabilities and the terrifying power to overturn tanks, but now these powers are far away from him. The demon grew weaker and weaker in its wailing.

The wings on Fu Qinghai's back continued to flap, one hand pressed the possessed warrior against the ceiling, and the other hand kept tearing and clawing at his flesh. Pieces of armor and minced meat and bones fell from his fingers, but the demon's psychic essence was fully absorbed by the iron claws.

The fleshy wings on Davarus' back and the crown of thorns on his head gradually disappeared. Fu Qinghai raised his hand and tore off his breastplate, then inserted a claw into his chest. The reinforced bone plate was in vain. He took out a heart, crushed it and threw it away, then dug another claw into his chest and tore out the other one. The heart was also pulled out.

Davarus lowered his head and limbs.

He completely died in Fu Qinghai's hands.

Fu Qinghai threw him down casually.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

There were two muffled sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Davarus' corpse was heavily smashed into a group of possessed warriors. Fu Qinghai followed closely and landed steadily. He slowly straightened up and turned to look at the stunned possessed warriors around him. The red light from the eyepiece was as thick as substance.

"Your God of War...does not favor the weak."

Fu Qinghai said with a wicked smile.


The surrounding possessed warriors woke up from the shock and stupor, and rushed forward with roars. Fu Qinghai was instantly overwhelmed by the possessed warriors. A huge hemisphere was stacked in the center of the deck. Countless possessed warriors clung to it with their hands and feet, trying to squeeze into the sphere. Kill this black-armored warrior.

The demon's giant claws easily tore open the power armor and scratched wildly at the Uru metal shell, but not even a scratch was left. The finger claw is a brutal and brutal weapon that does not require much skill. As long as he follows the killing instinct in human genes, Fu Qinghai fights like a primitive beast.

He grabbed the mutated neck of a possessed warrior who stretched out his neck armor, and pulled out a bunch of flesh and blood tissue connected to his throat and trachea. He inserted another claw into the side ribs of a possessed warrior, passed through the internal organs and grasped the opponent's spine, and pulled the entire spine out of the body with a forceful pull back.

The possessed warriors died one after another.

The deaths are all extremely cruel and difficult to look at.

The hemisphere of flesh and blood on the deck grew thinner and thinner.

The bridge of the Vengeful Spirit.

Kayan clutched the countertop in despair.

Putting aside the shortcoming of occasionally going berserk and disobeying orders, Davarus's Insurgency warband is the most powerful force in the Black Legion, and all of them are possessed warriors. Kayan personally participated in the creation of this force. He used mystical techniques to bind demons to wounded Space Marines one by one, and occasionally used Loyalist Space Marine captives.

The souls in psychic perception disappeared one after another.

Davarus and his Insurgency warband.

The entire army has been declared annihilated.

Kayan stood on the bridge with his head lowered and said nothing.

At this moment, he only felt cold all over.

What on earth is that black-armored warrior?

What can be done to stop his killing spree?

"What's wrong with you, Kayan?"

Next to her, Moriana, the prophet of the void, noticed something and turned to look at the Thousand Sons wizard and asked doubtfully.

"Don't you call yourself a prophet? Don't you feel at all what happened on the Eternal Expedition?"

Kayan asked in a hoarse voice and coldly.

"No one can defeat Abaddon."

Moriana looked forward and said confidently:

"He is a warrior blessed by the gods."

Kayan shook his head. Moriana was completely convinced of her prophecy. However, this woman did not see how the black-armored warrior tore apart Telemanon and Davarus, and how they fought separately. help.

Kayan turned his attention to the screen. The space naval battle was still going on, and the gang-hopping was still going on. Compared to this grand battlefield involving more than 70 warships, the battle that took place in the Eternal Crusade was only a local corner. But Kayan could not take it lightly, because the coaches of the two warring parties, Abaddon and Sigismund, were both on that ship. This was a fateful and focused battle.

Kayan closed his eyes gently.

As the most gifted Chaos Sorcerer in the Thousand Sons Legion after Ahriman, Kayon can sense and understand things that others cannot sense at all.

What a terrible war this was. People were dying in the killing every minute and every second. He felt his soul being thrown into the subspace like liquid. He felt panic, confusion, blood madness, bloodlust...all kinds of spirits born out of violent killings finally merged into the country behind reality. He felt the demons' gobbling and wet laughter. He felt the surges and torrents of the celestial winds stirred by the multitude of souls, becoming more and more agitated behind the veil.

He felt one death after another. Those souls that don't know they are dead, those souls that resist in vain but still fall into the mouth of the glutton, those souls that cry out and resist silently but are still torn into pieces by the devil's claws. He felt the demons that would be born after the battle. He felt their love for humans because of this massacre, and their hatred for humans because of their own confinement and restrictions——

No matter how much humans kill.

It's never enough, it will never be enough.

The warp rejoiced with their war.

Kayan had no time to feel sad about this.

He understood that the Black Legion only had one chance.

That mysterious black-armored warrior must be stopped.

Kayan slowly opened his eyes, and he already had a clear understanding in his heart: he wanted to participate in the gang-hopping battle, and he wanted to sacrifice himself to hold off the black-armored warrior in exchange for Abaddon's victory.

"Only I can deal with him."

Kayan muttered under his breath.

Thinking of this, Kayan turned his head and looked behind him. His two loyal men were already standing there.

His alien girl, Nefertari, the Scourge of the Dark Eldar. And his lynx, Nagua, the Chaos Demon.

Just when Kayan had made up his mind.

A voice suddenly sounded in his mind:


Kayan became wary:

"who is it?"

"I am Yin Yun, Yin Yun Kriyas, one of the most powerful All-Change Demon Lords under the Lord of All Changes."

said the voice.

"What are you doing, devil?"

Kayan asked coldly.

"You have to stop Qingshan Khan and stop him from heading to the bridge, otherwise the prophecy will come true."

The Great Demon of Tzeentch said in a deep voice.

"Prophecy? What prophecy?"

Kayon was filled with doubts.

"There's no time to explain. Use your psychic power to tear apart the curtain and let me descend. I'll help you!"

Krias said eagerly.

Kayan's mind was spinning.

Thinking about the words of Tzeentch.

Finally, he nodded gently:



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