Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 512: developing

In the eyes of Kane, a kingdom like Stormgard can be described as a small country and a land of projectiles.

Not to mention those human civilizations that entered the space age. It is said to be the earth of the original world. Fifty thousand people are no more than the people and their families involved in a large heavy industry base.

Such a country wants to engage in industry, which is quite fanciful.

The industrial population is not enough, but far from it.

Fortunately, there are extraordinary strengths and extraordinary technical systems that can greatly liberate the labor force.

Therefore, it is impossible for Kane to establish an industrial base step by step.

He didn't mind creating a state of a castle in the air that collapsed as soon as he left.

He brings prosperity and prosperity, whether he can continue it, it should not be him alone.

Using his insight into the subtle and precise control of divine qualities, Kane once again made a small jump in the industrial technology system. He used a lathe to tinker the vernier calipers and dial gauges.

Immediately after that, there was a gear change. Wooden gears rolled everything, made of steel, or even alloys. Isn't this magical? Don't go too far according to the evolutionary history of the original world.

Circular saws, this world has already appeared, but they are all hydraulic. There are circular saw workshops in Stranglethorn Vale and Fireplace for rapid processing of wood. The goblins also produced a mixed energy product of magic and oil for specialized logging. The logging robot works very well.

Stromgarde is now a series of steam engines, not only for manufacturing staff, but also for cement, lifting, and machine tool equipment.

With strong motivation, the dock and shipbuilding are on the agenda.

In the 17th year of Warcraft, Faldir Bay in the east of the south of Fort Rapids, the military port terminal was built, and a large dry dock was built.

Fadil Port is blessed with a unique environment, surrounded by mountains, a valley road connecting the Torrent, facing the Palatinate Bay, with the South China Sea town in the northwest and the Menethil Harbor in the southwest.

As a port here, the reef group outside the port can effectively prevent the invasion of enemy ships that are not familiar with the water conditions.

There is also the Sador Strait connecting the endless sea and the taboo sea, which can be said to be convenient for passage and suitable for offense and defense.

Kane did not choose to build a scissor sailboat, but directly built a steam armored ship.

In a few years, even the Stormwind City could build a steel-skinned warship propelled by waterwheels to and from Stormwind Harbor and Northrend. Wind-driven sailboats were eliminated within a few years of being launched.

He would like to see how tribes or forgotten people who only have solid-fired artillery will bite the armored ship, and it is an armored ship that is not necessarily attainable in World War I.

Due to the development of Stromgarde's industry in recent years, the economies of the seven countries have also been driven and quickly recovered from the wounds of war. Including the dwarf kingdom, a large amount of raw materials have been exported, and various industrial products have been exchanged.

The first to benefit is the army. Stromgarde takes over 90% of the weaponry manufacturing in the six countries. Only some nobles, commanders, or those with special requirements will order equipment through other channels.

Some people want to ask Stromgarde to build high-end armor, but Kane refused. Stromgarde is short of people, and the cost-effectiveness of crafted artificial products is too low. Now he values ​​production.

The Six Kingdoms have completed a major equipment exchange, and the comprehensive performance of the new armor has been improved by at least two grades. The shape is also very beautiful. The relief-like technology is easy to be used during stamping and forging, like the lion pattern on the breastplate. The shape of the eagle on the shoulder armor, as long as there is a mold, does not take much effort.

Some quantified detailed operations, such as polishing, edging, painting, etc., let the women of Stromgard also enter the factory, and each family has more financial resources, and the children go to apprenticeship and learn At the same time of knowledge and craftsmanship, it is often possible to eat a meal for free.

This made Stromgarde's ordinary family's living standards improve significantly, and the Torbain royal family also received unprecedented support.

Under Kane's leadership, Stormgard Industries produced standard armor for the six countries, which was also very intentional. The armor not only has its own style, but also can be recognized at a glance. Even the details such as materials and craftsmanship also take into account the characteristics of the local environment.

For example, Kul Tiras is a maritime kingdom and has requirements to combat corrosion. Alterac is a snow country and has requirements for carrying low temperatures. As a magic kingdom, Dalaran has many mages. Once there is a war, it is often used to add magic to its soldiers. Then, the armor of the soldiers needs to have a good magic fit ...

This intimacy is also a major reason for satisfying countries, and is saying to Kane ’s sales team: a unified system, which not only facilitates the identification of each other, but also unites the military and increases the sense of honor. There are tens of thousands of people, and the orderly qualities can also make the army more powerful. That kind of momentum is not comparable to the various teams that wear.

Stromgarde also let the ancient bow manufacturing be eliminated directly. Will it take four years to build a good bow? It's too long. The wooden handle steel arm recurve bow, cooperates with the machine to make the arrow, the professional ranger uses it well.

In the 17 years of the Warcraft calendar, one of Stormgard's big moves was the launch of the first armored ship Thoradin.

Another big move was the completion of the whole army. The Falcon Corps of up to 5,000 personnel launched a sweep against the entire Arathi Highlands.

The stone fist ogres at the foot of the mountains in the southeast, and the trolls of the dead leaves and dead woods of the southeast of the Gshak farm, became the main targets of combat and training.

The fighting continued intermittently for nearly two months, and both populations knelt.

Stromgarde had casualties here, but not many.

Kane did not deliberately save anyone, but used the field hospital system that he started building a few years ago to let the army feel the importance of the rescue of the injured.

After this battle, the Falcon Legion has obviously improved. Their combat abilities developed from time to time with the Orc Fight Club have been completely integrated through real wars, and elite veterans were born. In terms of their style and habits, they are very different from the soldiers and soldiers who were easily cultivated by the old army.

Kane himself took the time to do a series of missions to imprison the magic circle and the Princess of the Earth.

At first glance, this mission is a fairy tale. The princess is trapped, waiting for the warrior to come to the rescue.

But wait until all the hardships are repealed one by one, and the evil and violent female man is released. The ugly one.

Kane did not want to see any hidden factors in this land hidden, so through a series of means that ordinary adventurers could not do, he imprisoned four types of elements one after another, completely dismantling the imprisoned circle.

After that, he also fought with the mountain giant Fitzruck.

Mountain Giants and Sea Giants were the representative repairmen who created Titan in the past to shape the world of Azeroth. They can speak Tu language, and some have learned elf language by interacting with night elves during the long years.

But most of them do not recognize humans, and think that this short-lived species is reckless, rash, greedy, and short-sighted.

Kane had nothing to say about the meeting, and had done it first.

The rock is made of ten meters high, height, and tonnage. It is indeed placed there. Kong Wu is powerful and not disgraceful. But it is not impossible to be killed or injured, warhammer bombardment, **** splashing, although Fitzluk can make Kane seriously injured even if he beats it for a while, but he can't fight it no matter how high it is.

Finally, Kane was beaten and his limbs were scrapped.

After that, the land princess Mistral was liberated, and before the stone girl had the time to be happy, she was sealed again in the Mistral gem.

In the words of Kane: "You save the day and night to seduce the sperm upper brain or the ignorance of heroic disease to do two bad things, then obediently work for me."

Kane also said that as a civilized person, we pursue labor reform, and we will be released from prison after we perform well.

Misler knew this. After all, it has been silently observing the changes in the land of Arathi in the past few years. She knows the past and present of the orc. It's not even hard to imagine its future.

Kane didn't feel ashamed but proud of bluffing Mistral: "I advise you, don't be arrogant, it's not good for you, I am a short-lived species, I die and throw the gem into the sea, you will never It's gone. "

In the end, in addition to the cooperation of Mistral, Kane also got a good magic necklace pulsating crystal. 7 resistance, 8 wisdom, 7 all-round, rare qualities.

For more than a year, Onyxia has been around Ethan.

From a certain perspective, Kane succeeded, Onyxia gradually became a fan of Kane, and felt that he was like a book with endless secrets. The more you explore, the more you can discover new ones. Be curious.

Now, she has determined that Kane is the reincarnation of an ancient strongman, and she even doubts whether it will be the Great Soladin himself.

Although a short-lived mortal is insignificant in her eyes, she also admits that Thoradin is outstanding. And outstanding human beings still have a little effect.

Obviously, Onyxia had lost her ambition, and her ambitions had not been lost. Even her love of Kane was due to her extraordinary ability.

Kane saw it in her eyes. It took her more than half a year to finally understand what is happening in Stromgarde. She felt a power that had never been seen before. This power was controlled, gathered, integrated, and formed by insignificant mortals. It is the great power that can change the world, even the dragon, it may not be better than it.

With this knowledge, Onyxia suddenly found that her father had chosen the wrong target and chose the Kingdom of Storms, but it was just a matter of intentions, and only saw the interference and threats of neighbors. Looking further, you can see that the prince of Stromgarde is the more valuable conquest and existence.

This reason made her start to feel less humiliated than before. She told herself that what she was doing was dedication to the big plan. But deep down, she understood that this was an excuse. The real reason was that she was conquered a little bit. If she had to choose a spouse among mortals, she felt that Ethan was still barely qualified.

Marry first and fall in love? No, the relationship between Onyxia and Ethan is not that simple. She didn't want to release the shackles all the time, and then ravaged Kane fiercely. She would not kill her, but asked her to obediently do her playthings.

If Kane knew Onyxia's thoughts, he would probably say, "It's very feminine."

He is very sure that Onyxia can't wait that day ~ ~ because he will grow faster and faster, and it won't take long, he needs Onyxia to look up.

In February of the 18th year of the Warcraft calendar, after years of preparation, Kane conducted a special experiment.

The general process of the experiment is this. An interesting and uncommon course is taught. Without the knowledge of the person concerned, the hypnosis combined with the use of drugs and spells causes an indulgent mental state.

In the end, through external stimuli such as sound and light images, an emotional outburst is promoted, that is, how to stir up emotions, tragic music, moving scenes, irritating smells, and even including injection of medicine to adjust the endocrine of the person. A bowl of super soul chicken soup.

People in this world are no more than those in the era of the information explosion in the original world. They have not received such a bombardment of information. In reality, they have basically not encountered similar situations, but now they are all there.

So the emotion burst out, so he tried to light the fire of faith by this emotion.

As a result, by the end of February, Stormgad added 244 more Paladins ...

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