Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 653 Sabak VS Seven Deadly Sins

Zhang Yuning has a very eye-catching and eye-catching large arm. From the wrist to the shoulder, it is covered with vivid tattoos of demons and monsters. The Queen of Resentful Spirits harvested souls, and countless reincarnations died in Zhang Yuning's hands. This flower arm can be regarded as a personal symbol of hers. Although she is very beautiful, many reincarnations who are blind to Asian faces recognize her by her striped arms full of ghosts, demons and evil spirits.

But now, because the subspace storm covering the star region has not dissipated, and the eight evil spirits are still bound in the ghost armor, the big flower arm on Zhang Yuning's right hand disappeared and turned back into two white arms.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Yuning asked with cold eyes.

When Ron heard this, he also put down the sushi in his hand and looked up at the table of men and women diagonally opposite. To be fair, Ron thought this girl was pretty good-looking, with a pure and cute girl-next-door style. Compared with Zhang Yuning, who has a sinister and cold temperament like a black poppy flower, which makes ordinary men feel uncontrollable when they see her, this girl has a gentle and sweet temperament, and her tone is not offensive even if her tone is questioning.

"My name is Sugawara Mao, the reincarnation of Amaterasu. As the queen of resentful spirits, you should be used to people coming to seek revenge, right? But this time is a little different. We originally came to Qingshan, and by chance Met you."

The girl put her arms on the back of the chair and tapped her fingers on the table. Her sweet smile was filled with murderous intent.

"Oh, should I wipe his butt instead?"

Zhang Yuning slowly picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth, gently raised the corners of her mouth with a smile and said:

"Amaterasu? I have an impression. He seemed to have mentioned it to me. The ultimate general-purpose humanoid decisive weapon is called this, right? Why didn't you see your ultimate universal humanoid decisive weapon? This reincarnation Didn’t you bring it?”

Sugawara Mao's face suddenly turned cold.

Unit 14 has been destroyed, its head has been exploded by Superman's punch, and its chest has been pierced by the proton scream ray. This is the eternal pain in Mao Sugawara's heart. Zhang Yuning uncovered the scar as soon as she came up, and her mouth was really vicious.

Sugawara Mao thought for a while and hummed:

"Then has he mentioned to you... When I met him in the Monster Movie Universe and the DC Extended Universe, the female companion accompanying him was different every time."

Zhang Yuning slowly put away her smile.

Oh, it's over... Ron thought to himself.

Ron knew that every time Zhang Yuning showed this expression, it meant that she was really angry and would not stop until she caused a supernatural incident with corpses scattered all over the field and rivers of blood flowing.

Sugawara Mao doesn’t intend to give up.

She slowly stood up and said solemnly:

"Although I lost Unit 14, I also gained something else, something more powerful."

The pure and sweet face under the long straight black bangs wrinkled up, and she shouted loudly with a ferocious look on her face:



The five-pointed star outlined by thin flames burned through the clothes on Sugawara Mao's chest, and her figure suddenly elongated and became larger, breaking through the limitations of her original clothes and shoes. Her skin turned as red as hell, and red horns emerged from the hair on her forehead and grew back. The ears became pointed, and there were several dangling gold earrings around the earlobes and auricles. The muscle lines on the upper arm are obvious, and there is a golden armband engraved with runes.

Smoke and dust filled with the strong smell of sulfur filled the restaurant, and all the diners, including the restaurant service staff, were screaming and running away in panic. No one dares to stay and watch the excitement. This is an essential survival quality for living in a superhero universe. Dishes were knocked over, tables and chairs were overturned, and the whole restaurant was in chaos. Only these two groups of reincarnators were left confronting each other.

In the smoke and dust, Sugawara Mao slowly opened her eyes. A pair of golden vertical pupils were so charming and evil that people dared not look directly at them. In the blink of an eye, she went from a flat and slender girl next door who was 1.6 meters tall to a demon queen with big breasts and fat ass who was close to 1.8 meters tall. A few pieces of tattered clothes barely covered her key parts. This is the power of Sabak, the evil Superman of the DC Extended Universe.


Sugawara Mao was suspended in mid-air, and the red arrow tail behind her butt whipped a crisp whip in the air, and a wild smile appeared on her face. She stretched out a long scarlet tongue and licked her lips back and forth. A golden tongue nail on the front of the tongue was shining under the light.

Sugawara Mao raised his head and looked around:

"This restaurant is obviously not a haunted house, and I don't smell any demonic scent in your body... So, where did your power go, Queen of Wraiths?"

Zhang Yuning was still sitting lazily in her seat.

A hollow ball was thrown up and down in his hand.

"you guess?"

Zhang Yuning crushed the ball.

Seven rays of black energy surged out from the broken hollow ball, quickly circled in the air and then penetrated into Zhang Yuning's chest. The woman's eyes widened and her body shook suddenly, as if she was adapting to this sudden energy entering her body. of evil power. Then her appearance also changed drastically.

Her figure was still slender and tall, but a black gauze made of black mist suddenly fell from her shoulders, and the clothes turned into an elegant and luxurious jet black dress composed of shoulder armor, neck armor and robe. Her skull is undergoing violent mutations. Three pairs of black angular horns extend from the top of her head. Two pairs are bent upwards and one pair is bent downwards. These demonic horns are so huge that they resemble a crown.

"huh huh huh huh."

Zhang Yuning looked at the reincarnations of Amaterasu with a sneer. Her eyes became dark, as if she had heavy eye shadow, and a few streams of black liquid dripped down her smooth and flawless cheeks. Zhang Yuning gently raised her palm and pointed at Sugawara Mao. Her nails also became sharp and long, as if they were carved from ink jade.

"Who told you that I lost my power?"

asked a hoarse and deep voice.

"Ha...that's it."

Sugawara Mao spit out a mouthful of hot sulfur smoke and fiercely rushed towards Zhang Yuning:

"No more nonsense, let's just fight!"


Without saying a word, Ron stood up and slapped the table. Dark blue gel poured out of his body. The thin and freckled boy instantly turned into a two-meter-five-meter alien muscular monster, opening a terrifying and bloody mouth full of sharp teeth. He looked up to the sky and roared, then jumped up on all fours and rushed towards the five reincarnations of Amaterasu.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

"Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken!"

"Chen Escape·Multiple Smoke Clone!"

The reincarnations of Amaterasu Kai were also not to be outdone. They jumped up in all directions with the help of their vigorous physical skills, avoiding the fierce bites and scratches of the symbiote. Their finger seals moved like flying, and each used their unique ninjutsu to attack the dark blue muscle giant. .

"Boom - bang!"

Two figures, one red and one black, fought together, smashed the ceiling of the restaurant, made a big hole, and rushed high into the sky, disappearing from everyone's sight.

All that's left is a low-quality plastic doll with orange fur.

Still lying quietly among the tables, chairs and benches.

San Francisco, over Fisherman's Wharf.

Two figures were passing each other quickly. Both of them had the ability to fly, and their speed was so fast that only afterimages were left. Only the continuous ear-splitting sound echoed in the sky, as if a jet plane was flying across the sky at low altitude.

Sabak, the Seven Deadly Sins, are also super villains from the DCEU, are also the mortal enemies of Thunder Shazam, and are also the final BOSS in the movie. Shabak once singled out Black Adam and the four members of the Justice Society without losing. Dr. Sivana, who was possessed by the Seven Deadly Sins, once pinned Shazam to the ground and beat him wildly. So which one of the two is stronger and which one is weaker?

Shabak possesses the power of the six hell demons in the DCEU: Satan, Em, Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus and Kratis. The seven deadly sins are seven more powerful special demons: pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust. Judging from the level alone, one is a demon and the other is a demon. Shabak has completely defeated the seven deadly sins. But it should be noted that Shabak only inherited part of the demon's power, and the seven deadly sins are seven complete demons possessing the body.

So it's hard to say who is stronger.

And here’s a simple math question:

In terms of quantity: 7\u003e6.

Zhang Yuning originally had several ghost kings in her body that were far more powerful than the Seven Deadly Sins, but precisely because these vengeful demons were so powerful, Zhang Yuning needed to use them to check and balance each other to barely maintain a stable balance. So her body did not undergo drastic changes, she just got an extra tattoo on her right arm.

The Seven Deadly Sins are a combination of demons bound together. Zhang Yuning had no way to check and balance each other, so she could only accept and embrace this evil force wholeheartedly, so her body underwent drastic changes under the influence. Fortunately, she is well versed in supernatural and mysterious knowledge and can control this evil force to a certain extent.

Rather than being completely occupied by the seven deadly sins.


Mao Sugawara's hoofs swept across and kicked, and kicked Zhang Yuning out with one kick, and crashed into a building with a "bang". Before the opponent could come out, he immediately rushed into the dark hole in pursuit, but suffered a "crackling" the moment he entered. "A loud slap across the face, sharp black nails carved five lines on her face, and hot red blood flew into the air.

Sugawara Mao's head flew back.

Halfway through the flight, his whole body suddenly stopped.

Sugawara Mao looked back and saw a white arm stretched out from the dark hole. The palm of his hand tightly grasped the end of his tail, and then an irresistible pulling force was transmitted from the position of the tailbone. Sugawara Mao screamed and was pulled back again, swinging in a half circle and hitting the side wall with her head, causing the glass curtain wall to shatter and scatter.


Sugawara Mao roared angrily, stood up from the mess and rushed out of the building again. Zhang Yuning's face was gloomy and cold, and he also flew out of the cave. He raised his hand and touched a twisted steel bar stuck in the devil's horned crown, pulled it off and threw it away. Sugawara Mao suddenly puffed up her heavy and plump chest, and the burning pentagram spurted out a raging pillar of fire towards Zhang Yuning. Zhang Yuning subconsciously raised her arms to block it.


The red flames and black mist offset each other.

Mao Sugawara flew over again and started a close-quarters fight. Every time she punched, a ball of flame exploded at the impact point. It was really like a fist full of fire. Zhang Yuning parried and waited for an opportunity to counterattack. Her attack was also surrounded by black mist, and her cloak and robe were flying in the strong wind.

For Zhang Yuning, this was undoubtedly a hearty battle. In the past, she always hid in pre-constructed haunted houses and waited for victims to come to her door, like a spider that had spun its web and waited for its prey to come to its door. Now she can transform into a demon superman and take the initiative to attack. Just like a tarantula, she no longer has to be limited to the web she spun.

For Mao Sugawara, this is also a hearty battle. She is a qualified person and is the pilot of EVA. In the past, she was always used to hiding in a tether and sitting in the Soul Seat to control a giant mecha to fight. Now she can personally participate in the battle with her own body. This feeling is simply amazing. Don't be too happy, the surging power of the Hell Demon fills your body.

Unfortunately, although the two women have a passion for fighting, they have little fighting experience and no fighting skills. They just rely on their huge strength and extreme speed to fight in a messy manner. You punch me and I kick you, the main punch is to the flesh, and when you are anxious, you even pull the hair and corners, and the fight is evenly matched and it is difficult to separate.


The two of them exchanged punches again.

A circle of ripples appeared in the air.

The two of them each stepped back seven or eight meters. After stabilizing their bodies, Zhang Yuning smiled and said mockingly:

"It's a tongue nail, a navel nail, and an ear bone nail. If you like piercings so much, you must be a masochist who can resist beatings, right?"

"do you know?"

Sugawara Mao was floating in the air and stared at Zhang Yuning, her delicate, plump scarlet tongue tip with a tongue swipe across her upper lip:

"He strangled me to death with one hand. The moment I was completely suffocated, I lost control... Although I don't have the chance to let him feel the same feeling of despair and suffocation today, I can strangle you to death with my own hands, Let you also enjoy this orgasm with suffocating pleasure. You will thank me."

"You are really perverted."

Black mist surrounds Zhang Yuning’s fingers:

"It's a pity that I'm not the one who's going to die today."

The two finished taunting each other and were about to continue fighting.

Suddenly there was a roar in the distant sky.

The two women turned to look together.

I saw a piece of powered armor flying towards this side.

"Iron Man, and War Machine."

Zhang Yuning narrowed her eyes and whispered.

This battle has still alarmed the Avengers. The Avengers headquarters is located in New York. Calculating the time, the superheroes should have almost arrived in San Francisco.

This battle cannot continue.

The two women looked back at each other.


After a cold snort, they separated and flew downwards.

They didn't pay attention to the battle on the ground just now.

Sugawara Mao only thought that a mere symbiote should not be the opponent of her five jounin teammates. However, standing outside the restaurant door, she was stunned - five corpses with wounds all over their bodies were staggered. Among the ruins of Chen's restaurant, there was a body hanging staggering from left to right, and a dark blue muscular monster with scars all over the body stood among the corpses, with its rickety body sticking out a long tongue and panting from exhaustion.

how so? how so?

Five jonin were wiped out by a symbiote?

Even if you can't fight, you can't run away?

Sugawara Mao looked down in shock.

He saw the low-quality plastic doll standing on the corpse of his teammate. He had orange hair, a red and white T-shirt, and blue denim overalls. He held a dark silver folding knife in his small hand. He held out his chest and raised his head with a ferocious face. He was looking at it with a proud look on his face. Hold yourself.


1. I compressed the dynamic picture of Mao Sugawara after her transformation and posted it in the group. Everyone can take a look. It is very popular. It is very popular.

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