Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 401: Wartime-A

Planet engine. Kane, the brain hole, already knew in the source world. As early as the period of activity in the solar system, humans have installed engines for rich celestial bodies and pushed them to designated locations for mining. The key principle of pushing the planet is connected with it.

Of course, in reality, pushing planets is much more complicated.

As a large celestial body, we must consider its interaction with other planets of the solar system and even the sun.

It must also consider its own problems.

After all, in addition to revolution, planets also have rotation. Rotation determines the planet's magnetic field, its own stability and so on.

However, these are not major problems for the old incarnations and can be ignored.

For creatures living on the surface of the planet, problems with stability mean landslides and tsunamis, super natural disasters. But for super-hosting creatures with a planet as their shell, they can all be easily tolerated.

This is a huge benefit. Planetary quality corresponds to planetary power.

Caesar's anomaly, Kane naturally knew the first time.

For this level of billiards, he is powerless and can only evacuate before Mars hits the earth. It is said that the ratio of Josala to Marsala is really similar to the ratio of Mars to Earth.

Compared with the imminent threat of incarnations of the old days, the invasion of Zerg is imminent.

One-third of Leviathan becomes space junk, which is absolutely a heavy loss for Zerg.

And this time the loss was quite thorough. After all, it was 5,000 magic needle beams, which stirred back and forth. Most of Leviathan and the internal worms were cut into meat stuffing, and accompanied by large-scale burning and explosion.

This is very different from the situation of the Leviathan wreckage in Chosala airspace. There is still a patchwork there, which has basically formed a deformed space fortress.

Kane naturally left there deliberately. He hoped the Zerg could better demonstrate his ability, so that he could deepen his understanding.

He wanted to see not only the fighting power of Zerg, but also their recovery ability and work efficiency.

All of these have been answered by the Zergala Zerg.

According to the relevant calculations of AI, within a Leviathan, including extremely rapid incubation, without supplementing resources, together with the existing, it can produce about one million Zerg, if it is a kind of low-cost unit such as Zerg , The number can be doubled.

Kane knew that Leviathan was already the largest and most advanced unit of Zerg, and using it as a benchmark, Zerg's material throughput efficiency and production capacity could be estimated.

In order to be more precise, he will have the opportunity to observe the production capacity of the nest and the hive in the future. He has already seen the lowest hatchery in Chosala.

When he collects these data, he can more accurately determine the combat power that any Zerg unit can produce in a unit of time.

This obviously has a very high intelligence value for the long-term fight against Zerg.

This is different. In the face of the massive invasion of Zerg, without the qualification to release water, you can only go all out.

However, the red pupil star is Marsala's moon after all, the ratio between the two is like peach and watermelon.

Red pupil star has its own orbit, it can't take care of every area of ​​Marsala. At least for the moment, there are always blind spots. The light spear is a standard straight blow.

After the red pupil stared, the damaged Zerg could easily understand a math problem, and it was hard to fight with the red pupil star, and a large fleet might not be enough to fill the pit.

The firepower of human beings has really left a deep impression on them for a lifetime.

What the outsiders do not know is that there is actually an element of anger, just because the original history line was born and Zelas ’s original Zerg Dehaka said: "... humans and their ridiculous tools ..."

Human, ridiculous tool?

Lao Tzu will show you what a tool for destroying stars and what is the mass-energy conversion and striking strength based on the calculation of the mass of the earth!

We do n’t talk about novelty brains, let ’s say what power can be produced per unit time in the case of exponential amplification.

Isn't it Bibi? Grey Beard will give you a preview first. When Lao Tzu's drone system explodes, let you understand what is the amount of devouring the star ocean.

In fact, Zerg ca n’t even carry out the rehearsal, let alone the mass-energy conversion amount and the striking strength in terms of the mass of the earth, that is, how much of the planet ’s mass is the amount of delivery. Up.

As the camera zooms in, the Zerg team attacking Chi Tongxing can be said to be terrible. The remains of the corpses are spreading over billions of cubic kilometers of airspace. More than 100 million units are buried in less than half an hour.

No way, this is the result of the productivity of this era in response to the offense under the old tactics. The number of kills in one time exceeds the sum of the deaths of World War II.

In fact, the red pupil star has been transformed into a dead star. As long as Kane Zhao is willing to spend extraordinary efforts to make super-universe focusing crystals, focus 5000 needles on the needle, and laser beams with a power of more than 1 trillion kilowatts, cutting planets is not difficult.

This hang is not much different from the Kaidalin crystal hang that Emon gave Xing Ling.

Kaidalin crystal is such a super-civilized substance, super battery, super energy converter, super conductor, super intelligent stability regulator ... The creation occupies too many key technical nodes, which is an important reason why the Protoss civilization is highly developed One.

At this moment, the Protoss in the Golden Fleet who arrived on the battlefield was also shocked by the human ability to strike.

The astronomical attack is super magnificent. Although the essence is nothing more than a fusion and fission level of mass-energy conversion, but the quantity is up, the visual effect is still shocking, every time it is like igniting the sun or destroying the planet.

It is the human beings who are shocked. Most ordinary people cheered for it. Every time they hit the dark space, the blows appeared. People like to see the super fireworks burst at the grand festival.

"Insects, see the power of humans!" Many people are thinking about this moment.

The federal dignitaries felt the bitter chill. With such a strike force, I would like to ask who would dare to bluntly criticize it, if they are terrorists, which country or polity would dare to brag than say that they never compromise with terrorist acts?

This is not a low ratio that can only be compared with the indignity of the innocent people. This is a fighting force that can completely wipe out a province in one go. And there is no such thing as senior officials enjoying better security treatment, and terrorist attacks rarely really fall on them. This is the same, just like a super eraser to wipe off a piece of blow ability directly.

In fact, this kind of blow revealed the most dreaded coordination ability of all elements. Five million artillery guns fired at the same speed as the arm's fingers. The reaction force generated at that moment caused a slight change in the planet's orbit, and the rotation was like a jam, and it stopped for a moment.

Super unity, super unity, this is the characteristic of the blood worm group, and it is also ironic, because a true group of independent individuals can never achieve such high unity and unity.

"All air combat units take off. I want the Zerg to die half before landing!"

At high altitudes, aircraft carrier platform deflections appear. These deflection coordinates are determined after repeated measurements. At this moment, simple platforms that can only be suspended and cannot be moved can be put into place. Used as an air combat carrier.

At the top of these aircraft carrier platforms, there are old-fashioned taxiing runways. This runway is only for launching heavy fighters. This heavy fighter with command function is all controlled by humans.

The real main force of air combat is the Fighting Falcon UAV, all of which are launched in orbit. The launch effect is like the Katyusha Rocket Force striking at full strength. From a distance, the entire aircraft carrier platform is constantly spraying in all directions. Especially in the background of the night, it is like the fortress is fighting back against the enemy under siege, and every fire fired by it is the engine of the fighter.

The UAV does not need to consider the personnel to carry the load. The plasma engine keeps their speed duration above Mach 10, and can operate at a maximum speed of Mach 15 per hour.

What is this concept?

Anyway, if you compare the full-flight Zerg to a standing person, these drones are a supercar passing by at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. The sonic boom and the air turbulence caused are enough to drink a pot. of.

After receiving militia training, many people in the shelter have obtained command authority for unmanned fighters. The lowest rank is a warrant officer, commanding a crew, together with their own heavy fighters, a total of 11 fighters.

Of course, this kind of rank is far from the gray-bearded system, and even the flight simulator is not realistic, but convenient. That's how easy it is to get started.

Kane does not need to train people into aerobatic pilots, he needs an air combat commander.

AI is the best student, but not the best teacher. The best teachers are people, who can solve problems creatively. Computers can't. Computers can basically solve the problems it has solved.

So there is this kind of war system that does not tend to be true, from flying in the sky to running on the ground and swimming in the water.

Zerg's airborne is very spectacular, huge enough to carry two main battle tanks, the airborne sacs sprayed from Leviathan like raindrops, the launch method is more intensive than before when the artillery fire with the red pupil star. And it is continuous.

At high altitudes, Leviathan's figure is looming, countless airborne sacs are like rain, and more are Zerg air combat units.

The proportion of Zerg heavy units escorting the airborne bladder is not high.

Heavy-duty units are mainly for ships. They are relatively inflexible, slow in speed increase, and have average flight speed in the atmosphere.

The most suitable for combat in the atmosphere are flying mantis and explosive mosquitoes.

Explosive mosquitoes are actually divided into several types. The largest one is the size of a beetle car. They can be competent for the task of fighting ships. The little ones are like children's tricycles.

This small mosquito is very used to attach to the surface of the king insect, so that the king insect looks like a cauliflower head from a distance.

Wang Chong really needs to explode mosquitoes to destroy those enemies trying to find it in trouble.

Nowadays, these explosion mosquitoes are another kind of usage. They use a huge number of weaves to form a three-dimensional array of locusts and oceans, and the sky is sweeping everywhere.

These explosive mosquitoes are the biggest opponents of Fighting Falcon drones. They do not hunt Fighting Falcons by speed, but by the probability caused by the number.

Fighting falcons burst into hundreds of thousands of mosquito explosions, basically there is no way to live. Although the drone flight technician has more than one aerobatic pilot, and the blue is blue, the cleverness can make any pilot tearful, but still It's not enough to fight the bursting mosquito waves like a petrel.

"Damn, this is forcing me to develop a transformable fighter!"

3000 aircraft in 10 minutes. The severe battle damage made Kane's face gloomy and ruthless.

It can be said that with these 3,000 Fighting Falcons, he can hang all the aircraft produced by the original world since the advent of the aircraft. Even if it were all replaced with the most advanced F35, only the slaughtered part.

The flying Zerg's response, machine power, speed, firepower and the like are not stronger than the F35. Even as long as it does not fall into the dogfighting link, the F15 can happily target on the line.

But the worms have mosquitoes ~ ~ More importantly, Kane did not expect the Leviathan fleet to carry so many mosquitoes.

Or, he was misled by the Leviathan Pilot Fleet encountered by Ben Josala.

The fleet launched more than 100,000 Zerg heavy air combat units as soon as it debuted.

If this Leviathan fleet also came to this trick, then the sky will become a hunting feast for combat falcon drones, unable to catch up, unable to fight, and even unable to keep up with the reaction, the combat falcons will definitely become The nemesis of the devourers and corroders.

But the Zerg didn't push it strongly this time, but put a lot of mosquitoes on it cunningly. This is usually sent by the weaker side. Use its own number of superior units to consume the enemy's powerful units as much as possible.

The Zerg, which obviously has the absolute number of advantages, played this, and it was clearly planned to play this early in the morning (the mosquitoes were not hatched in a short time), which caused Kane to be overcast.

Of course, he has ‘; B’, and his plan B is called ‘Burning the Sky’ ...

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