Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 127: Shattered

The sun has risen, but has not experienced the dawn of dawn.

Lead-gray sky, the ashes fluttered like snow, and scarlet electric snakes flew high in the sky from time to time.

"The Grand Duke!"


"Chief!" ...

Where Hermione has been, people salute one after another, whatever their name is.

All right, Chief War Witch of Wiesengama, Grand Duchess of the Highlands, Secretary General of the International Federation of Magic ...

Hermione's current position is more than the titles printed on business cards by the scammers.

The destruction of civilization, this is the last place where order still exists, and at least justice is still functioning normally.

As the situation worsens, Hermione's daily work and life content is very much like a butcher-type dictator.

More than two hundred people who break the law are waiting for the final sentence.

Hermione received the report, which briefly listed the identity information and crimes of these criminals. It mainly hurts others and eats people. The youngest is only 15 years old.

Spot-checked the names of several of them and looked at them separately. Hermione determined they were guilty.

She is now a verdict, representing justice. Not only because of power, but also because she is a supreme mage and psionicist like Kane.

She has super memory since she was a child, but this is just her superficial talent. When the strength is increased to a certain level, the deep talent, or the original talent, is called the spiritual spark, which makes her go further than Kane on the path of the psionicist.

It is precisely because of this talent that she can take over the blood worm group after Kane's death, regardless of the cost, to support the completion of Kane's voyage plan made during her lifetime.

Closed the report and handed it to the official. Hermione said blankly: "Implement the sentence as usual."

The official saluted her, turned around and issued an order: "Bouncing, hypnosis."

Own mechanics and wizards come forward to operate, move neatly and move in clouds and water.

Hermione ignored the cry of the punishment, and went to the office.

In front of the office, black kneeling on the ground.

Facing Hermione's questioning gaze, a staff member of the Office stepped forward with an embarrassed face and explained: "Kneeled all night."

Hermione said blankly: "What is the reason?"

Talked inwardly.

"Princess, please, give us a chance, the child is innocent."

Hermione stopped and turned to look at the speaker.

The falling ashes had buried them halfway, and they were already haggard, becoming more and more embarrassed.

"We don't ask ourselves to be forgiven, we only ask for a chance for the child." The old man choked with tears.

Hermione's calm tone implied a blade-like coldness: "I give you the opportunity, how can I be worthy of hundreds of millions of lost parents in this world?"

A woman beside the old man cried emotionally: "How did we know that this would be the case?"

"You really don't know. You are just coveting wealth and being greedy, until the eve of the battle of the temple is still making trouble. For you and your family, I have no mercy here, accept the end of the genocide, and go to the last moment.

After speaking, Hermione entered the office steadily, and the guards wearing masks and live ammunition blocked the entrance like a human wall.

Just one night, it has accumulated a lot of documents that need to be processed.

Bad news, bad news, every decision is to kill, there is no good choice, only the worst. Even with a tenacious mind, making such decisions still feels terrible.

Hermione remembered Kane again.

Ruthless Kane.

The executioner Kane.

Careless Kane.

Dark Kane.

Inhuman Kane ...

People gave Kane a lot of negative titles, that is, he refused to mention that it was a choice made in a natural background.

Can only move forward. Someone must come out to do this, take this responsibility, and clean up the mess that has been scourge.

Not many people, and not many people are willing to try to understand the difficulty of making decisions in the torture of the soul.

People choose to follow those who can only boast, and defeat the one who works hard.

It's easy to talk, everyone is a critic. Do? Do more and more wrong, not good.

"Madam, the last batch of tinder has been boarded."

Catherine's report interrupted Hermione's thinking.

Hermione closed the document in front of her and got up and walked out.

"Notify Sabre Wing, all fighter planes will take off. The announcement will continue without interruption and will ignite and lift off after a quarter of an hour."


Catherine stopped talking.

Hermione smiled: "I am not interested in moving forward. The only thing I want to do now is to go to Kane for a salary."

Catherine nodded and conveyed the order.

Wait for Catherine to come back again and bring back the new bad news: "The Duke of Holy Stone is killed in battle. Level 12 evil units appeared on the battlefield, and the defense line was finally broken.

"All the people distribute weapons, and the magic cannon fires without any difference."

In the air, the last fighter wing of human beings confronted with the vast flying monsters, the light shining, from time to time there were blood and water fragments and fighter fragments scattered like rain.

The earth shook, and the huge air-to-sky ship flew straight toward the sky under the propulsion of 36 power rockets.

"Order the Sabre Team to rely on the endless number, and the thunder tide will count down for five minutes."

After a few minutes, from the air, the entire land where Nozawa Garden is located turned into a sea of ​​lightning. After a short period of accumulation, a dense fork-like lightning was launched into the air, just like a large thunderstorm environment, making countless flying strange Coke and fly ash.

However, farther away, we can see that more flying monsters are still coming from the ground like stocks.

"Madam, the Sabre Wing sent a farewell call, and the Wing will fight at high altitude until the blood spills into the sky."

Hermione's expression changed, and nodded, saying nothing.

Most of the members of the Sabre United are her Hogwarts classmates of that year, including Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom and so on.

Family and friends, when the people they are familiar with leave, and never see again, there will be a peculiar feeling, as if part of your memory has also disappeared or lost its color.

‘Boom! ’

The peculiar cracked sound seemed to break a thick string.

This sound is not in the ear, but in the heart.

It can only be felt with intuition. The stronger the inspiration, the clearer the feeling.

Hermione knew that it was the final sound of protection collapse.

It is a high-end defense system, which is an experimental protection system built by Kane by absorbing the knowledge of Hasta's incarnation Oleo, combined with his own knowledge.

However, the enemy will lose the spirit of dripping through the stone after a long stay, and it will be destroyed.

At the same time, this means that all the guards were killed. After all, the significance of their going out to fight is actually to guard the key active nodes.

"Ah!" Hermione sighed softly. There are so many pity that she couldn't sigh too much.

The Guard Group did not grow up at all, and the final protection was also an unfinished product, as well as the magic fighters they drove.

Time, and Kane. Without these two, the strength of the human side is getting worse.

There is nothing to support the war at all. Each other is not a system at all. No matter whether it is an artifact or an occupied area, it cannot be used by humans because of pollution.

In the later period, it is entirely through the consumption of the thirst-quenching thirst that consumes the little legacy ~ ~ until the civilization and tinder leave by boat.

There is a transparent film burning in the sky, corroding and spreading. The edges glow and fire, from mottled to eroded, revealing the appearance of the real world.

It is a scene that can make a person who is not determined just to glance at it and collapse in despair.

The heavy cloud of lead is actually an ocean of tentacles, like a super nightmare version of the devil's vine, wriggling, with a greasy light.

And the scarlet thunder that was shining from time to time is actually a whip lash of tentacles. Because it has not been able to break through the final protection before, from the inside, it is the energy perspective and the display of the strength of the hit.

And the flake-like ashes are true. The toxic sticky droplets dripping from the tentacle ocean fall behind and are burned through the final protective layer to form the ashes.

Now without protection, these mucus will be like acid rain, which makes people feel the discomfort of standing under the mouth of evil monsters and suffering their saliva.

The land of the earth is so polluted, here is the last piece.

Hermione looked at Catherine: "Choose the warrior's curtain call, or do you want to escape with me?"

"Run away?"

"Leave this world and go back to October 20, 1990, before the future invader Wiesengamo trial."

"You still have sand of time?"

"Although Kane died in battle, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, he chose to collect the sand that was lost after the hourglass was damaged. That is one of the main motives of the battle of the desert temple."

"It is precisely because the future people cross the event that caused Kane to decide to gather the sands of the time, and opened the prelude to the battle in advance?" Catherine became Kane's guard, it was already a little late, and many things have been until now. not sure……

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