Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 264: Infinite retreat

When Hermione showed up in a ray of light, the first thing she did was check the time.

There are special time-keeping equipment during the ceremony, accurate to milliseconds.

"We actually left for less than 3 hours." Hermione said to Kane who came out after watching the time.

Kane has always been a rigorous professional habit, reminding: "First carry out a comprehensive purification operation."

This is naturally to avoid bringing back microorganisms from other worlds and causing ecological disasters.

Biological interactions between different continents on the planet can cause alien species such as hare flooding, carp flooding, and crayfish flooding to destroy local ecological events. Communication and interaction with different worlds are naturally more dangerous.

It took a full hour to toss a person to carry out a large set of safety procedures.

The first thing to deal with next is to use magical things to strengthen the **** body.

Hermione, Catherine and Maria all thought that Kane should be pressed first.

"You are our pillar, even if we die, as long as you are there, the probability of our resurrection is very high, on the contrary, the probability is slim."

Kane said seriously: "I did this from the actual needs. First of all, we have a retreat, it is not possible, we can go into exile in the world of the Warhammer. Secondly, there are abundant resources, and we can be raised after several rounds."

Hermione quickly calculated and said: "The time flow rate on both sides is about 1:80. You are implementing a plan based on a hundred years. That is to say, we will go again after 3-5 years. Cost-effective? "

Kane nodded: "Theoretically, because of the distance, it takes a lot of energy to maintain the coordinate connection. However, after returning this time, with the possibility of improving the astrolabe, the next day's average consumption can be reduced by three-thirds. two."

"That is, next time we can walk for 20 days?"

"One month, after all, there is some surplus in space-time energy this time."

"It's still very hasty. It's difficult to make enough gains from the beginning. After all, it is impossible to catch up with the war every time. The arrangement to harvest this time is not mature, and it is not worth it."

Kane nodded: "It's not so satisfying. But we also need to develop a wave here. Maria and I used the high-end equipment over there to make a few miniature devices, industrial mother machine series, which allows us to quickly climb technology. "

Kane said confidently: "If this wave of digestion is good, we will be able to manufacture nuclear-powered, recyclable launch vehicles after the swarm comes online two years later. The current cost of transporting 1 kg of items into space in the United States is about It ’s $ 23,000, and we only need 1% of it at the time, $ 230, waiting for the scale. In about 95 years, we can officially announce that going to space is the same price as flying first class. "

"Does the space age mean that the gods cannot reach us?" Hermione asked.

"No, it means that under the background of enough magical things, the moon can be overlapped with the dead star. At that time, our residence time in the Middle Warhammer will be unlimited."

"It seems that we must first concentrate on destroying the dawn of the gods of Sutton, at least to drive them out of the nest."

"This is exactly the point. The dimensional fissure can be transferred to further reduce the difficulty of overlapping the dead star with the moon. To deal with the dawn of the gods, you need the help of the light. The magical thing brought back this time is used in Mary. Ya and Catherine didn't improve much, and used it on your body, but they can end the remaining three years of plasticity of the **** body in advance. By then, the clone we are using now can go further and strengthen into an avatar. "

Hermione knows that once the incarnation is achieved, many restrictions will be removed, and the practicality will be greatly increased. The total amount of mental power is not comparable now.

This time she didn't make any more concessions and agreed to Kane's strengthening plan.

Decided to do it, Kane and Hermione used magical things, and Maria and Catherine would crystallize the energy brought back from the medieval Warhammer world and discharge them into the magic array energy slot outside the grassy sea.

No one can live without desire or desire in this universe. People need air, food and water to live, and God needs energy to live.

Sutton luckily obtained the energy crystallization place created by the dimensional cracks, and can play Hera and Athena like beauty, letting the waves go wild, and more gods have to sleep, only to maintain a trace of spirituality, waiting for the environment Changes, the magic tide rises again.

In fact, with the exception of a few special encounters, most of the deities are not without any food.

Savings are there, and the deity's white gloves are also working hard to raise funds for them, even the magic stones that the wizards use to maintain the secret realm can be seen in the eyes. Forced by the situation, the rich also sometimes eat instant noodles.

When the environment is suitable, the gods will end hibernation, and those savings are the capital to return to the world.

The reason is as simple as this, except that the entire process operates on a millennium basis, and the ordinary people who see Shou Yuan for a short time are also confused.

Kane himself knew very well that he and Sutton could both be counted as gods who woke up early.

It was at least a hundred years ahead of time. After all, even if the magic tide rises again, the magic level will not be restored at once.

Why a family chooses black and white, because light comes from darkness, he is a contractor of the dark force, he has a death star, and he can provide light to Maria and Hermione. Others are like fire, water, and wind, and they ca n’t afford to play. There are so many places to find.

This time I went to the Warhammer, in addition to having an addiction of wanton use of energy-consuming spells, I also collected a lot of energy crystals. Even so, it just allows their family to live a better life in the next two years. It is really limited rations, not light waves.

Whether the gods sleep deeply or not, the energy consumption varies greatly, especially the four people of Kane. The growth of the new **** is even more energy intensive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the four of them now have endless exercises and endless customs.

A detailed summary of specific operations is nothing more than cell transformation.

Legend has it that every cell of the Genesis God is inside a universe.

According to this argument, the universe of the multiverse will be born and die, but the normal changes in cell metabolism in a certain part of the Genesis God body may be itchy and produce a little dander, which will destroy the N universe.

Whether this is a brain hole or the truth, it is not much different for Kane now.

All he can do now is that the cells no longer die easily.

If there is no accident, it will not age for about ten thousand years.

For mortals, this is already very god, just like the time is fixed, youth is not old.

How to do it, scientifically speaking, is that the energy radiation under the controllable background causes the cell mutation.

A kind of benign energy impregnation allows cells to better interact with energy. Some people rudely think that this is actually an energetic and elemental life, which is actually like, but not.

Shaped like Kane ’s **** body, it looks like it is growing, but it is based on the body and is completely split and reorganized.

So in fact, this **** body, with humans and dragons, has no much relationship, and it is a brand new species that has completed the level upgrade.

From now on, this is how it looks, instead of growing up like an ordinary dragon in adulthood, old age, and ancient times.

Growth will still grow, but the way has changed, focusing on the strengthening of the cell, which is regarded as a deep development trend, not a horizontal increase.

The increase of the depth of the cell can be understood as the upper limit. For example, the upper limit of the temperature tolerance, the upper limit of the pressure tolerance, the upper limit of the life of the cell itself and so on.

Kane's understanding of this improvement is the increase in the degree of information enrichment.

Alloys are lighter and stronger than steel. What is the difference?

Alloy is more complicated than steel. It is more than two kinds of metals. Its molecular arrangement structure is different from steel, which needs more description to explain.

What about graphene? What about carbon nanotubes?

Their material is very pure, but this method of achieving this purity is much more complicated than that of steel, and the information contained increases geometrically.

Artifact, just its material properties, can list five sheets of paper, and then explain these attributes, I am afraid that there are 500 sheets of paper, or even more.

If you want to make full use of this material, you need hundreds of sheets of energy and technology to explain clearly. If you can even count the practical test parameters, it will be useless.

Therefore, the first description of the essential characteristics of the artifact is information enrichment.

So basically, the more information is enriched in a substance, the stronger its characteristics are.

The same is true for God. If his cells want to be better than ordinary people's cells, the information must be more enriched. If a cell is a universe, what kind of information should be integrated?

From this perspective, the change that the magical thing brings to the god's body is to make the further information of the cell rich and integrated.

The essence of spiritual practice is to complete this process, or to prepare for this operation.

Some people like to make a mystery, so when it comes to cultivation, they are covered in clouds and fog, and they are mysterious.

Kane didn't like this. It was the simplest way, wherever it was, not afraid of being exposed.

This world has always said that it is one thing, and doing it is another. How many people can't even avoid weight loss, and they have to be able to move their legs when they climb the ladder.

Like the current situation of the four of them, it is not easy to become a god, and it is more difficult to practice. Most of the energy is used in practice. The energy used to transform the body is equivalent to listening to three or five songs a day, and the rest are all I have been working on it for seven years, and it is still a question mark.

This is the path they choose. This kind of path will allow them to use the gods of their gods for decades for a few years, so as to initiate a catch-up, make up for the gap in time, and at the same time maintain a higher dignity.

The only criterion for judging the divine personality is the degree of restriction, which is not a concept with the divine personality of the DND universe used to measure the degree of power.

As far as the deity is concerned, the gods of the dark HP world have not lived by deities.

This is a good thing for God, and it will not collapse because of the loss of believers.

For people, it is the opposite. Weakness and lack of value. The killing and killing are all in the other party's mind.

The magical thing has specific characteristics too.

Like Kane used this time, it was accelerated by time, and the adverse forces were eliminated.

Hermione needs to upgrade her qualifications. Quite speaking, her accumulation is the worst. The specific growth path is not like that of Kane. As soon as Dongfeng arrives, she will make a drastic upgrade.

When the last scale ~ ~ the reverse scale located on the neck close to the chest has also completely changed into a dark color, the shaping of the **** body is over, the adult dragon opened his eyes, and the eyes are golden, just like the top of the head Like the huge masculine character, it is also as clear as it can see through people's hearts.

The black flame ignited silently on the dragon's body, making the scales looming and shining brightly.

Soon, the dragon lay down again in the glorious sea of ​​grass shining with magic light on the ground. Its left wing stopped and wrapped two female bodies that had previously floated in the air. The right wing was also a young woman who was innocent. The woman released a rich holy light like the flame of the sun, and she was sleepy. After a few glances, he turned over and took the wings as a quilt, and slept again.

The black flame on the dragon's body and the holy white flame on the woman's body turned into two streams of light, and they each poured into the original dull body. The two bodies flickered like a soul, then opened their eyes and opened their eyes. There were thunderous flashes of light.

If you look closely at the eyes, there is an extra circle of golden light outside the iris. If you don't pay attention, you won't notice it, but if you look closely, you will feel a little strange and even horrified.

The same is true of Maria and Catherine's eyes. The golden ring represents divinity. The proportion of divinity determines the thickness of the gold circle.

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