Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 256: Drive north

Kane named the red flag the mobster corps.

But later people were more willing to call it the blood flag.

Red is the only color of this team except black and white. Ximan, Yeman, and Yeman are all covered in red cloaks. Ximan is the shortest. It is almost the same as the shawl. Yeman is to the hips. To the legs, the dumb man is a red scarf, which is very elegant when running, and has a phantom effect.

There are flags, red flags, black circles, white characters, and a big Chinese font on the iron frame car: rice!

This word is full of meaning! The army has no food and morale collapses. It ’s true that the car pulled the food.

The cells of the fierce ratmen are extremely active, and if they are still ingested with ordinary nutrients, they will be starved to death, so the ratmen do not eat and recharge directly.

They are actually magic version of electric robots. They have insufficient energy and will show you every minute.

Even the Devil's Vine mount is a high-energy unit.

And they consume extraordinary energy, that is, in the high-magic world, such a luxury can be replaced by a world where the caster in the dark HP world has to be careful. The cost performance is too low.

The sound of the car rumbling, even when the red flag is moving, it still remains neat and solemn, overlooking from the sky, like a python with red, white and black scales, swimming on the desolate earth.

The carriage of the Lebwitz family was caught in the line. Leoni ’s younger brother was at an age of curiosity. He probed his brain and looked at the brutal ratman on the left and right. His mother could n’t stop it until he was able to stop it Ni gave her a glance, and she became more honest.

The three brothers of Leoni and his mother came to the manor to avoid the epidemic at the request of Leoni ’s father Werner.

The living style and sanitary conditions of the city people contributed to the spread of the Black Death, and the situation in Fort Worcester is very serious.

Now that the aliens are taking advantage of the fire, it is really worse.

In fact, as early as the day before yesterday, the communication with Worcester had been interrupted.

Until that moment, Leoni didn't expect that there would be a squad of around 3,000 to attack Croppen. Now she thinks about it, she is really young and inexperienced.

This time she turned to Worcester, instead of riding a car, she was riding a horse, and she deliberately wore an ancestral gorgeous armor.

The Lebwitz family had a powerful female knight before five generations. Leoni had the ambition since childhood, like the ancestor, to lead troops to defend the peace of the territory. However, her father was only willing to let her protect the women and children at home.

Not long ago she complained about this, but Kroppen's offensive and defensive warfare gave her a lesson. Let her realize that the cruelty of war is not only **** and cruel, but also that there are very few evenly matched situations. Bullying, fighting more and less, taking advantage of illness is the norm. When individuals are caught in this general trend, they will develop a profound sense of powerlessness, which will rise and fall and helplessly.

Kane had no such feelings. He sat in a wide saddle chair with armrests, backrests, Xuan soft cotton cushions and fur cushions, and his body shook rhythmically with the pace of riding.

In Hermione's words: "You are not a knight like this, but you are like a Persian dignitary traveling by chaos."

Indeed, Kane is unique not only in saddles, but also in mounts. The Thunder Lizard combines the body characteristics of rhinoceros, stegosaurus, and hippo. It is huge and fat, very local, and it is not suitable for driving with ordinary riding posture.

Hermione is a big crane, but she said that she was weaving a phoenix, and Kane said: "What kind of eyes do you have, it is not this proportion of phoenix plucking hair."

But he did not tell the truth wisely, but said: "If there is a gorgeous feather coat, then it is a true phoenix."

Maria likes leopards, but she is actually a little indistinguishable from lions and leopards, so she is actually weaving a lioness.

Catherine likes wolves. The most beautiful mounts are the giant seat wolves she has prepared. Countless tiny rattan whiskers release the color of flames, like fur, attracting attention and pulling the wind.

Kane laughed and said that Celine probably liked gifts like the big bear, and Hermione said I also liked it.

Okay, Kane realized that this wife had some jars of vinegar.

Croppen Manor is only 20 kilometers away from Worcester. At a marching speed of ‘red flag’, it ’s no problem to rush over in 40 minutes.

It was still halfway through, and the successive scouts had let Kane and his party know the latest situation report there.

As he approached the ground, Kane urged his mount to leave the brigade, climbed to the top of a nearby dirt mountain, and looked at the Worcester Castle under the sun, and saw the sky above Worcester Castle, circling a lot of scavengers.

Under this undeclared scene, it was a lifeless fortress, and no one could even see anyone walking on the wall.

The perspective of the eye of the sky brought by the flying eagle from the magic method is another scene:

About two kilometers east of the fortress, there is a forest of four hectares. In this world and in this era, there are so many forests like this that are annoying, and no one takes them as forests, but as a part of the plain, just like the treatment of the tens of meters high earth mountain where Kane is now.

With the bare broad-leaved forest on that branch as the core, the beast people are busy.

Drums of animal skin, the drums are slightly messy, and the beasts are not orderly because of this drum sound, some of them are working, some are gathering, and some are eating, it seems It ’s more like a refugee camp than a military camp.

Hermione, Catherine, and Maria were also beside Kane. Catherine Hermione commented: "A group of Ugly people."

Kane smiled and said, "Maria, you command 500 barbarians, kite them. Catherine, you take 300 barbarians, 100 barbarians, and take a detour to the forest area in the east. Kill them. "

The two led away, and a small battle began.

Maria commanded the 500 Night Barbarian, divided into five hundred-person columns, like five long snakes, first steadily advancing towards the grove by going side by side.

Catherine took the soldiers in place, and their speed was much faster, because it was the main point not to be discovered by the beastmen, but to go around the circle.

There are 100 Ximan, 200 Nightman, and 200 Dayman, leaving with the cart and heading towards Worcester.

Before the war, it was mainly the people who were in place, and there was nothing good-looking. Hermione rode the mount, followed Kane, and talked about the orc.

"The people here seem to have very bad senses about the beastmen. The main body of the beastmen is the former human being, so they still maintain their conscience without mutation?"

Kane pondered for a moment before saying: "This question is very complicated."

“First of all, let ’s talk about the background of this world. The power of chaos keeps accumulating, which means that the probability of mutation keeps increasing. Now about one out of every 52 newborns has the possibility of mutation, and it reaches 25: 1 after 1000 years. "

"so tall?"

"Yes, and you know, not only humans, but all intelligent creatures except the first creatures created by the three ancient sages, lizardmen, elves, and dwarves, and alien creatures such as green skin. Variants."

Hermione thought: "I suspect that these creatures with mutations may have some common features."

"Well, I also have such doubts." Kane glanced over Maria, said: "So far, I have been facing the problem of lack of high-end materials. For this element research topic, you need to use the top magic Only by experimenting with things can we make progress. "

"It seems that our level of strength is far from enough. If you want to study cutting-edge mysteries, you must have the ability to draw supplies from the universe eggs. Or find more worlds like the Warhammer."

"It's already not easy to have this one. Most of the magical things ejected from the void of the void are wasted by the four evil gods' minions."

This is actually Kane's slot for the four evil gods. From a certain point of view, the four evil gods do not learn to do nothing. They think that emotional energy is omnipotent. If that is the case, then there will be no limit to the birth of powerful demons, but in fact there are always a limited number of powerful people, which involves the spirit. Elements other than force, magical material or energy are its figurative.

"In spite of this, I have estimated that if the main force of the Chaos Demon is exterminated, the magical thing recovered is basically enough to arm us four. Returning to the head, we can hang the bull ghosts and snakes of our world."

"The topic goes back to the Orc. The Orc problem is not only an environmental problem, but also a social problem." Kane explained: "People have scar memory characteristics, and pain will always be remembered longer."

Hermione is very sensitive. Receiving: "You mean that those beastmen with human nature will be hurt by vicious humans and become evil."

Kane nodded: "The special laws of the Warhammer universe have created spiritual powers with almost supreme magical properties. It makes it possible to make things happen. Of course, there are many specific obstacles. Humans in this world, physical The theoretical life expectancy is about 180 years, but the actual average life expectancy is 52 years. It is much harder to achieve what you want, than to reach the theoretical value of the physical life expectancy. "

"In spite of this, extremes can still create another extreme. Almost all powerful beastmen have full and even overrun emotions. And most of them are born of love and hate. Beastmen from a certain From a perspective, it is a mirror of intelligent creatures in the positive camp of this world. "

"It's a tragedy."

Kane nodded again: "My previous life has encountered similar things in many worlds. Cruel, vicious, tyrannical human beings, honest, peaceful, and kind monsters, the most embarrassing thing is that they can't change anything, the world is like that, The same is true in society, you can kill the vicious people you see, but you ca n’t kill the vicious people in this world, you can rescue a good monster once, but you ca n’t save them every time. Even hiding in the mountains Some people will chase the past and use the goodness of the target to capture or kill it. There are many reasons for the hunt, some for the benefit, some for the transfer of hatred, and some simply think that killing the aliens is justice.

"So you never advertise yourself with justice."

Kane smiled, "When my hands are contaminated with too much blood from innocent people, I tell myself that you can at least be honest and look less mean."

By this time, the beast people had discovered the barbarian troops.

The beast people have no rules for fighting, but the courage is not lacking.

A wild roar sounded, and more and more beastmen responded with a roar.

Soon, the entire camp became loud, and the roar of the beasts even covered up the drums.

Carrying crude weapons, they commanded the following in the leader. Naturally, it is far from neat, but at least there is such a general formation.

Then they unified the roar and reached a preliminary pace. They standardized the roar and made the roar more majestic. With the drum sound, they had a taste of battle roar, and the morale was further improved. The more sensual, eyeball Already red.

The night barbaric forces are the opposite of the beast people. They are silent, and some are just the sound of the bigfoot running, and the sound of the wind blowing the little cloak and hunting.

The beasts noticed that the barbarians were cavalry. Although they were two-legged, they were as strong as a reduced version of Tyrannosaurus (with a different head), and in their view, the armored night barbarians were no longer standard heavy cavalry. .

Indeed, the armor weight on Yeman's body is more than 75 kg, and the homogeneous composite material of 1.2CM, which is really heavy armor for humans.

The base of Yeman is the fierce barbarian rat ~ ~ Height 190CM, muscular, not bulky, if the non-armor composite material is lighter than steel of the same volume, then the uniform thickness of 1.2CM is covered by this Physically, it is not limited by 75 kg.

Based on this size, weight, and armor weight, it is appropriate to ride a cold-blooded Sharma with a shoulder height of nearly 2 meters and an average weight of more than 1.7 tons.

This shows the size and physique of the bigfoot that has the ability to easily carry the barbarian flexible and fast running.

It looks like a big-footed bird, but it is actually a smaller version of the tyrannosaurus. It has a lot of movement when running, plus it is orderly, and the stepping sound is neat, which is really a thunderous sound.

This is not heavy cavalry, what is it?

Kane sold a cute, day barbarian, based on the 2.8-meter-tall barbarian barbarian, the assault beast weighed nearly 2 tons, and the day barbarian company with armor and weapons, more than half a ton, a total of 2.4 tons.

It's a pity that Hermione didn't move the stubborn "gold and gold" stalks, and Kane could only entertain herself, and she had a lot of money in the daytime, which was used to support Hermione.

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