Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 117: speech

Celine looked at the two girls who made the decision. For a moment, did she feel old?

Cough, of course, this does not refer to age, but in mentality, I don't know when I have lost their adventure and struggle.

‘Maybe I’m too aware of the reality of this world, so I gave up my dream prematurely. She thought to herself, but it didn’t matter anymore. Now, she just didn't want to see the two spirits disappear from them, even if they would face danger.

It's so valuable!

Someone must know and understand.

No, it must be seen by everyone else-look at how beautiful there is in this dirty world.

What Celine was able to do was to ensure their safety to the maximum and not to wait for the order of Her Royal Highness, or the instructions of Noriega, Celine began to contact. Her voice sounded extremely loud.

"I’m Celine Bakhtiar. Hey, yes, that matter is already known by Her Royal Highness. That’s why I contacted you for that matter. In another half hour, Her Royal Highness, the adjutant of the Dragon Division, will The association made a major speech. Yes, the adjutant is a Zhengqipin federal official. She has obtained the official authorization of your military commander. If you can, please pass this news to the people of the country. At the same time, you are welcome to record on site."

The target of contact is an unofficial TV station with the most influence in the dominion, but this is not enough. After Celine hung up the communication, she called another one. This process continued for a while. As the princess, she had enough information stored in the communicator.

Marina and Noriega were attracted by this voice, turned their heads to see her, and saw that she was facing the two of them, still with a serious face, ignoring the eyes of the two, and seemed a bit stereotyped.

But at the moment, both girls smiled.

After Celine's contact began, all official and unofficial TV stations and radio channels of Azadistan will broadcast the princesses and representatives of the Dragon Army Division, and will jointly make temporary announcements of major speeches.

Time has been fixed, and the citizens, whether they are conservatives or reformers, have begun to pay attention.

It's only half an hour. It's very short, and everyone can wait for it, maybe not too anxious.

However, this should actually be the most anxious and busy half an hour! The domestic and foreign embassies in Azadistan dispatched interview vehicles and helicopters to gather at the palace. Some of the people were also around the palace, and it was completely boiling.

Fifteen minutes later, the entire royal guard mobilized and came outside the main entrance of the royal palace, separating the gathered people from the reporters on both sides, leaving a central avenue. The door of the palace opened, and a bright convertible car slowly drove out. Above it, several microphones for amplification were erected. Two young girls stood side by side.

As soon as they saw them, the reporters began to crowd forward, trying to occupy the best location for interviewing and filming; in the area where the people were concentrated, some people shouted His Highness Marina, and others screamed, and the two sides had another quarrel and the fighting scene was chaotic. Too.

In this case, someone secretly shot and killed the girls in the car, and no one could stop it. Therefore, some people who know the girls are worried about this.

For the first time, Noriega faced so many camera flashes, and he could only face the front stiffly, even for a while, he heard nothing and thought nothing about his brain.

This also made her more anxious. If she needs to speak for a while, she can't say anything, and if the plan cannot go on, everything will be over.

At this moment, the sound of the microphone was triggered by the loud sound, disturbed at close range, and pulled her back to God.

She looked at Marina first, wondering what the princess couldn't help doing?

As you can see, the latter also looked straight ahead, but unlike her, Marina was not nervous. On that exquisite face, there is no joy or sorrow; blue eyes, some of the goals must be carried out! Marina's momentum momentarily suppressed Noriega, making her forget the tension.

Then she heard the verbal abuse.

Noriega's eyes widened in surprise, looking back and forth to the crowd. Under the illumination of the searchlight, the strange faces were filled with anger and resentment, as if looking at the enemy.

Why is this happening?

She knew she shouldn't be surprised, but anger also brewed in her heart.

Do you know what you are doing? The person you are hostile to is willing to give everything for you, do you know how much harm you have caused her?

Noriega glanced at Marina again, so are you, why should you endure such injustice?

Marina can bear it, and Noriega can't help it. She leaned forward and shouted her thoughts loudly and forcefully to the crowd. Marina grabbed her by the hand and shook her head slightly in her blue eyes as she looked over. There is a pleading.

damn it! Noriega looked up, hoping that this would restrain the heat that suddenly poured into his eyes

The car moved slowly along the straight road. The initial restlessness of the media also subsided after learning what was going on. Just like a crowd, there is no organization on both sides of the car following the car and running, and a huge crowd has formed here.

It can be said that this is also Celine's adventure, created for the girls, not to be suddenly attacked by the army.

There are thousands of troops from the rebellion of Zeil, many of which are tanks and armored vehicles. As they approached the edge of the city, there were naturally conservatives who contacted them, and told the princess and the representative of the dragon division, and told them the speeches and even the follow-up. Things to go here.

The commander of this army decided to lead a few officers who had a certain position among the conservatives and drove them up.

The two sides encountered another straight road and stopped each other when they were nearly 100 meters apart.

The media began to separate themselves, and Marina took a deep breath and raised her right hand to make an oath:

"I, Marina Ismail, the first queen of Azadistan, declares here: within three days, Masd Rafmat will be rescued and returned to the conservatives. If this promise cannot be fulfilled, he will lead The royal family left Azadistan and never stepped in again."

The microphone's loudspeaker transmits this sound to everyone on the scene


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