Infinite Replacement

Vol 9 Chapter 42: Please help me find the ghost

The breathing method used by the swordsmen of the ghost killing team is to strengthen the heart and lung functions. The principle is that through the use of breathing method, the blood "liquid" can take in more oxygen, achieving the effect of instantly increasing the body's ability.

But pranayama is more than just this effect.

When using the breathing method, it can also naturally make the consciousness focus on a certain part of the body.

For example, when consciousness is prioritized to the feet, a large amount of oxygen will be preferentially delivered to the muscles of the feet. At this time, this person will show extraordinary speed.

Shan Yi's thunder breathing method is like this.

This has considerable benefits...After all, the amount of oxygen taken at one time is limited. Instead of dispersing it throughout the body to make the whole body slightly improved, it is better to concentrate the oxygen in one place to greatly increase the muscle capacity there.

Shan Yi's speed is higher than the ghosts he has seen so far!

This is the magic weapon he can win.

However, this alone is not enough for ghosts of the twelve ghost month level. What can further increase the strength is the full concentration breathing method.

Compared with the ordinary breathing method, the breathing is increased further and more oxygen is taken in.

This is like taking a deep breath to the extreme. Even the swordsmen of the ghost killing team will feel that their lungs are about to burst when using the full concentration breathing method. Ordinary swordsmen feel painful when they use it. They usually only use it once when they need to decide the victory or defeat...that is, take a ‘deep breath’... to reduce the burden on the body.

Similarly, the full concentration breathing method is not just an enhanced version of the breathing method.

The true full concentration breathing method requires swordsmen to have a comprehensive grasp of the body's muscles and blood vessels. In this way, you can focus your consciousness somewhere at any time, or in other words, transport the inhaled oxygen to somewhere.

Make wherever you want to be strong.

When confronting a ghost, you can instantly increase your speed; when you get to the ghost’s side, you can immediately switch to increasing the strength of your arms to facilitate the killing of the ghost; when you are under the attack of the ghost, you can also make the muscles in the attacked area. Strength increases to resist injury.

Even if the inhaled oxygen is limited, if used in the above manner, the swordsman's speed, strength, and defense can be greatly improved, and the overall strength can be increased by a large extent.

Jingyu mentioned the complete concentration-Changzhong, it is to let the swordsman have such physical ability at any time.

After hearing aid, Ino was very excited and started training immediately. He still wears a wild boar hood, and vigorously expands his chest to inhale more oxygen. This first attempt ended when he over inhaled and caused a cough.

But he didn't give up, and immediately tried again... After several times, he stopped unbearably and started breathing violently. However, I will still try.

Jingyu faces Shanyi.

Shan Yi tightened and smiled strongly: "Jing, Jingyu, didn't you say that you only start if you want to start? I don't want to do it yet."

Jingyu raised his index finger and said, "Inosuke, I heard that if you chase people while using full breath, the effect will be better!" He pointed at Zenyi.


"Fake it! Don't listen to everything!"

Inosuke immediately looked at Zenyi. And Shan Yi, clearly aware of Jingyu's "treacherous" plan, yelled. However, Inosuke, who was eager to become stronger, couldn't listen to Zenizu's words, and the wild boar stared at Zenizu.

It looked like a beast, and Shanyi shivered in Lingling.

He slowly backed away nervously, "It's fake, it's ineffective." He still wanted to try to persuade him, but after Inosuke rushed over, he could only run away.

The two started chasing and fleeing around the open space.

At this moment, it wasn't just a few of them, the hidden team members also came here, dealing with the traces of the house. The corpse needs to be moved out for burial, and the traces of fighting that exceed human common sense should also be eliminated.

I saw the whole process of Inosuke's pursuit of Zenyi, and saw Zenyi's crying appearance.

The three siblings and the hidden players all looked at Jingyu carefully.

"It's a ghost..."

It's definitely not a real ghost, but undoubtedly, that wicked feeling has reached the level of a ghost.

Soon after, Jingyu's Bully came back, spit out a sachet and gave it to Qing.

The sachet itself is scented with vine flowers, but the sachet stained with the crow's stomach "juice" still has no effect... Youdouzi is really worried.

Jingyu comforted her and said: "It doesn't matter, vines and flowers are easy to find. A sachet itself will not last long. As long as it holds the present, afterwards, when they are home, they can find it by themselves."

He faces the direction of the three siblings.

"This wood is safe now. While it is still dark, go home quickly. Remember that in the future, the safer it is under the sun. At night, light an incense burner with vine flowers at home. , Don’t be afraid of ghost attacks.”

They already know that there are ghosts in this world. From now on, will they tremble at night? Jingyu taught them the method.

The three brothers were really relieved. After thanking him together, Huizi and Zhengyi helped Qing and walked out of the woods.

A hidden team member came to Jingyu, "Um, those three children, don't we really need to send them?"

Jingyu smiled slightly, "Don't worry, they have become very strong after experiencing today's things. It's just going home. Isn't it more difficult than facing ghosts? Go take care of your own affairs."

After hearing these words, Yin's team members nodded relievedly, said "Excuse me", and returned to work.

When the little sparrow came back, the sky was already "color".

It tweeted and yelled for a long time, expressing the information it carried.

Nidouzi was stunned to hear, but saw that whether it was Jingyu, Zenyi, or even Inosuke, they nodded or were surprised.

‘The abilities of the swordsmen are really weird...but they are enviable. ’

She also wanted to communicate with that cute little sparrow.

"Anyway," Jingyu specifically said to her after listening to everything, "There is a three-day break. Let's go back home. For the first three days, we will practice on Mount Sawu. After the task comes, we will start from Go there..."

When it came to this, the hidden players came to say goodbye to them. The house has been cleaned up, whether it is handed over to the ghost's human relatives or given to humans in need.

Jingyu suddenly thought of something and called Yin the leader of the team.

"Help me send a message to your leader and tell her that I want to find the ghost of the sixth part."

"Ten, Twelve Ghost Moon?" The'leader of the team' seemed frightened.

Even the sixth of the last quarter, which is the last seat of the twelve ghost moon, is not comparable to ordinary ghosts.

Jingyu smiled and said, "Please try her best to find it. I find it, I'm useful."

He faced Zenizu and Inosuke.

Shanyi shivered violently, and his unpleasant premonition reached its peak, "Ah, when I think about it, I have to go back and see Grandpa." He turned around, but was caught by Jingyu when he wanted to escape. The back collar.

After that, in the sympathetic gaze of many hidden members, Jingyu was knocked out and dragged away........

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