Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 407: Do not follow

When the Grey Beard Rescue Team divided its troops to save the survivors, Kane was also wielding a chainsaw sword to kill the worms. The intensity of the battle he faced was generally unimaginable.

It can be said that every second, the Zerg probes his claws from all directions, trying to tear him even once.

But he danced the chain saw sword to cut melons and cut vegetables to kill insects. The plasma was like a pot of water splashing hard. With the trajectory of the chain saw sword blasting and flying, the worm's hissing sounded even more. The head of the listener is about to burst.

Even so, for Kane, this is nothing more than a vent.

There are no opponents who can really threaten his life, even the Thunder Beast with super regeneration function.

Zerg wanted to keep the control room by number, and the whole area was packed with rubbing shoulders. When it was free, it immediately topped, but still could not stop his advancement. He was just walking on the corpse.

This time, there is no shooting, otherwise people will inevitably see the problem: this type of battle is simply not human.

From the beginning of the war, the situation was extremely bad.

Kane and a group of bear guards jumped directly from the transport plane, and the height of tens of meters was ignored.

And below is the sea of ​​Zerg.

Almost everyone ruptured the flesh and blood of at least one worm that could not dodge when they landed, and then started fighting.

From the transport plane, Kane and his team were overwhelmed by Zerg immediately.

However, they are like gold in the sand, and the water will flash as it moves.

This is also, once the sea of ​​the worms fluctuates, they can show their figures, forming a chopper team, like a sharp blade that travels through the water.

The so-called control room is actually a hub, due to mechanical failure, the self-destruction device failed to start, and was then occupied by the worms on the crashed Leviathan.

Kane just wanted to kill it and deal with it manually.

After evaluation by the AI ​​deputy, there are a total of two areas that require manual processing. After completion, the dock area is completely destroyed. Nothing can be left, neither the incarnation of the old branch nor the worm, nor the core secret of the gray beard production system.

Kane figured it out and felt that there was enough time, so he ended up on his own.

After arriving in the operation area, it was found that it was right. Powerful electricity was raging in this area, and even the air was ionized. In this case, even the worms that are known for their vitality are difficult to cross. No wonder when he wanted to use any magic to come here, he found that he was seriously hindered.

Blessing his power armor with the 'Energy Hammer Forging' effect, Kane strode into the electrical confusion area.

The extraordinary power and energy consumption of energy hammering is far more expensive than elemental affinity and energy shield. The advantage is that it can make the target an extraordinary item, provided that the quality of the target material meets the minimum standards.

Kane's power armor shell material is naturally satisfactory, he has already made related arrangements, originally intended to strengthen the extraordinary properties of anti-corrosion in the extreme environment of fighting with Zerg, but now he changed his mind Since the gods jump out one after another, the anti-enhancement and anti-energy properties are also good.

He had seen a skill in his previous life, called blinking riding face, projecting deadly poison or special projectile in front of the target through blinking, then it was called a little negligence and would be taught to be a man.

Armor has a high resistance property, and there is a greater chance to invalidate such means.

After passing through the energy field, his armor looks like + a few objects ‘snarled’ by the gem in the game, has a glass texture, and the light is gleaming, as if light made of water is circulating.

"It seems too cool and conspicuous!" Another thought: "Is Grey Beard showing less black technology during this period? Constantly refreshing shame! I have already been on the blacklist of some people's special attention?" Still afraid of adding another light armor? That ’s it, who can treat me? "

Kane is also self-aware.

Since the arrival of the Zerg Fleet and a sudden attack on Marsala, Josala also accelerated to Marsala in a "meteor rushing to the moon" way, one after another, new situations shocked humanity and made him addicted.

Of course, some people have a pale face.

For example, the federal government, the military, and rulers with great powers like the founding family.

Ben has paid much attention to it and found that it is still underestimated.

Although there is no close-up of the lens of the red pupil star, it is strictly blocked by the camouflage system until the astronomical-scale saturation attack is launched. The image returned by the observation equipment is still a wilderness like the surface of the moon. It is not difficult to see that it has become a weapon-level planet.

The whole planet is a weapon! What a horrible thing is this?

Even more horrifying is the productivity represented behind this.

The experts of the Federal Think Tank calculated that, even if they did not consider the lack of technology, even if everything is ready-made, with the federal production capacity, if you want to build such a super weapon, the military-based departments work together, but also It takes about two years.

And how long did Grey Beard stay in Marsala? Not even half a year!

Talking back ten thousand steps, even if the gray beard started operating a long time ago, it took several years to create such a weapon in the frontier stars, and the information contained in it still makes the dignitaries sleep and sleep.

The first is technology, which has been repeatedly emphasized by federal experts. The planetary cannon transformed by the Drakken rig, even if it is not as powerful as the light spear, will not be much worse.

And the helm of Draken International vowed to ensure that their scientists have invented a new generation of laser, through the use of gold, so that the laser has energy gathering characteristics.

That is to say, without any intermediary, the laser is directly focused, and several shares are merged into one to achieve the power increase effect.

In fact, this is the original Drakken rig used by the people of the original history line Mobius Fund, which was developed through technical cooperation in order to obtain the Sarnaga artifact fragments.

Its essence is to add the power of the void.

The Federal Ship Design Agency also said that the ground effect aircraft that shined in Marsala and Chosala were actually nothing. They were very old designs, Arsenal.

They also said that the biggest contribution of the gray-bearded weapon show is to inspire them, letting them realize that many weapon design concepts do not exist outdated, but apply.

As long as applicable, it is a good weapon.

The weapon research and development department has a similar argument. Like the flame weapon suitable for the gray beard, the plasma fire of the Federal Firebat is not much worse.

The incendiary agent and high-pressure injection device invented by an arsonist while serving his sentence in the Firebat Wing were in the weapons department ’s reserve materials. In the past, because of the consideration of the need to mount the horse, it has been on the paper instead of falling. Real place.

The people in the equipment department also said that the design of the power armor anti-joint of the werewolf unit is the same as the stilt bounce shoes ...

In general, most of the equipment of the gray beard's eye-catching equipment can be quickly replaced, even if it is not as good as the original version, it will not be too bad.

And with the R & D capabilities of the federal military industry, innovations will be introduced soon.

But there is the same, but it is impossible to get anyway, it is super calculation.

Many experts agree that the supercomputer is the real black technology of the gray beard. As for its role, it can be said to be endless, it is simply the whole field.

There are actually gray beards that the Federation does not have, and there is far more than just a supercomputer. Like fixed-point deflection delivery technology, the Federation does not.

In general, there are too many advanced technologies of Grey Beard, and many of them are beyond the grasp of an organization. It is natural for people to guess that there must be a national-level behemoth behind it.

"Earth people are absolutely earth people! Only the technology of earth people will follow us in the same vein and be more advanced than us. This explanation is the most reasonable!"

Many people agree with this statement.

It is just that after recognition, those with vested interests are worried about losing their rights. Although ordinary people like the behavior of Grey Beard on the front line to save the people, there is no lack of worry.

It is mainly for so many years that the earth has been demonized, and people in the Copley Star District do not know exactly what attitude the earth people have towards them. Is it a tolerant acceptance? They still set off their pure blood, but just wanted to enslave them.

There was a similar question raised by that mouth. He said: "Is it possible that the gray beard was sent by the earth to fight for the forefront, wearing the coat of the savior, gaining a foothold, and then seizing power in one fell swoop? Have to defend!"

In his column, Liberty gave a bitter and ironic sarcasm to various speculations on the clamor: "Some people turn a blind eye to the large-scale invasion of the worm and destroy the human planet. The enemies and threats of life are turned a blind eye, as if these are all the diseases of ringworm that can be eliminated by fingertips, but once a kind of similarity that shakes their status appears, they will try to fight against smearing and ignore their specific actions at all ... "

Liberty is very popular right now. Fans are exaggerating over the 1.5 billion mark. When he spoke, he immediately applauded and had a huge momentum.

Liberty also participated in the aid operation not long ago, and naturally recorded the whole process. Even if the rescue team has a violent firepower on the ground, and the sky and space orbit are basically in the hands of the human being, the process is still extremely dangerous.

In addition, Chi aid is also an escape. The rescue team will not return to the refuge. Instead, it will use its own facilities to establish a transmission facility, and the personnel will go directly to the space station. As for large equipment, all are abandoned.

After the rescue operation, Liberty pulled out a statistical list, which recorded the names and resumes of each gray-bearded mercenary who ultimately died in the operation.

Statistics of the probability of the intentional person afterwards, the battle of Marsala, more than 2,000 gray-bearded sacrifices.

Since Grey Beard became famous in the Sara galaxy, there have been heroes from all walks of life. The new members who have been upgraded from the militia have been recruited by the Grey Beard, which is about 3,000, and the backbone and merger of the original less than 300 people. After several small mercenary organizations, the elite totaled 4,000 people.

Chosala ’s last rescue operation lost more than 1,000 people. In addition to the battle of Marsala, it can be said that the combat power developed by the gray beard has basically been defeated, and now it is hundreds of people.

Many people who are concerned about this human powerhouse are worried that the gray beard is going to languish, because the list of deaths shows that more than half of the backbone have been sacrificed. Whether Grey Beard still has strong hematopoiesis is doubtful.

Secondly, the equipment and infrastructure were seriously damaged, and the foundation in Marsala was completely lost.

It was a pity that countless people refuted the refuge when it turned into powder in the earth-shattering explosion. Everyone thinks that if it weren't for the terrible super monster of astral life, the gray beard could be able to save the foundation.

The vast majority of people do not know the truth that the old avatars were stripped of their shells with supernatural power.

But people basically witnessed the scene where Chosala broke up.

Some experts said that the reason for the disintegration was caused by Josala's 'overspeed'.

Others believe that the super monster deliberately did it.

In any case, with the disintegration of Josala, the true form of the old branch was finally presented to everyone.

It looks a little happy, just like a **** shell holding a dung ball tightly.

Of course, the old branch avatar is not holding a dung ball, but a solid planet core.

A mixture of metal elements such as iron and nickel?

No, it seems to be more advanced, and it seems to be a big lonely gold!

The Protoss are all stunned. There is not so much gold that they have mined in a hundred years. The rare gold will appear in such a way that people will inevitably have a long-lived feeling.

Kane didn't feel that much. He knew that most of the Tuo Youjin was not collected by the old people, but was transformed through a long period of time.

There is a game called an artifact that grows with the deity and complements each other ~ ~ promotes each other, the deity grows and the artifact becomes great.

He estimated that most of the gold in the Tuo was the artifact embryo of the old branch. Once the artifact comes out, its magic will never be much worse than that of Pisa's Naga artifact.

After the outer shell of the planet was blown away, I saw the old avatar shining in a very short time, blessing myself with dozens of protections in one breath.

However, immediately after the string sound was shot, there was no trace.

The old avatar glides on inertia for several hours before reorganizing the road. Kane estimates that the guy also made a determination after a series of psychological struggles.

The tens of thousands of divine creatures bred by the old branch incarnations were also killed by a string magic trick. The old branch incubators then hatched a batch again, this time purely by themselves, rather than based on worms. Carry out the magic change.

The newly bred divine creatures have a shorter hatching time, and within less than 3 hours, they have expanded into large **** with a diameter of hundreds of meters. From the perspective of astronomy, it looks like a bunch of grapes.

This not only puzzled Kane, but what on Marsala was he interested in?

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