Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 542: Post-war meeting

With the arrival of reinforcements, Shaozhi's bone puppets were quickly flattened.

Arthas found that commanding soldiers to clean up the mess and other details does not require him to intervene. The veterans at the grassroots level are more experienced in doing such things.

And the high-end ones do n’t seem to be able to take his turn. There are prestigious, experienced, and powerful predecessors here, and he is just an heir. When faced with major events and wants to act as the ruler ’s power, it is like a credit card deputy card. Trying to exceed the limit of consumption, separated by a layer called "Apply for authorization", is uncomfortable.

Arthas found that his most appropriate positioning turned out to be a live sign. On behalf of the royal family, on behalf of the king, condolences to the injury number and say something exciting, this seems to be his job, and it is also what other commanders want him to do.

He laughed at himself for this, and there was no lack of self-blame.

Andohar originally had a squadron of silver hand knights, but after his arrival, at his utmost demand, more than a dozen duo set off overnight to go to various villages and farms for early warning.

As a result, Andohar had fewer than one team of Paladins. In the previous fierce battle, three of them heroically sacrificed.

The loss of the people is even greater, and the number of people who have disappeared has exceeded 1,000.

What is particularly annoying is that there are still dead people hiding in the people. They pretend to help the wounded, and then suddenly burst out, shouting: "Glory My Lord." Or "Glory belongs to Marganis." And " Everlasting life! "Waiting for the slogan, he suddenly took out his weapon and attacked the wounded, so that more than a dozen injured excellent officers and soldiers were killed.

It took a while for the chickens and dogs to jump and calm the situation down again.

Arthas gasped with hate.

At dawn, he put his hands together and prepared to hunt down Kel'Thuzad. Everyone finally persuaded.

According to people's analysis, at present, the fighting strength of the human side is not dominant, and even if it is caught, it may not be able to leave the other side, and increase the casualties.

Finally, it was decided to decide whether to confirm the situation of the people everywhere, increase the strength of the air patrol, and at the same time dispatch troops to fight for the net to be exhausted.

According to the strength revealed by Kel'Thuzad last night, ordinary villages, farms, and even towns were unable to resist their fierce blows.

Vigilance and vigilance are basically meaningless. Once the fighting power of the undead arrives, the village can be destroyed.

People in village farms can only take refuge in big towns during this day.

As a result, today is very important during the day and can be called a race against the clock.

During the discussion, the commander of the cavalry of the Falcon Kingdom and the half-elf major Salelian, who came from the barriers of the Icewind Valley, said that time was precious and should not be blindly moved.

He summoned the adjutant, took out utensils including military maps, and with the help of the adjutant and others, integrated the known information and deduced on the basis of it, delineating the movement range of the undead.

Finally, he explained: "Assuming that the enemy is the one last night, then the villages and farm people in this area need to take refuge first."

Everyone nodded their heads, and they fully recognized Salellian's reasoning.

Salerian also reminded everyone: "The assassination of the dead, we have experienced it for ourselves. It is a group of lunatics and cunning lunatics. We have reason to believe that there are also associates in other towns. And the gathering of asylum-seekers is even mixed. Therefore, we must pay attention to the lurkers taking advantage of the opportunity to cause great chaos or serious casualties. "

Arthas nodded secretly, feeling that Salerian was excellent, and at the same time felt that the training mechanism of the officers of the Falken Kingdom was really good.

A few years ago, the Kingdom of Stromgarde had a large-scale reform of the military system, and it was Galin Torbain who was the operator.

Most nobles in various countries disagree, and the Kingdom of Stromgarde has always followed the example of the military management system in the era of Thoradin the Great, and regarded itself as a traditional model.

However, professionals from various countries have analyzed that the strength of their Falcon Army is mainly due to the folk customs and the inheritance of their military culture.

Simply put, countries do not recognize that their military management system is the best. Everything changes and changes with the times. Many of the theories of the Thoradin era are now out of date, and the military is also the same.

Many people, including the kings, injected soul into the ‘an army’ when it was established, giving it its character. The statement is very agreeable.

Take the Falcon Army as an example. Its first generation commander was Ignaus, the ancestor of the Torbain family, who established the Falcon Army and injected it with a brave and warlike character.

Afterwards, the Falcon Army led by the Torbain family never broke its roots, and always had a group of outstanding military backbones. Because of this, the character of the Falcon Army is better inherited.

It is generally acknowledged that the highland environment has contributed to the character of the Highlanders, and Ignatius has strengthened this character, so the Falcon Army is brave and determined.

As for Prince Galin reforming the military system. Many nobles smiled.

I think this is Thoras Torbain paving the way for his son.

At that time, the name of the Knights Templar had not yet spread. The name of Prince Garin was mainly for invention and making money, but was he a qualified politician? Is it a good soldier? Can inherit the mantle of Thoras? Perhaps in the future, Stormgard will be renamed the business kingdom and the industrial kingdom?

After that wave, few people have studied the matter.

Until today, Arthas did not feel the change of the Falcon Army. He believed that other people present also felt it.

The Falcon Army has got a brain!

Before, they were the kind who dared to fight and rush. Therefore, in the first and second wars between beasts and animals, the small population of Stromgarde always took the spearhead of opening the situation, with great achievements and heavy casualties.

However, the accomplishments of other people's military theories have been significantly improved, and the military literacy of middle-level and grass-roots officers and even soldiers is eye-catching.

Compare one by one. The Cavalry of Hearth Valley is a good reference. The Mograine family spent a lot of money to support this cavalry. The Hessling Knights, also known as the Red Pig Knights, because the Mograine family's badge is a **** fang wild boar.

The wild boar represents firmness, bravery, unyieldingness, and is very positive in heraldry, and it must be obtained by the Wuxun Li clan. The ancestors of the Mograine family followed the Menethil family to expand their territories. This is not at the same level as the Agamande windmill badge.

This time, the Red Pig Army from Fireplace Valley has knights and cavalry. Similarly, the Icewind Valley barriers also come from knights and cavalry. The latter number is less, more than 300, and the Red Pig Army is 500. These five hundred red pig troops are not as impressive as the three hundred falcon troops.

The Red Pig Army arrived, and the light cavalry arrived, and the Falcon Army was a heavy cavalry. Many people listened to the hoof and thought it was the heavy cavalry brigade of the Royal Knights of Lordaeron.

It was a thunderous thunder hoof, without the kind of scattered noise, like thunder and drums, and later when I saw people, as expected, the cavalry queue was solemn and orderly. Here comes, but in fact this is not a heavy cavalry, but a ranger.

Just looking at its momentum and order, we know that this is definitely a tough fighting force.

This is the first time that the people of Lordaeron have seen Stromgarde after the Second War of the Beasts. It should not be called the army of the Falcon Kingdom or the Falcon Kingdom.

Arthas knew that the Falcon Army had been fighting rounds from Arathi to Dun Morogh. He knew that these were the warriors from the battlefield, but they still felt shocked after seeing them in person.

He thought to himself, if the army of Lordaeron was so elite, how good would it be if he had such a tough army in his hand!

It has been more than 13 years since the Second Human-Beast War, and the warriors of that year have already become fathers. The new generation army has only actual combat experience in fighting small monsters. But the Falcon Army simply brushed up the high level of experience with small monsters, plus all aspects of the force, so the number is not large, but the combat power is the crown of the kingdoms. See we know, this cavalry unit of more than 300 people, Manifested.

Now, Alsace and others have realized the ability of their officers.

Smart, atmospheric, and broad-minded, you can quickly grasp the key points of the situation. Work out a practical plan.

After Sallelian's deduction, the situation is complicated and simple. The west of Dalong is the two key points, Fireplace Valley and Andorhal.

This is enough. Tonight, it is these two points that need to be paid attention to. People scattered in the west of Dalong need to concentrate on these two points. In addition, Dalong County in the east should be added.

According to speculation, the undead army can get there quickly, and there is also offensive value there.

As for the town of Keldalong in Lake Dalong, send someone to remind the Barov family.

The family's castle has lasted for hundreds of years, and it has been well maintained. It is surrounded by water. There is only one stone bridge connected to the south bank, and there are cliffs around the castle. The undead family should not be crazy unless they are crazy. Choose to nibble there.

"After today, the kingdom's military power will gather, and then we will wipe out the undead in one fell swoop. Let's work together."

Everyone nodded. So the new order was passed on, and the cavalry team went around to notify and supervise the people to take refuge.

After having a simple breakfast, Arthas asked Jaina if she wanted to make up for a night's battle in the bed in the middle of the night last night, and the battle with the undead in the middle of the night. The consumption is not small, especially for the mage, rest is very important.

Jaina said that she was very energetic and could not sleep. He reminded Alsace: "What exactly caused the outbreak last night? You have also seen that if those people are evil believers, there are too many points."

Arthas frowned. Indeed, it is difficult to hide as many secrets as possible. If there are so many lurkers, people will definitely be aware of it. Moreover, the abilities and qualities of the paladins stationed are indisputable. There must be no undiscovered here Secret.

Roken, the commander of the Red Pig Army, said: "I think the foul creatures last night were related to the plague."

Salelian asked: "Where does the plague talk start?"

Everyone looked at each other, but couldn't explain why. It feels as if all of a sudden, it's a buzz, and everyone knows it.

At that time, everyone felt that this was because of the fact that things happened on King ’s Road. The news along this road always spread quickly. But now that I think about it, I feel strange. There seems to be a lot of sound at the same time.

After that, Alsace briefly introduced the findings of the survey during the day.

In the rumors of the plague, the quietest farm is the most fierce, and there are even specific descriptions of the death caused by the plague.

Rocken said: "It seems to be deliberate rumors."

Salelian reminded: "Then we have to pay more attention to its purpose, just to confuse the audience and cause panic?"

Jaina said: "Will this attract attention ~ ~ as a cover for its more evil activities?"

Arthas answered: "That is to say, the choice we made is likely to be exactly what the other party wants."

Rocken's thinking diverged: "Could it be that there are more unexposed forces that want us to concentrate so that they can be wiped out in one go?"

Arthas showed resistance to this possibility: "So, why such a powerful force can lurk under our eyelids and never find out?"

Jaina endured for a long while, after all, she still could not hold back: "Perhaps, this incident and a certain lord-level character were controlled or bought."

This sentence is reasonable, but all people are silent.

If a large nobility is involved, the situation will be as Kel'Thuzad's mouth gun said last night: "This is just the beginning ..."

But everyone had a very bad hunch, and even Arthas, who refused to believe, was thinking: "I'm afraid the Kingdom is in serious trouble this time.

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