Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 525: Leadership of the Silver Hand

Kane visited Lordaeron and stayed at the Knights of the Silver Hand for some time.

While interacting with the Silver Knights, Kane told them the story of Eric.

This Paladin is a member of the Silver Hand, and his encounter is similar to the later Morgan Ladimore, except that the story of the original historical line of Ladimore happened a few years later, while Eric was An indirect victim of the Second Man-Beast War.

Radimore has at least one daughter who has become a night watchman, and Eric is the death of the whole family. Originally intended to defend his homeland to die, he came back and found that the people he loved were all dead.

It can only be said that outside war laymen like Edras Blackmore and Alden Peronold, civil war insiders, and perseverance in doing nasty things will never be lacking.

By telling this story, Kane points out the fact that the Knights of the Silver Hand is still young.

The Knights of the Silver Hand has only been established for 14 years now. 14 years means that the young Maotou can still fight, and it is the year of maturity, skill, and experience.

Ordinary soldiers are almost out of the army at their age. Even if they are still in service, they generally retire to second-line positions where the intensity is not very strong.

But the Paladin is protected by the Holy Light, and his thoughts are lame (Kane believes that any type of fanaticism is sick, and the four words "Zhongzhenghehe" under the word "the most chewable"), the body still benefits of. So, like later, Fording White sent a black-haired man (his son Tyran died at the age of 34) and was able to fight.

In this way, they did not think much about the concept of retirement.

In addition, people's thinking in this era still has limitations, and there is no concept of old-age security.

Paladins were desperately saving lives outside, and eventually returned home full of honors and injuries, but the house was cold and the family was dead. This is too ironic, and what happened in the original history line was not one or two.

Although there are war crimes here, there are also problems with imperfect organizational systems, and related work has not been done. It's unpleasant to say that it's just a hooligan to give people dedication without giving back.

Kane pointed out that in the Knights of the Silver Hand, many outstanding knights are not too young, and the desolate night scene is too undesirable.

Of course, the fighting power of the Knights is just like things like rural harm and bullies. In the name of eradicating evil, it is indeed not difficult to get revenge.

But revenge means that tragedy has already happened. This kind of thing should be preventive and preventive.

This is something the Cavaliers management should consider.

Speaking of such things, the leadership of the Silver Hand actually has ideas. Many of them are of civilian origin, and naturally they are more grounded. They know what is bothering their people in daily life.

However, many things are easier said than done.

Take this conflict with local powerhouses.

You say that eradicating evil is eradicating evil?

who do you think You Are? The Holy See, the origin of the World Crusade?

I also said that you are using the name of the Holy Light for personal gain! I also call on all nobles to unite and resist such a blatant confrontation with the lord!

What is a lord? It is in this area that I am the king. The Tao that has been passed down for many years, oh you go out to travel around the world and see the market, you will look down on your hometown. Then you are really unfortunate, unfortunately born in this place, if you have the ability to get your family out, endure without the ability, I will call the shots in my place ...

In addition, there is a problem that the information is not timely and there is no conclusive evidence.

In the case of Eric, the local tycoon said that Eric was crazy.

So many witnesses! As for whether these witnesses are under pressure to provide perjury under the rule of the powerful, it will only be known after investigation.

The Silver Hand does not yet have its own powerful judiciary, and the Inquisition does not exist, let alone the heretical trial system of the Scarlet Crusade after the original historical line.

So at most it can only be inquiries. You can't go to the tiger stool or pour chili water. Is that still the Silver Knights?

Even more depressing is that Eric is really crazy. His main question is, how crazy.

But local tyrants seized the key point of being crazy, saying that it was the trauma of war that caused Eric to go mad. The trauma of war is the battlefield syndrome often mentioned in the origin world.

At first glance, this reason really bluffs people. But the point is that they emphasize that people are mad, and let the real cause of madness go lightly, and they will not be with you.

Speaking of his family, the local tycoon said that his family was unfortunately killed when they took refuge, and Eric could not accept it when he came back. Everyone can only sigh and swear: "Damn orc, **** war."

To the extent that the current official judicial system is sound and related to the law. There is really no way to reason with each other.

It wasn't until the Templars in the sacred temple traveled that they encountered solid state germination that once again could not control their crotch, which dug out the truth.

There used to be old grudges against each other, and Eric took the beauty home, thinking it was over.

But when people's hearts are small, they can be smaller than the needle tip. Haoqiang has long remembered it, and the more beautiful people are, the more jealous he is, and then the man in your family is gone? See if brother doesn't **** you!

Arthas also participated in the meeting, and the horror moved.

Indeed, such a thing is too chilling, the same situation can be extended to the Kingdom Knights, it is easy to shake the army's heart.

Kane finally pointed out: "I know that the people present here are also smart people, and you have also noticed some problems. But the social accumulation is not that it can be changed by changing it."

Everyone nodded their heads. Kane said this fairly. Who would not sing high-profile, there is no good solution, it is too easy for everyone to live this kind of topic?

At this time, Kane went on to say: "The common saying is good, the solution is always more than the problem. There is also a common saying, that there is money to be a good person. Without money, many things are weak even if you want to do it. Wealth starts. "

He explained specifically: "Holy cannot be eaten, no matter how lofty the faith is, and cannot be operated without the economy. How to travel without travel expenses? Work and earn money? That is the wandering knight. The silver knights have the minimum ability to survive on their own, not Wait for support. "

These words scratched the itchiness of many people present, and Saidan Dassauhan couldn't help asking what is the way to make money. He had long heard about Prince Stromgarde's wealth.

This is one of the five people recommended by Alonzos Fau in the 5th year of Warcraft when he proposed the formation of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Dasuohan's merits were not as dazzling as those of Uther, Turalyon, and later Fording, but his qualifications were old enough, and his strength and character also matched his status.

In the original historical line, he and old Mograine gathered the remaining members of the Knights after Usel's death to form the Scarlet Crusade.

Later, when he attacked Stratholme, he made a single order, was killed and possessed by the dreadlord Barnazaar, and led the Scarlet Crusade to become a radical and crazy revenge group towards destruction.

Kane spent so much tongue, just to elicit a question like Dasuohan.

He began to sell business, "doing what the Silver Hand Knight is best at." He said: "Much of the remnants of the Second Human-Beast War is that it was lost money to clean them up before, now it is profitable. Stormga The Kingdom of Germany has a package of business, from **** collection team, exploration team, to killing monsters to make money, there are all types ... "

He also painted a beautiful blueprint for people:

"The title of Lord, a well-functioning farm, a leisurely and decent retirement life is a deserved treatment. And you ca n’t expect the reward of the kingdom, after all, the silver knight is not a noble vassal. Nor can you count on the church, the Holy Light The church is of a public interest nature and is not suitable for being contaminated with too much copper. Then it is up to you. We can call it a pension fund ... "

Not only pension funds, Kane also proposed to strengthen the postman system and honor system, in short, to strengthen the interaction between the front and the rear.

When the knight went out to fight, there was no news and no knowledge of life and death, which was very bad. Correspondence and correspondence, sharing the glory with the family, the peace of mind of both sides, can also deter Xiaoxiao.

And these cannot be done by ordinary channels, and must have their own special channels.

Think about it, when an honor guard rushed into a remote village, the locals thought what aristocratic master was coming, but these people were saluting greetings and dry goods to a peasant woman. Do the villagers know this? The man at home is not a stranger, but a developed one? Will he take care of this family more or less in the future to get a good relationship?

It is necessary to explain here that the human knights of Azeroth are different from the medieval knights of the original world. The latter can be said to be nobles, and there are so many thousands of knights throughout Europe.

Azeroth is a high-magic world, with insufficient science and technology to make up for it. At the same time, human beings survive and grow in the cracks of various intelligent races, so there are conditions and needs to expand the scope of recruitment of knights.

Many of the knights in the Knights of the Silver Hand are freemen. For example, Uther and Dassohan. Turalyon and Fording are not the homes of nobles.

Among the well-known figures, Alessandro Mograine had the best background, but in fact he is also the second son without inheritance rights. If the Kingdom of Lordaeron was destroyed later, the Mograine family would be the only one left by him, and it would not be his turn for Hearth Valley to inherit.

Throughout the human kingdom, the long-term leader of any knighthood is not a high-ranking power. Like Alsace, the king ’s successor, my mouth is shut and my mouth is my people. The silver hand is a gold-plated brush experience.

Others, such as the Duke and Earl, do not send their heirs to the Knights, but let other sons go, if any.

This is the same reason that the eldest son of the origin world inherits the knighthood and the second son goes to church as a monk. Kingship and divinity must have their own people, so that the family can stand for a long time.

In fact, it is precisely because the background of most members of the Silver Knights is relatively low that the purity of the entire Knights is high. People from large families are involved in the struggle for power and interests at a very young age and must be implicated. It must also be considered for the family. There are too many chores and it is difficult to be pure.

But they are also constrained by their low background. All leaders, including Uther, lack political consciousness, and they usually seem out of place with the kingdom. After all, the dignitaries do not need them to have too much thought, they are bright signs. , And a sharp weapon.

But in this way, when the kingdom fell, their own deficiencies appeared. They cannot take over the burden of the kingdom's politics well.

Why Anduin? Lothar is one of the greatest commanders in the human kingdom?

Because of broad vision and political wisdom.

The Kingdom of Storms was in distress. Lothar protected the prince and led the refugees. He went north to seek refuge in Lordaeron and ran around, contributing to the establishment of the alliance.

Let's take a look at what Uther did after Terenas 'death. The battle died in the battle for the protection of Terenas' ashes ...

From a personal point of view, Uther really has a clear conscience.

From the perspective of leaders, it is not qualified.

In the eyes of Kane, Uther, his father, was robbing the Chief Royal Guard. Do you have a senior commander rushing to do this?

Let's talk about Saidan Dasshan again.

When the situation was chaotic, the goods shouted, but the purpose was not to receive refugees and rebuild order, but to gather a voter to attack the basics except for the house destroyed by the fire and the changing dead. Other Stratholme.

In the words of Kane: One or two of these TMs are good hands for face-building projects.

Restoring Stratholme, it was really tough to say this, it was a glorious reality. But as far as the situation at the time was concerned, there was really no benefit.

If he can look further and broaden his horizons ~ ~, he will find that many Lordaeron refugees have fled into the Silver Pine Forest and are struggling over the long wall of Greymane.

Others fled into Steinbred, which belonged to Alterac, and the Hillsbrad hill further south. These can gather and re-consolidate power ...

It did not appear when the people most needed the leader, but led a person to die.

What kind of political-governance mind is this, what kind of leader?

In particular, as a silver hand, it can represent the faith of the Holy Light, and it is a special organization with outstanding merits and prestige.

When the old king was assassinated, his heir was the king-killer. In this case, at least he can still believe in the Holy Light. This is a banner that he took quite well. I couldn't figure out such an idea. It's not too much to swear a slapstick political-governance idiot.

What is missing, Kane is here.

He just wants to start with the actual needs, so that these living moral role models have to pay attention to practical problems, don't float all the time in the Weiguangzheng cloud, tempted by honor, that is to say, their situation.

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