Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 258: Green leather interstellar civilization

Leoni invites Kane and Hermione to enter Worcester.

Kane didn't really listen to it.

He felt that this was more of Leoni's attitude, welcome attitude, and sincerity.

He looked at the surrounding terrain and raised his finger to a large flat wilderness road: "The team is stationed there!"

Without special orders, the expression of intention, the flesh golems can know, and then immediately execute. For this era, the communication mode of "Red Flag" is definitely a fantasy level, and it is flying to the tide.

After that, Kane explained to Hermione: "The military is at its peak, and it's an extraordinary period. Our team, even if we are entering the city, is approaching to the castle, and it will also make the people in the city sleep and sleep. We are stationed here too. "

Hermione agrees, she also feels that proper humility at this time will never be regarded as weak, but humble and polite. This is a respect for the landlord, after all, it is on the land of others.

Then let Leoni's advanced city, they are the best knocking bricks.


I took a look at the last road leading to the castle, especially the ruined town.

Kane ordered 20 Ximan **** frames to complete the last voyage. He was worried that there would be an ambush there.

This is due vigilance when dealing with Ratmen.

Hermione replied Kane ’s attitude to Leoni, seeing a squad of Ximan on the **** frame, did n’t think much, and said goodbye to Leoni, then returned to Kane. On the way back, he also used Spell, looked at the battlefield situation map on the side of the orc.

This kind of observation is like creating a transparent display screen in the void. The enemy and our units are clearly marked, and the situation is clear at a glance.

Hermione told Kane: "It's easier to win than you think."

Kane doesn't look at the pictures, and he knows the battle situation very well.

"Well, the beastmen pay attention to fighting, and this beastmen gang obviously has no accumulation. The high-end combat power is too little, and the night savage is enough to confront the tauren guards, even fighters, but they are even a common tauren. The groups are all together. "

Hermione did not continue this topic, but pointed to about 10 kilometers west of Fort Worcester. From here, it was just a gray line, but there was a magic flying eagle, which can be seen more naturally. Really, there is also a sub-forest.

"Through the eagle's eye, I noticed that there seemed to be groups of creatures lurking in the forest over there."

Kane frowned, cast a spell to control the flying eagle, and inspected it.

The eagle can see the rabbits in the grass at high altitude, but it is still not enough for people like Kane who are used to getting out of high-definition satellite image-level information.

He wondered whether he would like to use equipment today.

Regardless of the cost of investing extraordinary power, and using some magic to replace high-end components (such as room temperature superconductors that have high requirements on the nature of raw materials), he has a way to create high-end Kemo hybrid equipment in this world.

And such equipment can produce real high-tech technological creations.

This is the most representative embodiment of the high-end technology without the industrial foundation, relying on the use of magic.

It can be said that if he is given about 100 days of farming time, he can make air-to-space warships (aerospace and aerospace) open to the sky from scratch.

But these are also prerequisites. With his current clone, first of all the mental power is not enough, so four people must work together.

But ... last night was equivalent to not sleeping.

Boil again today, and continue to cook tomorrow?

Is it really appropriate?

He had to think about the feelings of others. This time, after all, he came under the name of relaxing travel, and it was not appropriate to measure. He still has some EQ.

Thinking about it, he said: "I am close to your judgment. There are indeed biota there. I think the two are most likely, the squirrel and the Goblin."

"Gobble is Goblin? A creature like a house elf or a goblin." Many of the information Hermione got from the indigenous old man was plausible and needed confirmation.

"It's just similar. The combat power is comparative. In theory, the spells of goblins and house elves are advancing and retreating. There is no problem in defeating Goblin. But what will actually happen, it is very difficult to say.

"Because Goblin is more brutal and cruel?"

"Well, there are reasons for this. In addition to fierce temperament, Goblin is more mobile than fairies and house elves. Their main shortcoming is that it is difficult to continue to focus on one thing. In addition, it is quite a mess of nature. I think it counts. "

The concept of chaotic nature Hermione knew that Kane had told her before.

Wisdom creatures with chaotic instincts, if they are slight, will seem irrational from time to time. They do it when they think about it, which is absurd, weird, and brain holed. In severe cases, it is often like a neuropathy or a split personality. Its thoughts and behaviors contradict each other. When it comes to thinking about it, it doesn't even know what it wants. Some people say that what they want is what they want.

At this time, Hermione heard Kane continue to explain: "Speaking of the Goblin of the Warhammer in the Middle Ages, there are mainly these types: the plain Goblin that is intractable and enslaved by the orcs all day long.

"Dark Goblin, who lives in the ground, uses the self-cultivated Qin as the staple food, has a sinister and deceitful temper, and has a strong talent for casting spells."

"Hiding in the secondary forest and playing with spiders, the jungle goblin occasionally played by spiders."

"Changed from Chaos Dwarf, stronger, smarter, larger in size, knows how to judge the situation, and basically has no loyal goblin."

"The last one is the brawler. They are more cruel and less cunning than other Goblins. They are more common in the ogres. They are both food, cannon fodder and handymen."

Hermione thought for a while and thought, "There seems to be a kind of fart?"

"Oh, it ’s accurate to say" Sontlings "(Sontlings), and their relationship with goblins, just like in our world, the bigfoot goblin around the house and the goblin, house elf. It is indeed the same origin, but it must be drawn In one category, it's a bit inappropriate. "

To clarify this issue, you have to talk more about the topic, Kane explained:

"For this world, green skin is a foreign creature. Whether it was the ancient sage's spacecraft carrying the green skin spores was still uncertain. GW has not given an explicit explanation."

"Spores? And spores that can survive in space?" Hermione couldn't help asking.

"Yes! Although green skins look stupid, they are indeed interstellar civilizations. Their spores can remain active in space. When green spores fall with a meteorite to a planet suitable for biological growth, they will look like plant seeds. Generally, rooting and sprouting in the soil, and growing. The most gentleman grows is fart. "

"Expansion of fart spirits, planting of tannins, and forefront of the brutal growth of green skin, then goblins and orcs, depending on the situation."

"The environment is good and the nutrients are sufficient, and the orcs will appear quickly. The green-skinned half-animal and half-plant creature can live by photosynthesis, but the" **** "is engraved in their genes, they like to have fun, simple It ’s Waaagh! The word is most commonly used in green leather and has a lot of meaning, including the charge slogan. "

"That is to say, green skin often fights for fighting?"

"Correct." Kane praised Hermione for grasping Greenskin's focus. "Green skin doesn't matter who is the enemy, being happy is the most important thing. But they usually dwarf the most, because they look pleasing to the dwarf's fortress, and because the dwarves are brave and brave, they are addicted."

"I feel that the house elves you made on the black hemp planting site command the work of the bigfoot gnomes, but the green skin seems better?"

"Well, this time I have the opportunity to try to bring back some green spores for research. However, this creature is an absolutely dangerous species. Once it spreads, it will inevitably form an ecological catastrophe. Be very careful."

"Is it so dangerous? I mean that modern human technology is so advanced that it is enough to crush the green skin?"

Kane shook his head and pointed out the right way: "Green Peel has a peculiar to almost unreasonable ability, chaotic technology. This is a kind of innovation that is entirely driven by emotions and feelings, or passion and inspiration. By this kind of non-learning With skillful crooks, Greenhide can even use various ship wrecks and mechanical parts to create spaceships to wander in the galaxy. "

"This kind of assembled spaceship is called a" big garbage dump "by the green skins. Like many green skin creations, it can be broken and the safety performance is poor, but the effectiveness is often unexpectedly good, especially for the green skins. The big garbage dump is the ultimate dream of every green-skinned warlord. In fact, to put it plainly is the multiplication instinct in the unit of the green-skin gene in the universe. "

"Vitality is tenacious, it can be strengthened when it is weak, it can be strong when it is strong, it loves to do things, it is good when it is heard, and it is good at fighting bad battles. This is the characteristic of green skin."

Hermione covered her face. "... It's really a strong population."

"Well, if you have to say that the green skin has any weaknesses, if you cure the symptoms, killing the warlords will make them scattered. The permanent cure, genetic viruses can be completely wiped out, but this method must be high-end, otherwise a resistant mutant green skin will be born. A little bit like cold viruses, they are very good at improving resistance through mutations and then adapting. "

While Kane and Hermione were talking, the team had completed their stationing.

This time, it was not like the shabbyness of last night in Croppen. Of the sixty armored vehicles, only forty armoured personnel carriers can be undertaken. The rest can be called magic engineering vehicles, which can be packed and unfolded.

In this short period of time, the engineering truck completed a series of operations under the savvy operation specialized in logistics.

According to Kane ’s consistent style, logistics is the essence of the ‘red flag’.

The collected dimensional stones, in addition to analyzing the rarest "magic thing", also have the secondary "xuan strange thing", this kind of material that is enough to create a "golden apple" level of strange things, is used in Fanfans, so that they get an extraordinary limit.

An upper limit that can be commented on ‘unreasonably’.

The demons under the four evil gods of the Warhammer world broke through the limitation of growth through this kind of irrationality. They are not gods, but they have the ability to not weaken the gods and do not collapse.

And now, this kind of "unreasonable" effect allows Fanman to be smarter and instill more knowledge than other fierce ratmen in the context of the same application of spiritualism, but the state can be cultivated with Kane for many years The soldiers are comparable, with no terrible sequelae or side effects.

Wisdom ratmen, they have been out of the category of fierce ratmen, they can communicate with language, and there is no stutter-like speech characteristic unique to ratmen due to their body structure.

Under the control of Fanman, the land was pushed out of the flatness by the energy of the shock, and then hardened, the armored car deformed and unfolded. A steel fortress is shaped in the magic light.

After today ~ ~ this team will change again, the armored car becomes a magic power armored car, the Gatling six-barrel cannon with magic spar as energy will be built, and accordingly, the scorpion Replaced by the magic energy.

The reason why the machine gun is not used is because there is still pressure on the manufacture of ammunition and it needs to be expanded.

Hermione watched with excitement as the sturdy and unusual steel fortress completed the final setting, and the heavy metal door opened, welcoming the troops. To Cain Jiao smiled: "In the background of the original high demon, the development speed of the blood worm group can be so cool!"

"It also has a great relationship with our existence of four divinities. Qualification determines the possibility of the use of advanced spells. High-tech laws make us a high starting point, and the upgrade method is more domineering."

"The benefits of qualification are so many, we can collect more magical things, upgrade the body, strengthen the clone, turn back and sweep the gods of our world, and let out a bad breath in our hearts."

Kane's mouth twitched, "Who said no?"

At the same time, Leoni and his party entered the gathering area of ​​semi-ruined houses, and an attack was opened with the summoning spell of a rat-grey prophet ...

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