Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 236: Move forward in negative energy

When it comes to France, many people have the impression of being a romantic country and a romantic person.

In fact, this is the reason for the success of French face brushing (cultural packaging) worldwide.

In fact, this ethnic group is not romantic at all. They have put down their butcher knives for a few years. After robbing a fortune and getting rich, they successfully washed ashore and got rich. They have the conditions to provide their children with a good environment for growth (social welfare, etc.). It's a social atmosphere that is easy to work, pay attention to enjoyment, and this is how romance starts from the petty bourgeoisie.

As a struggling generation, and Kane, who condenses the habit of struggling into a finished product, despise the hedonistic atmosphere, and also lacks interest in art, France naturally lacks appeal in his eyes. This attitude has influenced to a certain extent. The order of the intelligence department's layout in Europe has so far only been a secret transmission station in Calais.

This time Kane traveled from Nozawa Park to the Summer Palace, then to Canterbury, and then across the sea to Calais, and then to Paris through the flyway network.

The specific location is the Montmartre. The Paris cemetery is built on the basis of super large quarry mines. The total length is more than 300 kilometers. Montmartre is one of the main distribution areas.

Kane met Olym Maxim, the principal of Booth Barton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry here, which surprised him a bit, but he was relieved to think about it.

The cemetery in Paris is too large. There are more than 30 entrances and exits in the main 4, 5, 15 and Montmartre areas alone, not to mention the entrances in other areas. It can be said that once something serious happens in this place, you can't hold it.

Against this background, it is not surprising that French wizards came out of the nest.

Olim knew Kane, and had met in Venice and Frankfurt. She was very happy to see Kane, and hugged Kane with a height only to her waist.

Like Hagrid, Olim is a hybrid of giants, limited by her height. She has no way to move freely in the tunnels of the capital of the dead, but can only be responsible for central scheduling here.

In her own words: "Strictly guard every entrance and exit to prevent evil from coming out."

Kane heard Olim said this, and immediately realized that the situation was probably worse than expected. This kind of oral tactics was equivalent to giving up the timely quelling of the incident, and handing over the capital of the dead to the blood **** and the secret. The key will toss.

Of course, the actual situation is not as bad as it is. Otherwise, it is not to defend the mouth, but to blow the mouth, and then concentrate on the battle to the capital of the undead.

Upon careful inquiry, Kane found out that it was too early. This time, the French Ministry of Magic is also considered a heroic post, intending to gather all forces, go hand in hand, and crush opponents in one fell swoop.

Listening to what Olim said, the French Ministry of Magic was taught to be a man before, and he dared not send the regular Auror squad down.

Kane is also not good at evaluating anything, and directly stated that I want to go on.

Olim knew about Kane ’s power, in fact, she received a notice from the Ministry of Magic. If a strong man such as Dumbledore and Kane? Shafiq arrived, do n’t stop, after telling the situation, what to do with them .

Kane gestured to Maria, and Maria nodded and began to operate.

Kane told Olim: "I need a group of GIGN, and three Aurors."

Olim thought for a moment, and knew that Kane was to avoid suspicion. With the power of Kane, there is no need to bring these people, and it can even be said that GIGN is the elite of French elite, but with Kane, you can make yourself understandable, and it is a big deal to not cause trouble to Kane.

GIGN ’s literal translation is the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group, but people are more accustomed to call it the French Gendarmerie Secret Service. This institution was born in the early 1970s and is known as the “Sword in front of the Arc de Triomphe” because it is always wearing a black combat uniform Commando in black.

Since the 1970s, terrorist activities have been rampant. There are a lot of pots here, in fact, it is for the wizarding war. The War of the Witches started in Britain and spread to more than half of Europe. Death Eaters and Black Wizards were unscrupulous. Dark creatures also raged so much that they could not be covered by the joint secular official of the Ministry of Magic.

Unless Voldemort and the Death Eaters were afraid of the Holy See, the situation would only be worse.

So GIGN actually knows the existence of extraordinary power. Auror of the French Ministry of Magic has also participated in their actions more than once in the form of special advisers.

This time, Kane was assigned to the 10th group led by Lieutenant Abel. They were originally 11 people, but Kane said that only 5 people were needed, so when the two were split into two, Abel brought 4 team members to join 3 proud Luo, listening to Pharisee ’s words:

"The first one is to follow the command of the action command. The actions that are contrary to common sense and your cognition will be used in the action. Do n’t ask why, just follow the instructions ..."

Abel and others listened to Faliro's words with a strong curiosity. Because when Phari Road was training, Maria was already opening the space-time door.

Maria took a long tube from the space wheel, and took out a stack of strange materials from the tube. Seeing that the texture was like metal or wood, these thin pieces began to shine through the hands of Maria. Maria looked Throwing them into the air seems to be random. Soon afterwards, a clock-like disc was formed in the air, and thin arcs flowed between the sheets from time to time. It felt like a relative position was established by the magnetic field. A dial with a void as the bottom.

After that, it was activated. Maria thought of putting a sphere of light in the hollow position of the dial. The light radiated by the sphere instantly filled the space in the dial, and then formed a wave-like light burst and quickly subsided, and then became A peculiar mirror showing the scenery of different places.

The Sigma werewolves armed to the teeth are drawn out from the inside. They are all humans, but even so, they are all burly. The size of about 190CM, together with the equipment, the shoulder width is close to 140CM. Stone wall.

They also carried giant calf-like statues like little calves. Looking at the big bags and small bags hanging on their bodies, they obviously acted as pack animals.

On the other side, the commander Vampire Haken from the Slaughter Warfare is helping Kane to draw the magic circle.

With the completion of the magic circle, a luminous body similar to a sundial appeared and operated.

Kane told Olim that the magic circle was used for communication and taught her how to use it.

Olim also agreed to Kane, no matter what new news from other areas, as long as she received, she would use this magic circle to inform Kane.

According to the requirements of Farley Road, including the three Aurors, all non-Kane system members must wear a magic neck ring. One of the functions of this neck ring is to generate a liquid shell of bubbles, the user's head Wrapped inside, like a transparent hood.

Another function of the neck ring is to generate a layer of energy film on the user's body surface. This film does not provide protection, but it can isolate the body temperature, smell, and soul energy from spilling.

Abel looked at the equipment of Kane Sigma Werewolf and was relieved. It is not only them that are highly confined, but everyone in the action team, but theirs is a temporary add-on effect. They are professional-grade equipment, fully enclosed, and look like chemical protective clothing, but the module armor + high The success of the molecular material combat uniforms has covered up the anti-chemical characteristics, which is very eye-catching. Especially for people of this era, the science fiction style is full and unconscious.

Kane greeted Orim, inserted a team of intrusives, followed the tunnel ladder and began to attack the capital of the dead.

At this time, the lighting system of the cemetery has been completely destroyed, but even Abel they are not too affected by darkness. From their perspective, the visibility below the ground is about equal to the day covered with dark clouds, tens of meters away. See clearly.

I saw black smoke flowing against the top of the tunnel towards the entrance and exit, like an upside down stream.

The Aurors have more extraordinary experience. They know that this black smoke is invisible from normal viewing angles, and is a dark magic that has great damage to the human body.

However, Kane is more used to calling it negative energy, which includes darkness, evil and other forces. Such a sufficient flow is not a good sign.

Of course, this is far from difficult. Maria was relieved when there was a way ahead.

He casts a light map in the void in front of him, watching while walking.

The blueprint of this picture is provided by the French Ministry of Magic, and has been combined with the actual terrain. The blue light spot moving on the light map is the position of their line.

At the same time, Maria carried a magic lamp in her hand and strode forward in the first place of the team.

At first glance, the magic lamp in her hand looks like a horse lantern, but when you take a closer look, the difference is not small. For example, the base of this lamp is actually a pyramid, like a quadrilateral spear head on top of the obelisk.

And it's not an oil lamp, but an exceptionally bright spar.

This lamp is a magic instrument, and the outer edge of its light forms a clear outline, and it continuously sends light back.

It is this light like the tail of a comet that envelopes a team of people, forcing the negative energy away and not eroding everything inside.

At the first fork in the road, Kane placed a subordinate light curtain of circulation, and left a Sigma Werewolf guard, then pointed the route and continued to move forward.

After walking for a little while, obstacles appeared in front, and an energy barrier was erected to block the tunnel and hinder the way.

Kane ordered her men to prepare for battle, and Maria began to break the barrier.

Her approach is straightforward and fierce, directly stimulating divine power and operating magic lights.

Seeing that the magic lamp shines in an instant, then these thousands of magnificent lights turned into beams of light, and merged into one, like a siege hammer violently forward.

The voids in the void suddenly glowed with poisonous green, pink, crimson, and fluorescing blue light patterns, like strips of swimming fish manifesting in the water. These light patterns are standing against the current, facing up. The white light burst released by the magic lamp forms a hedge.

But at the next moment, the white light bursts again and rushed arrogantly.

'puff! ’In the deep sound, the energy barrier was broken, and the barrier was like a sudden change from flowing water to borneol, which broke apart in a broken way.

Maria kept walking, moving forward firmly, and the energy barrier was only a little hindrance for her, and she didn't even have the qualifications to stop her.

Although separated by many people, Abel and others still witnessed this scene to a certain extent. In real time, even Olim is also an audience. One of the functions of the magic array constructed by Kane pointing Haken is to transfer the scene captured in the front by data to form audio and video materials, which can also be played.

This system, in terms of operating principles, is actually nothing to humans of this era. The highlight is the anti-energy interference technology and the extraordinary scene capture technology.

Ordinary cameras cannot work in today's underground cemetery, nor can ordinary camera lenses capture the flow and changes of extraordinary energy.

The Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce already sells such magic cameras. There is also a suspension type, the base is tied to the shoulder, and the eye of the camera is suspended above the base like a table tennis ball, which is always stable and is not affected by the movement of the person when the camera is shaking.

It ’s just that because of the high price and not very good sales, Kane believes that after this incident, at least the Ministry of Magic of various countries will make group purchases. Under the command of digitalization and informatization ~ ~ makes all countries feel very tall and fashionable, and his more advanced and mature set will naturally be noticed by people who know it.

After breaking through the barrier, the front road becomes more and more 'wonderful'. From the side, a variety of colorful light bands, such as colored ribbons flying, are exploded continuously by the magic lamp's light. As for the turbulent airflow, gravel and bone fragments flying, the strange and strange sound of breaking the sky is like a crying wolf, terrifying.

Abel realized at this time that in fact the team was already under attack because the team ’s pathfinder was too powerful, and a magic lamp broke all the damage. This way, the journey was as casual as the outing. Look at the scenery.

However, this kind of headwinds had to come to an end after entering a large burial chamber. This is a point that Kane liked. However, the enemy also has good technology and knows how to use geographical advantages.

In the huge hall with countless bones, the black mist is surging, like the turbulent vortex in the depths of the ocean. This kind of black mist already has a magical effect, which cannot be seen by Albert's own energy perspective. .

At this time, I heard English with a French accent coming out of the center of Black Mist: "Kane Shafick, today, you will die here."

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