Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 349: Level 1 Thunder

Mike Liberty understood the intention of Colonel Duke looking for him.

Use him, use UNN, from the perspective of public opinion, to make this action more just.

The military order is against the rules. Although the current cruise route of Nord II is not too far from the Sara galaxy, but it is really going to go there, it is almost the same, and it is impossible to explain it with a simple deviation.

To be honest, just watching that video, Liberty has already made a decision and he is willing to be used.

Because this is to save people.

He had heard about how bad the Federation ’s garrison was on the frontier planet. He did n’t believe those people could cope with such battles. It would be nice if they could take care of themselves.

As for the Alpha Squadron, in Liberty's view, this legendary force is still relatively strong in combat effectiveness. One of the reasons is that Duke is more diligent in training his boys.

What made Liberty determined to excuse Duke's rush to Josala was the special report from UNN that he saw when he was a child-the New Melbourne Defence.

The report claimed that UNN's tracking report team was originally invited by the military to film the border tour of the Independent Brigade. After all, this action of the Independent Brigade has a strong pilot meaning.

In the words of a military person: "More and more people on the frontier planets have reported that the local garrisons have not fulfilled their responsibilities and have performed poorly in terms of discipline. The federal activation rewards and punishments and even the existence are linked to performance The Liberal Corps hopes that they can sweep away the bad spirits in the army and serve the Federation better. "

As a result, the tracking team not only witnessed the disintegration of a stubborn old pirate by the Ares Independent Brigade, but also caught up with the shocking big event such as the Zerg invasion.

But as a professional, Liberty found that the report team's shooting was too full. To put it simply, the materials are dug in place, some details are dug out, and the application of professional techniques such as color and long lens is also in place. There is very little camera shake, which is really like watching a blockbuster.

Real battlefield photography cannot reach this level. Even if the current photography technology is already very sharp, it still has to be restricted by the scene environment.

Only when the preparation is particularly thorough can we capture so many wonderful moments.

Liberty, who already has a deep understanding of the pollution in the Federation and the industry, naturally doubted the authenticity of this report for the first time. "At least, those guys knew that there was such a battle in advance, but **** it, they chose to let the people take risks without even the minimum warning!"

There is no such thing as hatred, and there was no expectation of those people, but Liberty inevitably hated the coldness and unscrupulousness of those people. If there is a way to ridicule such behavior, he will do it, so as to obtain solace or satisfaction from the soul.

"Now, I also have people in the background!" Liberty thinks he is hundreds of miles away from Tasannis now, and feels a lot of peace of mind on the top human warships. The magical powers come here to assassinate here, this is an acre of land that belongs to Colonel Duke.

A passionate report soon came out, so he borrowed those field photography from Duke. Then it was published in his column, he had 5 minutes of video column permissions, and he could barely put down the edited video. Then, through his personal interpretation, he set off the force of this video. Tell the audience what is called show and what is objective reporting.

There is no doubt that this caused an uproar. Mike Liberty is very popular among the people, especially Tathanis. Just when many people concerned about him thought Liberty was tortured to distribute frontiers and could only sing praises for the Federation, their familiar Liberty came back. It is also a battlefield report that Liberty's video is not good, but it is full of tension and endless aftertaste.

Then, with Liberty's interpretation of the meal, turning back to compare the chapters prepared by UNN, it immediately became superior. The people's lack of trust in the Federation, the preconceived emotional color, was suddenly amplified at this time. They believe that Liberty holds the truth.

In the words of some people: "Although Duke is an arrogant and cold-blooded man, he is a paranoid and lacking sense of humor like the ancient George Smith Smith Barton, but he has to say that this man is tough and professional , And its conservative and stubborn thinking also makes it not good at playing means, otherwise it will not enter the ranks of generals now. The Duke family has always been a general civilization that can conquer good wars. In comparison, Edmund How much? Duke ca n’t even count on Chengdu late. "

Faced with such a report, naturally there is no shortage of opposition.

The opposition pointed out that Duke was hype and Liberty was maliciously wounded. Duke is 53 years old this year, and for two more years, if he can't become a general, he will have to retire from the position of first-line commander and take care of the less important second-line position. So he was in a hurry and hesitated to rub the hot spot in this way.

And UNN boss Handy Anderson is in pain and happy. The reason for the happiness is that UNN has received unprecedented attention. Compared with the reports from Kenneth and Liberty, the live broadcast of Yuanbo Company is basically a gadget that is not on the table.

In the bitter words of his assistant: What is the high degree of attention? They are a bunch of poor D-wires and life-failure dogs, and they have no economic value. It is estimated that their crowdfunding is not enough for Oliver who lives in acting in Tasannis. Buy a better cemetery.

The Yuanbo company is not enough to worry about, but some people are dissatisfied with the situation in their own homes, and some people are dissatisfied. In the words of others: "The event that could have been recorded in the annals of history, but you just made it into a star gossip event and fan Pinch the event. You have to give me an account! "

This is the place where Anderson is suffering. Liberty ’s report is an accident caused by negligence of authority. After all, the Duke family is not good to offend. It is normal to give some space to brag about it. Who can think of that guy can play the sea and explore the mountains What about the drama?

Another painful aspect is that now we are faced with a dilemma.

In terms of popularity, Liberty's past word-of-mouth + endless after-sales video of dry goods obviously came to the top, and the audience was obviously more interested in the follow-up reports, and the guy Duke had already led Alpha to kill Josala.

At this time, the government and the military were not good at blaming Duke. After all, Lyon Fox is really only handsome in New Melbourne.

However, the power behind the Ares Independence Brigade is not covered. With the outbreak of war in Josala, many people have understood it, and then exclaimed that the "Purple Badge" should act in advance and control the future in advance. Other people's homes are now thinking about how to avoid losses as much as possible in the social turmoil caused by the ensuing more civilized wars, and the purple badge that is one step ahead is already considering how to make a profit. what!

Anderson also understands this reason, so he is increasingly unwilling to offend the Fox family, the core family in the Purple Badge.

"Do you want to bet on both sides? Never!" Anderson finally decided to use his power to make a small media debut.

This small media is affiliated with UNN, but there is no evidence to prove this. In the past, its role was to attack the hostile media, the kind that dared to splash any dirty water.

Anderson decided that if the Purple Badge is defeated in the future, then he will use a series of irrefutable evidence to prove that this small media is UNN. UNN was forced to "curve to save the country" by the obscenity of the Purple Badge, which is actually both sides. Bet.

As for the resulting hostile media hate UNN more and more, as the saying goes, it is mediocre to not be jealous. Those people have already hated UNN for a long time, and it is not bad. What's more, it's not just playing with UNN, playing with each other like this, and not expressing my heart.

So Liberty and his series of reports disappeared from UNN, but soon appeared in a small media. This small media is like the **** basin newspaper in the age of the earth. It ’s difficult for people who want to catch them in the background of sufficient funds with one shot for another place.

Moreover, they can always steal communication traffic and spread their illegal videos. If they want to eliminate it, they must upgrade the device encryption technology. This difficulty is much more difficult than that of graphics card manufacturers and game companies. It is not that upgrades can be upgraded.

Liberty became a super anchor in the small media and quickly became a super anchor. He first released the wild goose squad Josala's life defense uncut version, and then played the Alpha Squadron's sharpened, murderous version.

In this report, not only did he admire the Alpha Squadron's squadrons, but he also showed a show of anxiety before meeting the soldiers.

Colonel Duke used the military-level reconnaissance device of Nord II to successfully find a transport fleet belonging to the ‘Purple Badge’.

In a fleet like this, there are several purple badges, mainly used to transfer the property of the purple badge to the planet where the Zerg virus has been found.

Duke successfully played a wave of fame in this operation.

"You guys of Kuaifei Company, listen, you are now urgently called by the Alpha Squadron of the Federal Mobile Fleet, and immediately throw all non-drugs, food, blankets and other materials on the ship other than emergency rescue materials into space, and accept boarding and take over. , Must be executed unconditionally, otherwise I will sink you on behalf of the Federation. I do n’t care who your boss is, let him send me a bill. "

A large amount of supplies were thrown into space, and the Alpha Squadron took a large fleet of transport ships to Josala.

Letting XX send me a bill has become a popular discourse for a long time. It stands for Laozi is awesome, Laozi is proud, Laozi doesn't care.

Then the Alpha Squadron performed a major airborne battle at the second largest city, New Auckland.

Rather than descending into the city, but directly attack the junction of the troops of the surface Zerg. The rail gun cleared the field, followed by the drop of the orbital airdrop module, and then the heavy unit of the transport plane.

At the same time, the orbital artillery has begun to extend its firepower, followed by stealth fighters and bombers, and completed the competition for air control and washing the ground.

In fact, the orbital artillery has already destroyed all the anti-air units of the worms, including the dragon dragon nest. After the air combat troops have destroyed the few dragons, they have slaughtered the main king insect that can detect and transport, and then It is the Banshee helicopter washing the ground.

The previously airborne Marines relied on heavy weapons to establish temporary blocking positions to block the Zerg attack on Auckland.

When the Air Force quickly and swiftly washed away the worm's nest, the reptiles were also besieged.

However, the Alpha Squadron did not chase the north and chase north, but took advantage of its quick investment and quick recovery, and quickly packed away after the recovery of the Zerg.

The ground troops rushed to Auckland to join the defenders there.

The air unit pointed to another worm's nest.

The Alpha Squadron was less than an hour away, and the smoke on the battlefield hadn't dissipated, and a large number of Zerg were madly rushing, of course, they were empty.

Then I received a request for help from the worm's nest.

Putting on the track and launching it twice, this kind of high maneuverability is also an advantage of the Alpha Squadron. The mobile unit is more than just running fast.

When these supporting Zerg horses rushed back non-stop, they were greeted by a pit, the lair has been contributed, and the Alpha army used the terrain to lay traps to help the surroundings.

The Alpha Squadron detonated all the mines and bombs carried by the fleet at one time, and the land of more than 3 square kilometers was turned into a scourge. This is definitely a disaster for the intensive martial ground troops.

And the Alpha Squadron also targeted the use of tactical nuclear bombs to make the sky into flames, flooding a large number of Zerg air units, and then it was a pain. Nord II personally lowered it, using his rough skin and thick firepower as a target, and attracted the deadly worms that had suffered heavy losses. Then it was a firepower competition. The ground was bombarded by heavy artillery, and the air was a Viking fighter In the sea of ​​missiles, the worms are quickly exterminated at an amazing speed.

This series of operations directly rescued Oakland from the worm's obscene prestige.

Colonel Duke said: "I actually don't want to fight this battle. My soldiers are not prepared enough. Give me an extra week and the casualties can be reduced by 70%. However, the people of Orange must evacuate quickly and not fight this battle. Retreat is empty talk. Well, pay tribute to all the officers and soldiers in this battle, and to the 4th team that killed all the members in the battle. They are good. "

When people were struck by the brilliant record of Alpha Squadron and General Duke's plain speech, a new round of controversial reports came. Colonel Duke ordered the shooting of civilians and shot himself.

It turned out that the reason for the shooting was that the civilians who were found to be infected with the Zerg virus must disembark and disembark on board.

The dilemma at the time was that human medical scientists were not sure that the infection would have been saved. Not even sure about the way and way of infection.

Anyway, on the surface, infected people who are in the incubation period of the virus can run and jump, thinking normally, and a good person.

So, is it for the safety of most people, to abandon them, or to save?

Duke's choice is clear, the infected must stay.

In an on-site interview with Mike Liberty, Duke said: "As a soldier, I have more experience with this dilemma. There is no best of both worlds, only the worst option. We lack understanding of Zerg, we know about them 'S biotechnology is impressive. My loyal and brave men have now sacrificed close to 300 people, and we just destroyed a bunch of bio-intelligent weapons. "

"Yes, do n’t doubt that the large number and variety of bugs are like drones coming off the production line, but they are made of flesh and blood, which are more powerful than metal and more powerful than artificial intelligence. High-end biointelligence, this is a biological engineering version of weapons, also commonly known as biological and chemical weapons. We have not yet figured out what their command system is like, we just destroyed several weapons production plants placed on the front line. "

"So I'm actually very angry ~ ~ As long as there are enough resources, as long as there are enough resources, the construction is fast, and we humans need 20 years from birth to adulthood. Value, so I feel lost. We have died a lot of soldiers and civilians. But in order to save more soldiers and civilians from disasters, I have to be cruel, the infected must stay, the Alpha Squadron will send someone to protect, even if it is dead, it is also the Alpha Squadron People die first, this is my explanation. If you do n’t listen to it, then I will use the heavy code. Anyone who does n’t agree can come to Josala to bite me. Remember to bring the weapons to fight the worms. My military supply is a little tight here. "

I have to say that Duke became a CUT film-level style commander in a moment. People who like him like to die. Many Huaichun girls are willing to give birth to this diamond-shaped old orangutan monkey, but do n’t like him. I really don't like it. Cao Sang's life, the arrogant butcher and other hats buckle hard.

But in any case, Duke is really hot. People think that the name of the Alpha Squadron is not too powerful. Although Alpha is already the first of the Greek letters, how can such a sturdy human combat ability compare with the other 23 letters? In a level? It should be called the Grand Duke's Guard. Duke was meant to be the Duke, but Edmundo Duke is definitely the most powerful Duke in human history. This is to fight aliens.

What people do n’t know is that a shadow named Kane has covered all this from the beginning ...

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