Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1419: Cybertron

For Azeroth, a special world that has long been blacked out by the ancient gods, let alone six natural sanctuary, sixty are just superficial things.

From ordinary dung eggs to donkey dung eggs, the face is smooth.

How does this work?

I'm not the one of Blizzard, I need to dig a deeper black hole in order to let more people into the hole. I don't need all commas, but full stops, because the dust settles and it feels so cool. Then throw it aside like other fresh toys. This is the basic card of the Creator, and there is no shortage of toys.

As a result, Azeroth was full of darkness and filth, and it became Kane's cleanup target.

Without your own guidance, no detailed coordinates?

When the goal is a huge whole, not a certain part, and there are enough resources to squander, these are not problems.

The Great River of Revenant represents the flow of the universe, and it is now more than enough to target a planet or a world.

Flushing is like flushing a trench with a high-pressure water hose.

Too rough? Will it cause damage?

whatever. The illusion of Azeroth as a sweet girl can't deny the fact that beautiful women will fart and burp and smell, and shit-urine is also very stinky. What's more, inside Azeroth, it looks more like a prison without water. How can a place like a cesspool do not wash hard? Besides, people are gone. Who cares if there is a piece of wall covering in this broken place?

Then it fired in all directions, filled Azeroth's heart with bright love, forced out the filth in its pores, and then neutralized it.

It is said that governing a great country is like cooking a small dish. For Kane now, Azeroth is indeed a dish and a piece of meat, and he is a gourmet and a cook.

It's just that, specifically creating a warhammer dimension to create the power of light, although the flow is indeed good, Kane also has to relax.

Specifically, he had to keep enough psionic inventory.

This is like doing business and not spending gross profit as pure profit.

To use the analogy of picking up money and making money again, the money that is picked up is to be repaid, and the money that was born before, after deducting the cost of other items, is the wealth that can be used at will.

Although the Law of the World of Warcraft seems to have not yet recovered the wealth that was robbed by the true **** and the robber and then used to smash him, it was used by him. But he himself did not dare to bet on the conduct of the rules of the Warcraft universe.

In case of a raid to check the water meter, and he spends too much time, and if he doesn't make money, the law of the universe will be able to embezzle him in the name of embezzling extraordinary wealth.

The specifics are also simple. The sky and sea eyes and the true red vortex that cover the entire Revendes are the web of laws woven by him with mysterious elements, and these are real gold and silver drawn from his pocket. Both the information value and the element value are at the creator level.

If this is the opportunity to repay the debt, it is equivalent to taking out one's own old objects to engage in museum exhibitions to earn some ticket money, and as a result, they will be confiscated due to illegal business operations, which is absolutely blood loss.

What's more, so far, the wealth generated has been used in the Shadow Realm and Azeroth. It can even be said that he paid out people, money, and energy out of his own pockets, and it was torn by the villains of the law of the universe He didn't dare to say that he was protecting the original normal order of the universe, and from the view point of view, he was definitely a piggybacker to do good deeds, and he himself just made some dough.

Under such a background, if he was taken advantage of by the World of Warcraft universe law, he would not be able to understand his ideas except for destroying the universe.

But Dadao is merciless, and Heaven is unintentional. If this kind of problem occurs, I can only blame myself for playing too high and people forgetting about it. The laws of the universe do not distinguish between good and evil, and the so-called partiality is nothing more than affinity and luck.

Therefore, he would rather go a little slower and do things more safely.

It's really a little bit slower, specifically in hours. For Azeroth, which has been sinking for more than a thousand years and has been soiled ten times or a hundred times this time, a few hours is just a matter of breathing.

So, seeing the warhammer, or dragonfly-like dimensional wonder, suddenly has a new change. The bottom of the original hammer handle becomes the state of the shower, and it seems that the light is shining like stars. A certain directional jet force, and the whole is flying in a shower state.

Outside of this dimension, a faint silver river gradually emerged.

Those rays of light fell in this big river, just like goose feather snow falling into the smooth, mirror-like lake water, slightly agitating some ripples, and then disappearing.

The great river of true spirits, an important part of the cosmic reincarnation system, is the most important source and destination of spirituality among all souls with spiritual life.

It is a variable in the evolution of the universe and a collector of information.

Most of the universe uses the planet of life or the main material plane as the basic unit, represented by the will of Gaia. Through the release and recovery of the true spirit, the information of the life of the creature is obtained, so as to achieve the purpose of information collection.

However, the Warcraft universe does not have such a detailed division. Only the Great Hell mode is equivalent to not opening a branch. All related issues are handled by the General Administration.

Finally, under the control of some conspirators, a sudden DDOS attack caused downtime.

And now, Kane didn't take the opportunity to start it up again. What you do now is equivalent to returning the money you find.

And it is to return a batch, pick up a batch, and make money for a batch. In this way, a model of paying back, picking up and using money at the same time is formed. The law of the universe has no reason to detain his personal tools.

At this time, in Azeroth, the effect of the completion of the World Tree began to appear.

It is like the opening of the guardian temple of the Marvel Universe with Kama Taj as the core. The super magnificent golden magic circle appears in the sky, like huge umbrellas opened side by side, overlapping each other, right The entire planet is protected.

And with the completion of this protective system, the Emerald Dream is looming between heaven and earth like a holographic projection.

Unlike the sky barrier before, the scene this time, even ordinary people can see, is like a mirage, lasting about ten minutes before it gradually disappears.

This is a magnificent big data measurement. It is the difference between the blueprint and reality calculated by the law framework in order to prepare for the real reshaping.

During this period of time, Ethan, the **** of nature with great authority, could do many things.

For example, breaking the plane structure built by the guardians.

Guardian Raiden, and Hela, established the prison of the ancient gods and the plane of the elements. But now, no matter which kind it is, there is no need anymore.

The element library of Azeroth will return to the natural system and be contained by the element pool of the World Tree.

This is a big cleaning, a big integration. Many ancient elemental creatures will die, and there will no longer be life in Azeroth in the king of the elements.

Simply put, mechanism management will replace the rule of man.

From a natural point of view, everything has a beginning and an end. The demise of elemental creatures is not sentenced to death, but included in the life cycle system.

In addition to the power of the four elements, there is also the power of light and darkness.

There is no need to say more about the light, but the darkness is actually easy to understand, including the dungeon area where the ancient gods are imprisoned, where too much darkness is accumulated.

In the past, Azeroth was like a company in the evening, with various problems and accumulated a lot of bad and dead debts. Now that we have thoroughly rectified and reformed, we must clean up the accumulated defects.

Kane didn't treat himself too badly. After the majestic psychic energy was accumulated for a period of time, he directed this power to the remaining fel warships.

Almost in an instant, the remaining nearly sixty fel warships were completed under the infusion of mighty force.

At this time, they can no longer be called fel warships, but dark warships and light warships. Under the control of psychic energy, a sufficient amount of mysterious elements constructs the legal framework of the warship, and the dense energy crystallizes into the hull, and under the influence of the law, it becomes supermaterial. In terms of material and frame, these warships are superb in any universe.

In this case, it is no longer suitable for the heretical gods to settle in in the general sense. Because it will form a pattern of big carts and small horses, the evil **** will be affected in turn, even forming a prison effect.

But for Kane, who has a variety of routines, there is no shortage of solutions.

Cybertron Soul + Phyrexia processor.

Phyrexia is a metal world in the Magic Universe. It is made from the corruption of the original Mirrodin. All the materials are metalized. The ecology is very peculiar.

Kane extracted its information characteristics, then merged it with Cybertron's fire source and leader's certificate information characteristics, and then used supercomputer AI to embody it, and finally activated it with super-order spiritual enlightenment.

Super wisdom with battleship as body was born.

In a short period of time, the super-intelligence has completed the organic integration with the battleship, mainly in connection with the law, and then completed the spiritual consciousness like the activation of matter.

These super wisdoms have the status of gods at the beginning of their birth. This is the only way to hold the Super Shell.

In essence, they are no different from the fel warships on which the evil **** sits, but their own characteristics are more suitable for the current warship body.

The machine soul is promoted to the machine god, and the outer appearance of the warship changes from crystal to metal. This is super metal in a general sense. The power of law continues to change the properties of metal, making them have a series of extraordinary properties. , To put it bluntly, it is artifactified.

Kane appointed the Saint White fleet to promote the fort.

As a result, more than 20 luminous machine gods descended into the dimensional world. Their form is no longer restricted to warships. They are cybermorphs with multiple forms.

The first thing the Mechanic Gods do after arriving at the fortress of promotion is to obliterate the evil gods of destruction.

This was an unsuspecting siege. More than 20 attacks hit the destruction goddess body within one hundred thousandths of a second. The gods who were boring and devastated failed to make a decent counterattack, they were Cut off the'umbilical cord', and then be beaten life can not take care of themselves.

Then came the avenue ceremony. To put it simply, the origin of the Tao represented by God's evil is returned to heaven and earth. This is indestructible. What can be eliminated is the self-consciousness of God's evil. Although this consciousness is actually infantile, it is the kind that was born with original sin. After all, God's evil itself, like a bad thought, is negative.

Separating the self-consciousness of the gods from the Dao, the corresponding Dao will sooner or later select the spokesperson, and more than one. But that is the future, mutual growth and restraint, the cycle continues.

When the evil spirits die, the energy flagpole becomes the dish of the machine gods.

After completing the collegiate agreement within a thousandth of a second, a group of Mechanic Gods directly cut away the area of ​​the humble temple where the energy flagpole was located.

The light of the holy white is like a curtain, cutting the earth, while the power of the law is guided to transfer to the main land island of the promotion fortress in the concrete form of the golden chain.

While such an operation is being carried out, there is also the machine **** who is responsible for pouring new laws into the cut land island.

I saw the rapid metalization and mechanization of that land island, and everything was changing.

After transformation to a certain extent, the huge mechanical land island with an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers and a height of tens of kilometers began to deform.

"Ah, I am Turbo, praise the gods!"

The machine gods gave this mechanical creation consciousness to enable it to better fulfill its mission.

Cybertron is actually the body of the machine **** Yuanshi Tianzun. Compared with it, the turbine is far from it, but it is much larger than the metropolis.

The deity consul who was promoted to the fortress, together with the Grien under his command, watched the gods come to the world in amazement, exterminating the gods, cutting the land islands, and working together to create things. The mood was sour and sour, and also accompanied by uncomfortable Quietly trembling.

Although the Archon is the **** of harmony, but the gold content is not good, and the promotion to the fortress has been weak for thousands of years, and he is inevitably in a trough of strength, and he is not an opponent of a group of Mechanic Gods who are obviously fighting.

Fortunately, the machine gods were not interested in consul and promotion to the fortress. After a fierce operation, they left with the turbine.

No matter how to promote the fortress, it is also the kingdom of God. He enters into God and is rejected by the law system, and it is not comfortable to stay in it.

Brocks was also shocked by the sudden appearance of the violation of the painting style. The World of Warcraft universe killed a dog-ticket god-level Cybertron, what a **** it is.

Especially the style of this group of goods doesn't look like a good bird. When they suddenly appeared, they beat the arrogant evil spirits to death.

At one point, Brocks felt that it was time to be promoted to the Archon of the fortress next? At that time, various super energy cannons will deform and generate, billions of turrets, and billions of glory, which will directly obliterate the Archon in the light, tusk...

No results. With a quick fight, coming and going like wind, Brocks scratched his head. Although his excitement has been drastically reduced by the sudden intrusion of the Mechanics, he must have a beginning and an end, and the battle in front of him must be finished.

In fact, at this time, the promotion of the fortress forces headed by the consul had some impressive performance.

For example, the dark battleship in the shape of the Galen ship that was previously captured by Blox was transformed by the Archon.

After all, the Archon is the Lord of Dimension, and there is no such thing as Denathius's twenty-fifth boy carrying the red flag against the red flag. Although very weak, the strength can still be squeezed out.

In particular, Kane's Fel Warship has reactivated the operation of the Great Hell System in the posture of the Jisichen after Ravendes mastered the Order Stele.

After all, there are only a small number of criminal souls who go to Revendes for trial and punishment, and most of them go to rest in the farming and pastoral paradise of Blazing Xianye. Very few are eligible to go to the fortress of promotion.

But no matter how small it is, there is also the difference between existence and non-existence. For the current promotion fortress, and even the entire **** system, whether it is functioning or not has a greater significance than the number of dead souls.

Because of operation, it represents circulation. And the circulation is not only the dead soul, but also the power of the law and the complement of the extraordinary power. It is just like the five elements of the immortal way. If it is not circulating, it is a dead place where Feng Shui is stagnant, and vice versa.

In this regard, the Archon who is the Lord of Dimensions is naturally very keen.

Although it is only a trickle, it still has the power of moisturizing and cleansing for a long time of drought and rain.

The Archon immediately assigned the power to Grinn, after all, it was a time of war.

Part of this distribution is reflected in the transformation of the dark warship.

Under the influence of the power of law and extraordinary power, the dark battleship seems to have faded away, and the black materials peeled off, turned ashes, and floated. The Saint White battleship was born, and even its shape has undergone many detailed changes, such as It has become upright and majestic, thick and condensed, and no longer as dangerous and hideous as before.

With the battleship, Grinn not only had an aerial platform, but also had heavy firepower. Finally ended the tragic style of light infantry combat.

Brocks is naturally not stupid, seeing that the consul has such an ability to transform and use on-site. At the moment, I discussed with some Grien teams to engage in enemy heavy weapons.

The Grinns naturally had no reason to object. They followed Brocks' **** and wiped the oil, and they were still very happy to kill.

So Brox began to take a ticket to Grinn and fought for a thousand miles.

The information was provided by the consul. The Lord of Dimensions was not good at fighting, but it was more than enough to be a local intelligence officer by virtue of his position.

The Libra of victory for the promotion of the fort is tilted accordingly.

When Brox conquered the fifteenth dark warship, the true **** felt that there was no hope of victory, and the remaining dark warships retreated.

In this defense battle, the promotion to the fort was actually a mess. Large areas of land were contaminated, and many facilities were desecrated. Grinn’s casualties were nearly half of the total, even if he later collected more than a dozen warships and faced more than 30 dark warships. , Is definitely not dominant.

This is still the result of the true God fighting on multiple battlefields, and Kane's frenzied consumption and containment of his power.

Indeed, just as Kane thought, the true **** hadn't paid attention to these dimensions of the Shadow Realm before. The result is now like this, it is not a general loss.

In any case, as long as the promotion of the fortress element can persist, it can't stand the true god's side, and the loss of hundreds of millions in seconds will not last long with money and money.

Moreover, the true God's focus has long since been on the war with the natives of all dimensions.

After all, if the tearing force with Kane is the lowest bet in a round and the minimum bet is three to five billion, then the battle with the natives is just one card and one yuan.

The former is really exciting, while the latter doesn’t have much output. After all, not only is the investment less, the gameplay is also time-consuming, it is simply a legendary small gambling, and the contest with Kane is really too exciting. La!

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