Infinite Sims

Chapter 116: The provocation of the weak

"Fried biscuits, delicious biscuits."

"Freshly baked cage cake, take a look at it."

"Flax porridge..."

In the early morning, the streets are full of all kinds of hawking, and the aroma of various foods wafts in the air, which greatly increases the appetite of pedestrians.

"In the world, aesthetic food cannot be disappointed."

Jiang Ren was walking on this street full of food. His clothes had been changed to a plain gray coarse cloth, with a guqin on his back, and his body was hidden in the piano.

Under the rule of the Immortal League, except for the officials.

The rest were not allowed to wear a sword, even a black broken sword, so they had to disguise.


The strong breath of life and the fragrant food aroused the desire to eat that Jiang Ren hadn't given birth to for a long time.

"In the past few days, I have been on my way, just using my spiritual power to maintain this body. I haven't eaten anything. Now that I'm here, let's try it."

Jiang Ren decided to rest here.

Considering that I have experienced three lives in this world, the time span is more than 400 years, and the total time has been more than 100 years, but I have never tasted the food of this world. I have to say that it is a small regret.

Now, I can finally make up for it.

"This restaurant should be good."

Jiang Ren stopped and looked at the two-story restaurant beside him.

The appearance of the restaurant and the door are quite exquisite, and the people who enter and leave are all dressed up, and you can faintly smell the food aroma that comes from it, which is more attractive than the outside world.

"Guest officer!"

As soon as I walked into the restaurant, a shopkeeper greeted him with a smile: "Are you one or a few? Do you like private rooms, lounges, or the lobby?"

As the second person in a large restaurant, in order not to offend some guest officials who like to pretend to be pigs and tigers, they usually have good eyesight.

The guests in front of them are dressed in ordinary clothes, carrying a cheap Guqin on their backs. The overall appearance is very poor, but the aura of confidence on the face is exuding from the inside out.

Know without thinking.

This must be the elder of some big family, his head was pinched by the door, and he was deliberately dressed like this, playing tricks on some people who don't have long eyes.

The shop Xiaoer was thinking about it when he saw an ingot of silver being thrown over, and quickly reached out to catch it.

"One person, elegant seat."

After throwing out the silver, Jiang Ren said casually, "I have served all the good wine and food, and the rest is your reward."

For him, money is the most useless thing, and he doesn't care how much he spends.

Moreover, when he was in the land of absolute immortality, he searched at least nearly a thousand storage bags, many of which could not be bought with gold, even if the meal was expensive.

"Okay, guest officer, please go upstairs."

The shop Xiaoer received the money, was ecstatic, with a more respectful attitude, and led Jiang Ren to the second floor.

The image of Jiang Ren in his mind has changed from a rich man whose head is pinched by the door to a kind and charitable rich man whose head is pinched by the door.

Jiang Ren sat down in an elegant seat by the window.

I don't know if this restaurant is relatively high-end, so the dishes are served faster, or the ten taels of silver just now played a role, and a table full of dishes quickly arrived on the table.

Since it is early in the morning, most of them are early, and there are also a small number of delicious dishes, and a pot of good wine that is said to have been hidden for several years.

"This presentation is not weaker than the master world, and it is more authentic."

Jiang Ren couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

This is similar to the ancient world of the main world.

Many cultural heritages are similar to the main world, and these early dishes are more than authentic. This is how it was originally done.

Jiang Ren ate a few breakfasts and was a little satisfied.

Although the materials are not as rich as the main world, the taste is not as diverse as the main world, but with the chef's superb skills, the original taste of the food is maximized, and there is still a special flavor.

Not to mention, he hasn't tasted food for a hundred years.

Where you eat, you usually hear a variety of information, including but not limited to recent events, government policies, personal grievances, etc.

Among them, there may be things related to oneself.

So in the process of enjoying the food, Jiang Ren let out his spiritual consciousness.

On the same floor, the first floor below, or on the road outside the building, the sound of walking can be heard clearly, whether it is talking or chopping vegetables.

Among them, most of them are useless information.

In the inner box on the same floor, several young voices were talking quietly.

Commenting on the policies of the Immortal League, expressing dissatisfaction with the people of the Immortal League, and even denounced the lord of the Immortal League as a demons, bluntly saying that only the collapse of the Immortal League can be exchanged for a bright future.

"No dust."

Jiang Ren thought of the name of the lord of the immortal alliance and sighed softly.

He had never thought that Wuchen, who chose to join the world in order to save people and the country, would become the lord of the immortal alliance now covering the sky with one hand.

And this world has taken off from one extreme to the other.

Under the rule of Xianmeng, the impact of natural disasters has been greatly reduced, and there are few people who starve to death due to reduced food production.

The relatives of the emperor and the landlord and merchants who used to be domineering, now they can only behave with their tails between their tails. The scale has been reduced a lot, and many of them have simply disappeared.

But this does not mean that the lives of the common people below are better.

Under the prosperous surface, there is a world that is worse and more authoritarian than the original dynasty era.

From small towns to large cities, the administrators of the immortal alliance who have been assigned are like the emperors of the earth, in charge of all the affairs under the rule, and power has almost no boundaries.

Good and evil, good and bad, are between their thoughts.

In this era, the common people, apart from seldom starving to death caused by famine, experienced even more injustice than before.

"The perfect world is just a fantasy."

Jiang Ren felt a little bit in his heart.

There is no killing, hatred, conflict, a completely fair world, it is almost impossible to exist.

Because the managers and law enforcers are both human beings, and as long as they are human, there will be desires, there will be injustices if there are desires, and all kinds of unexpected things will happen.

If you say when, a perfect world will really appear.

Unless it is the intellectual brain in certain science fiction works, only when they take over the entire world can they truly be absolutely fair in a certain sense.

"This kid has gone astray."

Jiang Ren shook his head, and once again devoted his attention to the food on the table.

At this moment.

A group of uninvited guests walked into the restaurant.

This is a couple of chasers with swords and uniforms on their waists.

"Master, why are you free today?"

The shopkeeper who had been after the counter saw the account, and quickly greeted it with a smile.

The background of the restaurant is deep, and he is not afraid of catching up quickly, but the king is so troublesome for the little ones, and offending them is not good for him.

"Post this wanted order in a prominent place."

The leading arrester quickly took out a rolled-up wanted warrant and said: "This person is offering a middle-grade spirit stone as a reward, regardless of life or death, as long as it is brought to our government. Those who provide important clues can also get the lowest price. A reward from one spiritual stone to a maximum of fifty spiritual stones."

"A medium-grade spirit stone!"

Just after serving a table of guests, he came to the shop Xiaoer at the door and couldn't help but open his mouth.

Since the immortal League ruled the world, monks were no longer something that only existed in legends, and spiritual stones, which were also very important to monks, became currency many times more precious than gold and silver.

Even if it is an ordinary spirit stone, the price is more than a hundred taels of gold, and there is still no market.

Not to mention, it is a middle-grade spirit stone.

A medium-grade spirit stone, according to the aura content in it, is approximately equal to one hundred to one hundred and ten ordinary spirit stones.

Just hearing this number is enough to cause everyone to breathe.

To catch and kill the people on the wanted list, Xiao Er can't even think about it, but if he can provide a clue, even if he gets the reward of the lowest spiritual stone, it is enough to buy a good courtyard and marry two flowers. Beautiful wives and concubines live the lives of those old men.

"This person is extremely vicious."

After the hunter handed the paper with the wanted order to the shopkeeper, he added: "There are thousands of lives in his hands, including the life of a monk. If you see it, you must not conflict with it, because the first time Notify me and others in the government."

"Okay, let's go slowly."

The shopkeeper caught the wanted order and pulled the paper away.

The wanted order is a middle-aged man who is not surprisingly looking, skinny, and the following text succinctly summarizes his name, what he committed, and the jealous reward.

When the shopkeeper was just about to let the shop Xiaoer next to him take the tools and stick the wanted order outside the door, he saw the shop Xiaoer staring at the wanted order with wide-eyed eyes, with an incredible expression on his face.

"What are you in a daze, don't hurry up to get tools."

The shopkeeper's face sank, and he scolded.

"No, it's not."

Xiao Er shook his head, his face pale: "I, I seem to have seen this person."

The voice just fell.

The catchers who had just walked out of the gate stopped one after another, their eyes like bells staring at the shop Xiaoer.

"It seems that I can't enjoy the food slowly."

Upstairs, Jiang Ren showed a faint smile.

He didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, but if he wanted to restore his sword, he needed a lot of soul.

In this world controlled by the Immortal League, mass deaths are almost impossible, and there is no legal way to harvest souls.

Not to mention.

The spiritual power provided by ordinary people's souls is too weak, and although it is not at a loss, the typical thing is that there are more things and less spiritual power.

Therefore, the best way is to let people come to the door.

Then he had to kill them in order to protect himself.

When Jiang Ren entered this town, he slightly distorted his face with magic tricks, which made others see it unrealistically, and he did not cancel it until he entered the restaurant.

This was the moment I was waiting for, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.

"I hope that those who come will not be too weak."

Jiang Ren waited patiently.

Less than a stick of incense time.

Several monks with great spiritual power came to the restaurant, and the streets outside were also blocked by arresters and soldiers, unable to enter or leave.

tread! tread! tread!

Undisguised footsteps went from the first floor to the second floor.

Those were several monks with arrogant expressions. They scanned the second floor and finally turned their eyes on Jiang Ren. Then go straight to where he is.

"Aren't they the deacons of the government office?"

When a blue-clothed student saw those people, he couldn't help being stunned: "What are they going to do?"

The man in white clothes at the table with him made a silent expression, pointed to Jiang Ren who seemed to be unresponsive to the outside world in the distance, and whispered, "Can't you see it? Several deacons should have come to trouble that person. ."

"He can offend several deacons at the same time, that dear fellow is also terrible, but he will be miserable next, and it is estimated that he will have peeling skin if he does not die."

Upon hearing this, the scholar in blue couldn't help but sweat for Jiang Ren.

The man in white has a different view: "Not necessarily."

Ordinary people have offended several immortal league law enforcement officers at the same time, and it is true that they do not know how to die.

But the weird man with a guqin, facing the law enforcement officers who were going aggressively towards him, seemed to have not seen it, still enjoying the food.

Such people are either big-hearted or confident.

The white-clothed man couldn't help guessing in his heart, could it be that his relatives and friends are in high positions in the fairy league?


Several deacons surrounded Jiang Ren in groups and called out a set of magical instruments that were ready to go, and looked at Jiang Ren condescendingly.

"Fang! Shou! Faith!"

Wu Ji, the leader, stood out and read word by word.

Although they are all in the Qi Refining Realm, they have sufficient self-confidence in this arrest.

The murderer's record seemed cruel, but the only thing that made them admire was the seventh-level Qi training monk, but the monk was old and weak, and even if his realm was similar to them, his strength was not comparable to any of them.

In this way, the murderer who defeated the monk would naturally not be in their eyes.

Needless to say, this time they were arrested by several people.

Even if this murderer has three heads and six arms, even some guessed magic repairs, they will certainly not escape their palms.

"Since it's here, why not sit down and eat together."

Jiang Ren put down the wine glass, said casually to them, and then lowered his head to pick up a piece of cake and put it in his mouth.

The action of chewing and swallowing seemed unprepared.

"So, do you admit that you are Fang Shouxin?"

Wu Ji asked, and raised his hand to stop the few people beside him who wanted to do it.

Jiang Ren shrugged: "Didn't you have confirmed it?"

"You are so I ask you."

Wu Ji stepped on the bench next to him and asked unceremoniously: "Then more than 1,300 people in Heishui Town died by your hands?"

Jiang Ren, who had just swallowed a piece of cake and his mouth was full, couldn't speak, so he nodded.

Wu Ji asked again: "The deacon of Heishui Town, also died by your hands?"

Jiang Ren nodded again, swallowed the pastry, and said, "It's almost done. I'm inviting you to sit down for a meal, not to play a quiz game."


Wu Ji looked at the non-spirited food on the table, he was immediately happy, and said contemptuously: "I thought you were so capable, and I didn't want to be the waste of taking ordinary grains!"


Immediately afterwards, his foot on the stool raised again and stepped heavily on the table.

Under his deliberate control, the pastries and dishes on the top were scattered, and a piece of pastry rolled from the table and fell onto Jiang Ren's lap.

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