Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3274: Fools see with their own eyes

black Knight!

The demigod of the path mastered by the Aurora Club!

At present, there have been traitors in the paths mastered by other churches, but in terms of the true creator, the Aurora Society is indeed the most stable at present.

Because in the listener stage, you will directly hear the whispers of the true creator, which is absolutely impossible for a low-sequence Beyonder to resist.

Under the imperceptible influence, they will become believers of the true Creator.

This is the intelligence and news that he learned after he joined the military and became a Beyonder.

That is to say...

"I haven't been through the listener phase, so don't worry."

After analyzing the characteristics of the three Beyonders, Xu Yue simply explained to Alfred after collecting the Traveler's Beyonder characteristics.

"Mr. Franklin was a shepherd straight out."

Audrey also comforted her brother beside her.

It made Alfred even more terrified.

Why, my sister knows this?

Because Audrey had asked him for extraordinary materials.

So in Alfred's view, Audrey should already be a low-sequence Beyonder.

He actually agreed with this.

Girls, it doesn't matter if you can protect yourself a little more.

In any case, low-sequence Beyonders are not dangerous except for listeners.

But only now did he realize that his sister seemed to be involved in the Beyonder world a little deeper!

"I'm still a member of the Psychology Alchemy Association, and I know a lot of information from some Beyonder gatherings."

Audrey said lightly.

Didn't tell a lie, but made Alfred mistakenly believe that he knew it through the Psychological Alchemy Association.

The Psychology Alchemy Association has not had too many bad deeds at present, and its actions are relatively secretive, so Alfred doesn't care much about his sister joining such an organization.

But even so, he still had a drum in his heart for Instructor Franklin.

If it wasn't for the fact that the three guys in the Aurora Society were turned into Beyonder characteristics, and then he couldn't beat them, he would definitely not believe this.

"Oh, that's the way it is. I have misunderstood Mr. Franklin at the beginning. Please accept my apology. I will make the decision for this transaction, and increase the amount by 30%."

Alfred said with an expression like this, suddenly realized.

"Uh, you really don't have to be so afraid. You can go to the Goddess Church after the incident."

Xu Yue sighed and comforted.

"No, instructor, you misunderstood me, I am sincere, and I believe you."

This is in a hurry to send money, and Xu Yue can't refuse to accept it.

"Since you are so sincere, I don't think it would be good for me not to accept it. Hey, Mr. Alfred is really a good person. This won't embarrass Earl Hall, will it?"

Xu Yue reluctantly signed a new contract.

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult.

"But now that someone wants to deal with my father, I have to remind him."

Alfred hurriedly waved his hand.

Even Jiguang would not dare to say what he would say to his father, only that it was someone.

"Then, send it?"

"No need to send it, no need to send it, let's go by ourselves, the money will arrive soon, your hard-working instructor."

After that, Alfred pulled Audrey and left, and Audrey couldn't help but sigh.

Please, aren't you going to help me collect the shares, aren't you using my money?

Why did it suddenly go up by 30%?

Originally, it was actually quite expensive, and it went up by 30%. You should pay more...


"Audrey, you have just entered the Beyonder world, so you don't know many things.

"The path mastered by the Aurora Club has never seen a traitor."

After coming out, Alfred, who got into the carriage, said to Audrey seriously.

"Hey, go to Evernight Church."

Audrey also knew her brother's cautiousness and panic. At this time, Anan's heart was better.

Before, he still prayed in his heart and contacted Mr. Fool, Mr. Gay Lover had spread the word.

Regarding the matter of going to the Church of Evernight for verification, Mr. Lover agreed.

There must be no problem with identity.

In fact, at the very beginning, Mr. Lover showed the way of the shepherd at the Tarot Club.

Good guy, the Aurora Society did join, but it directly turned the Aurora Society into a charitable organization.

Who's to make sense of this?

Seeing Audrey so calm, Alfred was also stunned.

But the first thing to do now is to go to the Church of Evernight.

Whether it's arranging for a master to protect his father or something about Instructor Franklin...

And when the carriage came to the church, before they could enter, a figure appeared in front of the two of them.

It was Leonard.

Now the biggest trouble of the grandfather in the body is gone. Although it has been downgraded to Sequence 2, the small days are more nourishing.

Even Leonard's mood improved a lot.

"Archbishop Anthony asked me to invite the two over."

Without waiting for Alfred to speak, Leonard indicated his intention.

This also calmed Alfred's heart.

The archbishop met in person, it should be safe, and the father also has a whereabouts.

Entering the church and coming to the back, I saw that Anthony was praying in front of the goddess statue with his own terrifying aura.

It was only after the two entered that he turned around.

As the terrifying bishop of Dark Path Sequence 3, Anthony is actually not suitable to meet believers in person.

But this matter, he still let the two come directly.

"I already know your intentions.

"I got the oracle of the goddess, I don't need to ask about that gentleman, and I don't need to intervene, just let it flow."

As the archbishop of Backlund Diocese, the saint of Sequence 3, Anthony actually used 'that gentleman' to describe Instructor Franklin, which really shocked Alfred's eyes.

Even Audrey, who came all the way, did not expect such an answer.

But soon, Audrey thought of Mister Fool again.

Perhaps because of Mr. Fool, the goddess also raised the status of Mr. Lover.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Mister Fool seems to be an ally with the goddess.

This actually made Audrey very happy, because it didn't require her to make any difficult choices.

"Praise the goddess."

Having said that, of course Alfred can only draw a crimson moon on his chest.

Without waiting for him to continue speaking, Archbishop Anthony said

"As for Earl Hall, I will visit in person.

"The goddess will not let her most important followers die in darkness."

In fact, when it comes to assassination, in theory, the goddess of the night is the real bearer...


On the other side, because of Audrey's prayers, Klein, who had watched the entire incident, put his hands in his mouth on top of the Origin Castle.

An increase of 30%! It's that simple to increase the price by 30%.

However, I can't get the money myself!

My God, it is impossible to heal your wounded heart without ten meals!


Two more...

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