Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 451: : The time has come

Before coming over, Li Tianyu was mentally prepared. If Basong was eliminated, then only Fujikawa Hideichi could get rid of Basong in that state. Because of the "defense" setting, no matter how powerful the attack is, as long as the effect of "perfect defense" is achieved, it will not be hurt.

Basong who has turned into the Hulk is irrational, and he does not use tortoise-style qigong. In other words, it is a random fist attack. It is impossible to quickly kill Fujikawa Hideichi. The single attack method makes it easy for Fujikawa Hideichi. His attack was defensive, and Wushuang quickly accumulated Wushuang's value to hit Wushuang with real damage.

I have to say that this set of skills of Fujikawa Hideichi is indeed very strong in some specific situations.

However, any combination of abilities has its shortcomings, and Li Tianyu's abilities are the same. Under certain specific circumstances, he will be targeted and unable to exert his strength. However, now looking at the Fujikawa Hideichi in front of him, Li Tianyu fell into hesitation.

what to do? Fight with Fujikawa Hideichi? Now is a good one-on-one opportunity. Fujikawa Hideichi may have eliminated Ba Song, but he is by no means unharmed. This is an opportunity for Li Tianyu.

But... Li Tianyu himself is not in full condition at the moment, he is risky in fighting.

"Huh, do you want to fight?" Fujikawa Xiuichi cut Cong Yun to the ground and knocked.

"It's not the time yet." Li Tianyu replied faintly, saying this to himself. The fight with Fujikawa Hideichi was a big gamble, and now is not the time to make a desperate move.

Because in the first round of the arena, Fujikawa Hideichi did not get a lot of points, which put him at the bottom of the elimination list in this game, not to mention that it takes a time to eliminate Fujikawa Hideichi.

Li Tianyu is not absolutely sure that he can defeat Fujikawa Hideichi, but he is absolutely sure that he can be eliminated. That is to use the "forbidden zone" setting. If Fujikawa Hideichi does not leave before the forbidden zone is blocked, he will kill him directly.

Therefore, Li Tianyu can leave Fujikawa Hideichi in the penalty area and die with him, and this requires him to eliminate others first, so that he has a high score, so that his points will not be lost when the game is settled. Too low, otherwise the control points will be meaningless. Therefore, Li Tianyu did not continue to stay, and flashed away.

Back to Ye Tiancheng's side, Li Tianyu shook his head at him: "That's it."

"Is it the Fujikawa Xiu couple?" Ye Tiancheng knew in his heart, found a clean corner on the side and sat down, "Now all the rest are troublesome characters, let's consume it first, and avoid the battle. If they don't fight, they I can’t get the score."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Then I will continue to search for supplies. You can report your location to me at any time. The next time the restricted area reappears, I will come and take you to a safe place."

"Well, please." Ye Tiancheng replied, then lowered his head and started to rest.

Li Tianyu flashed to other safe areas, and soon the restricted areas were lifted. Li Tianyu continued to collect supplies. But now there are very few materials left in the map, most of them have been searched by him, and some food that can be found is leftovers, and no regular food can be combined. Therefore, the next step is "consumption".

To see whose supplies run out first, then this game is basically over. Of course, for Li Tianyu and the others, they may have a disadvantage in this regard, because they have to feed eight people. But in fact, Li Tianyu's ability allows him to quickly collect materials, which may be more than all the other players combined, so in terms of materials, the various forces are 50-50.

And the advantage of having more people is that you can take care of each other when you rest at night. In groups of two, they can take turns to watch the night and have a good rest, but this is something the enemy cannot do.

There are too many people, I am afraid of encountering Lin Muxue's plot, and there are fewer people, and I am afraid of being plotted by the enemy when he is asleep.

Li Tianyu pointed out that at present, each of them has almost two sets of exquisite foods on hand, that is, foods synthesized from a variety of materials. The satiety of these foods is higher than that of ordinary foods and should be enough for them to support them for two days.

Two days later, when the winner was divided, just taking advantage of these two days, Li Tianyu could also observe the rules of the two situations in the restricted area and the blocked area in this scene. Therefore, for the next two days, the players in the scene did not launch any battles. Li Tianyu occasionally harassed him during the night when the enemy was resting, but he just threw a few thunder and lightning and ran away.

The purpose is only to tell the opponent players not to rest too peacefully at night, otherwise they will be attacked.

And soon, Li Tianyu discovered some rules, the appearance of restricted areas and blocked areas depends on the player's activity. When the player is more active, there will be restricted areas and blocked areas, which can be regarded as an active value.

When the player's active value accumulates to a certain level, the phenomenon of area blockade will appear, and the phenomenon of forbidden zone will appear when the active value further increases, which is not directly related to time. Regardless of whether it is searching for supplies or fighting, the activity will be increased. The activity of players in these two days is very low, and the frequency of restricted areas and blocked areas has also been significantly reduced.

However, whether it is a restricted area or a blocked area, there is one area that is absolutely safe, and that is the station area.

Regardless of whether it is a restricted area or a blocked area, the station area will never be banned or blocked. This is probably because the station area is an area that provides players with a means of rapid movement, so this area must be open.

Knowing this, Li Tianyu was actually a little worried about Shen Yan's safety, but she, Xia Ning, and Nana were in the same area. These three people shouldn't be very dangerous.

In the past two days, Li Tianyu thoroughly scoured the entire city, together with the materials Shen Yan and the others searched for, somehow combined some of the most basic foods like "pickled garlic" and "grilled fish", which could be provided for them. Support for another day and combine your own equipment upgrades, because the same player can have two equipment.

As for Li Tianyu's two current equipment, the first one is to reduce the cost of long-range attacks by 30%, and the second one is to increase the damage of long-range attacks by 20%. These two equipment have a high bonus to his attack, and the passive effect of charge detonation is also obviously improved. The passive effect of charge detonation is very important for him.

But at this time, the foreign server players have basically run out of materials. Li Tianyu is very aware of this, because he has been watching the actions of these people these days, and they are basically moving back and forth in adjacent areas. Li Tianyu estimates They should be worried that the restricted zone mode suddenly started, causing them to be eliminated without time to transfer.

And this means that these players cannot have new supplies on hand. In this mission scenario, the hunger state is fixed, and the player will appear once in six hours when the player is active. However, if the player is in a sleep state, the activity calculation will be reduced. Half, that is to say, if it is a sleep state, it will take twelve hours to be hungry. Li Tianyu has done all these details.

In addition, if there is no meal in the hungry state, the feeling of "hunger" will not disappear, and it will accompany the player until eating, and when the next hunger time comes, there is still no food, and the feeling of "hunger" will be further strengthened. Although it can be tolerated at first, as the hunger level continues to increase, this inevitable hunger will make people extremely anxious.

Li Tianyu also tried to lose weight before, so he knew the consequences of such long-term hunger.

Constant hunger can make people feel anxious, unable to concentrate, and unable to exert their energy. This makes the enemy lose calm and make wrong judgments in battle, making it easier for Li Tianyu to defeat them.

In a game, it is the details that determine success or failure. If you notice more details than the enemy, you have the advantage.

"It's time to act..." Li Tianyu muttered to himself, turning on the heart network again to perceive the enemy's location.

However, before he acted, a dull explosion sounded from afar, and then a wall formed by ice crystals rose from the direction of the station area, finally forming a dome, sealing the entire area.

At that time, Li Tianyu whispered that it was not good. He knew that the enemy had started the action before they acted. The reason was very simple. The enemy was already a battle of trapped beasts, and their supplies were exhausted and their rest was not good enough for them to survive tomorrow. Although people can live for dozens of days without eating and drinking water, hunger is very torturous.

However, Li Tianyu was not too worried, because from the ability point of view, Yuuki should be there now, and Nana is also there. Fujikawa Hideichi can't enter the scene, at most it is Mira plus Yuki. Greek combination.

This combination, the combination of Xia Ning, Shen Yan and Nana was enough to deal with.

As long as Nana doesn't turn back temporarily, there is nothing to worry about, so Li Tianyu raised her hand and muttered to herself: "Order you in the name of the curse seal to help us deal with the enemy and win the battle."

The curse mark on the back of his hand flickered, and then disappeared again. Nana over there was unable to resist his orders and would try her best to help Shen Yan and Xia Ning win the game, and Li Tianyu also had him. The enemy you have to deal with.

Therefore, Li Tianyu flashed once and came to the amusement park area. Fujikawa Hideichi stayed here and did not leave, as if he was waiting for him. Inferring from the player's activity, the next event will come soon, and the previous event is a "blocked zone", then the next event is a "blocked zone". Li Tianyu specially picked this time to start the action.

It's just... Li Tianyu looked at Shen Yan. He had a hunch that someone in the enemy might have discovered this.

"Huh, is it finally here?" Fujikawa looked at Li Tianyu in front of him with a grin, his expression looked excited and expectant, "I have been waiting here for a long time, this is the best place for the two of us to fight. stage."

"I can't talk about the decisive battle. First, I don't plan to lose to you here. Second, this is just the second part of this knockout round. There will be follow-up matches after that." Li Tianyu smiled faintly, compared to Fujikawa Hideichi, he was very calm.

Maybe, he is the type that is difficult to burn, which is probably caused by the poor sense of substitution.

"Huh, just admit it. The next battle will be evenly matched and everyone has a chance to win. Isn't your blood burning!?" Fujikawa clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and smiled. "Everything is No need to think about it, as long as you do your best to kill the opponent in this battle, won't all of this make your blood boil?!"

A numbness spread from the face, making Li Tianyu feel that he was a little bit into the play, but he was still very calm. At the moment when Fujikawa Hideichi was sensational, Li Tianyu had already turned on Thunder Armor and quickly launched an attack.

Brontosaurus! Li Tianyu threw a reinforced thunder dragon, and the dragon roared and threw it at Fujikawa Hideyoshi.

Fujikawa Hideichi raised the clouds to block in front of him, and the black thunder and lightning scattered and splashed did not seem to cause Fujikawa Hideichi.

Li Tianyu is also very aware of Fujikawa's ability. The longer the distance and the slower the flight, the easier it is to be blocked by Fujikawa, but this can also be used as a decoy. Because Fujikawa's block timing needs to be adjusted, after a block is over, he needs to perform a block action again to make a defensive effect.

Therefore, when Fujikawa Hideichi blocked this thunder dragon, Li Tianyu flashed to the side of Fujikawa Hideichi one at a time, and threw a thunder gun on Fujikawa Hideichi. Sure enough, as he expected, Fujikawa was too late to adjust his defense, so he took the blow and took a step, but he quickly stabilized.

"That's it... come to fight!" Fujikawa Xiu squinted at Li Tianyu, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his right fist hit Li Tianyu fiercely. "Piu"! The air in front of him shattered like glass, and an impact flew towards Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu turned on the lightning reaction, and then flashed once, just past the shock from Fujikawa Hideichi, and came to him in an instant. This move surprised Fujikawa Hideichi on the table, but he couldn't recover at this moment.

"Six Kings Spears!" Li Tianyu raised his fists and placed them on Hideichi Fujikawa's chest and roared.

As the impact spread, Fujikawa Hideichi let out a roar, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Then Li Tianyu opened his hands, and a black thunderbolt shot out from his hands, knocking Fujikawa Hideichi back. Fujikawa slid for more than ten meters before finally stopping, returning to a defensive posture, and violently waved his hand to bounce Li Tianyu's thunderbolt away.

But at this time, he already had the passive effect of two layers of charges detonating on him, and the condition of unlimited connection had been fulfilled.

Therefore, Li Tianyu did not rush forward and raised his hand to start strengthening Lei Ying's power.

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