Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 441: Shrinking Fleet and Executioner

Eurokostar, the federal light industry base with a population of 230 million.

At 14:00 on June 9, 2500.

The attack and defense of the near-star airspace fleet ended about 15 minutes ago.

The Federal New Alpha Fleet suffered a terrible defeat here, and all ships were annihilated.

The energy interference released by the hybrids prevented the fleet from making any kind of leap. The cruising speed could not get rid of the entanglement of a large number of enemy forces. It could only be a dead fight, and the result was really dead.

With the destruction of the fleet, the hybrids cleared the way. Before the infiltration operation ended, a large number of ship-level hellworms will occupy satellite orbits and completely destroy the planet in a posture of pressure.

This huge legion just converged into a torrent, 12 million kilometers away, and the dark space appeared to be distorted in a large area like a transparent film was smashed.

Subsequently, a fleet array of 30,000 constellation-class warships appeared in the airspace.

After 3 seconds, 12 light spears on the bow of the fleet were launched without super focus. Instead, they were ordinary light spears. 360,000 light spears formed a saturated blow like Tianhe light, and reached the target area after about 40 seconds.

About 90% of the larvae in the strike area were drowned by the flood of light spears and died directly. At a grand scale, it seems to wipe off a piece of canvas with an eraser.

After 5 minutes, the light spear was fully charged, and the second wave of attacks was launched.

12 million kilometers, there is no weapon to have such a shooting distance.

But they can be transmitted in clusters.

A large number of **** worms, led by mixed species, began to glow.

After 1 minute, millions of hellworms appeared in the airspace where the constellation-class battleship group is located.

They are not afraid of the spatial distortion caused by the existence of objects in the coordinate area.

In other words, that is exactly their purpose-to use yourself as a space weapon.

Ride your face directly and teleport to the other person!

However, the constellation-class battleship group has a quicker response, and has already completed the short distance in one step. The 30,000 battleships are like one body, uniform and uniform. After the jump, the formation is not chaotic.

He appeared about 16 million kilometers away from the teleported hellworm, and opened fire on it again.

Each giant tentacle of the hybrid is straight, like a super sea urchin.

They have also been growing. Now, a few months later, the earliest batch of hybrids, if they are still alive, their size has been similar to dwarf planets.

The constellation-class battleship group is now facing such a mixed breed.

When it straightens its tentacles, it can cover a huge area. After opening the force field, it can provide very good protection.

Even so, the power of the light spear still kills a large number of **** worms, but the transmission strength is much more inserted than before, and the hybrid tentacles are particularly tough and can resist the light spear to a certain extent.

After the hybrids propped up the force field, they saw that the purple cloud-like light surrounding it was absorbed by it like a tide, and then it and the **** worms still living around it began to glow.

The second transmission!

This teleport successfully rides the face.

The constellation-class battleship group debuts with a jump, and can only complete a tactical jump in a short time, and it is impossible to come back for a second time.

The number of hybrids has been reduced to more than 100,000 Hellworms, and sent into the constellation-class warship group, which directly caused more than 4,300 ships to be torn by the twisted space force.

There are only ten thousand dead **** bugs around.

It is also in a terrible situation on its own, with most of its tentacles broken.

In the face of the huge loss, the constellation-class battleship group did not panic. They used ATA anti-aircraft laser arrays. In the cross-fire network formed by all, more than 10,000 **** worms were shot into the sieve.

As for the hybrid, it enjoyed the black hole bomb made by the -76 element.

This weapon is still in the research and development stage. It can't directly tear the huge hybrid, but it can hold it firmly, can't move it, and at the same time invalidate its attack.

Using this period of time, the fleet completed the adjustment, and when the black hole bomb ended, the combined light spear strike just arrived. The hybrid cannot resist such activation and is shot on the spot.

But before he died, this guy disgusted a group of warships. After the explosion, the highly corrosive flesh and blood splashed around, which not only polluted part of the battleship, but also caused more trouble for Yuroco.

It is important to know that as divine creatures, their flesh and blood are difficult to be destroyed. They are larger and cannot be burned up by atmospheric friction.

Once it hits the ground, traditional horror movies have the potential to be staged, foreign objects, who are contaminated by who is unlucky, all kinds of distorted monsters, heartbroken evil people and so on.

However, these are not within the jurisdiction of the constellation-class battleship group.

They rearranged the array and carried out a saturated blow to the rest of the Hellworm Legion that had not been within the range of the mixed transmission.

Although these variants are only a few hundred thousand kilometers away from Yuroco, in terms of space scale, this is already very advanced. They have completed acceleration and can be reached in less than an hour.

But there was never the possibility of arriving, and he was continuously flooded by the flood of light spears, and finally more than one of them survived.

After destroying the main force of the Hellworm Legion, the constellation-level battleship group jumped away directly.

About 20 minutes later, another fleet arrived in a jump.

This fleet intersects the constellation class warship group, which is much smaller in size, but also has more than a thousand ships. And most of the large ships, at least more than half of the total length has exceeded 2,000 meters.

After the fleet arrived, it was immediately divided into three shares.

Some of the remnants of the Hellworm are cleared. After all, there are no more than one hundred, but the base is large enough, and there are still some. These **** worms are all ship-level, and they are larger than the original world-class Burleigh-class destroyers. They rush into the colonial planet. It can be said that each ship can complete the slaughter work of a city of 100,000 people. .

The other part of this fleet conducts sweeping operations in the airspace where a large number of ships are lost in the constellation class warship group, mainly to completely bombard relatively intact ships into fragments.

Unlike the constellation-class warships that Kane originally took, these are also constellation-level, but they do not have a super-focused crystal, because the crystal is made by Kane with extraordinary power and does not produce energy.

These 30,000 constellation-class battleships are the ships that the wandering fleet ended their self-reproduction ahead of schedule and converted into shipbuilding, which took 4 days to build.

The fleet responsible for the aftermath was built by Chihongxing in one month.

The last squadron killed Yuroko.

While the new Alpha fleet of the Federation was still being built, the hybrid cluster first adopted a high-speed strong penetration penetration tactic.

Jump directly to the area quite close to Yuroco, then rush into Yuroco desperately.

Although there is the Alpha Fleet's protective ring, Yuroco also has a planetary artillery that can target satellite orbits and even longer-range targets, but it is still difficult to fully intercept this thick-skinned, squad of son-mother.

And once let it penetrate into the area with sufficient air concentration, these **** worms will use aerodynamics to change the flight trajectory, just like scattered bees swarming around.

They are also far more fierce than zerg, eating everything, breathing air without eating, drinking some dirty water, growing in the sun, and then turning into horror monsters and playing alien strategies.

Although the medical technology of this era is very savvy, and wearable devices can detect abnormalities in the body, objective factors such as human nature still make this tactics powerful and people are very worried.

But until humans are exhausted by various security issues, the hybrid cluster will not be killed.

At this time, there was almost no cooperation between the colonial star and the fleet, and they were very tired. An oversight may make the mistake of burying themselves. This is how the new Alpha fleet was annihilated.

There are not many tricks for mixed-battle clusters, but it is like a beast's bite and bite. It's uncomfortable. Yuroco is not the first and will not be the last.

Kane Zhao finally chose to save people, rather than the refreshing big fleet flat A sweep.

The production efficiency of 30,000 constellation-class warships in 4 days alone is enough to show that the last 27 days did not allow the production line to continue to replicate itself but began to switch production, which had a great impact on the original plan.

100,000 in 1 day and 30,000 in 4 days, the difference is not half a star.

This also caused Kane Zhao to be full of anger, just like he used to borrow some boats in Marsala to transfer people, and whether it was the founding family or the good dead Port pirates who had interacted before, they chose to take the opportunity Feelings of crazy price increase.

Obviously, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, because of his intolerance, and the incompetence and indifference of some people in the Federation, and finally it becomes the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This happened again and again, and he was really annoyed this time. To vent this evil, you must use a large number of people to relieve it.

Even if the union collapses, some people must die!

He himself is very clear that such a decision is largely due to the expansion of his own mentality.

Who does n’t meet unfair people and things? Why did he have to kill him to vent his anger? What is so hypocritical?

But on the other hand, he also eloquently believes that the Federation has already eroded to the point of being overthrown, but that technology has become the best bodyguard, giving these people the power to suppress the entire population with a very few people.

Gone are the days when most people could overthrow superstructures by rebelling.

And, also because of the prosperity of technology, the problem of starvation has long been solved.

The ants are still greedy, let alone human.

It is a happy thing for people to live, even if they can interact with the world for a day.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is impossible to fight at all, on the one hand, it cannot die (and perhaps it cannot survive), so the society is so rotten, and the road to the destruction of spiritual civilization leads to the destruction of civilization.

Kane thought: "I am saving the world, actually I am backing for you guys who eat people and do nothing. My salvation is not for you guys to continue to **** blood and eat the marrow, and live a luxurious life, so I saved At the same time, I am also responsible for rectification. "

The idea was decided, and the fierce means came immediately. The shadows in the gray beard became the executioners, and the first stop was Tasannis.

At 15 o'clock on June 9, at the same time that the constellation-class battleship group debuted to rescue Yuroco, a terrifying organized massacre occurred in Tasannis.

The Executioner Force with the ghost as its core suddenly appeared and simultaneously slaughtered 37 target groups, including the main target and its family members, as well as any obstacles.

An eyewitness said afterwards: "These are machines wrapped in human skin and demons that cannot be killed at all."

For this action, Kane Zhao was very extravagant, and all the executioners were assigned consumables created by extraordinary powers, and it is these consumables that created the phenomenon of irresistible killing.

By the evening of this day, more than 14,000 people had died in this vicious event, later known as the 'afternoon execution' incident. ~ ~ Among the deceased, there are even centenarians in addition to those under the age of 14.

37 goals, 31 successes, except one that escaped, the remaining 5 are all founding families.

The way to escape is Li Daitao's stiffness, and the death is the surrogate, not the body. However, these people can't be said to be unharmed, because they are facing all the direct blows to kill, and their families have not been able to escape.

Five minutes before the execution of the executioner, Kane Zhao occupied UNN, and announced the official takeover of the federal government through the largest federal media.

Later, some people announced more than 700 appointment and removal notices and transfer orders, as well as federal emergency management rules, and placed them on various media platforms such as the UNN network public section for review.

At the same time as the announcement of these orders, the first half and second half of Uroko's near-star attack and defense were broadcast.

Playing this is not to reveal the incompetence of the Federation and the gray beard, but to show muscles.

The constellation-class battleship group, even if it loses more than 4,300 ships at a time, is still enough to sling the combined fleet of the Federation ...

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