Chapter 161 160. Battle (Part 2)

Damn it, I got ambushed, but so what? Second brother, third brother! Liu Wenwu shouted loudly, Yelu Bisang and Mo Shi rushed over in response, and formed a killing move with three heads and six arms.

Hmph, even the killing moves on the battlefield can't stop me! Nurtu snorted coldly and waved his hand.

The slave's ultimate move - Leopard Thrust!

The Rat King and Eagle King were not to be outdone.

The slave's ultimate move—plague!

The slave's ultimate move - Eagle Strike!

Although the Seven-Route Allied Forces were caught in the battlefield's killing moves, they showed no signs of timidity.

Brother Liu? Dongfang Yuliang reminded.

Fang Yue chuckled, white light bloomed in his hand, fell to the ground, and skeletons emerged from the ground.

There are wild beasts, Gu masters, pure skeleton soldiers, and even skeleton beasts and skeleton giants made of white bones. The number is so large that it is no less than a herd of millions of beasts.

This is Shen Jie'ao's method - the battlefield of bones? Nurkan looked surprised.

Hei Bai nodded and said in a deep voice: Yes, I didn't expect that this Liu Guanyi did get part of Shen Jieao's inheritance. However, he must also have received great help from Dongfang Yuliang. Otherwise, it would be impossible to perform such a large-scale display A great killing move on the battlefield.”

Gong Qing, who was the first to hand over the list and opened the champagne at halftime, was a little confused. What the hell, he had already handed over his list, could he still make a comeback?

Dongfang Changfan stroked his beard. Although his face was expressionless, there was some admiration in his heart. Yu Liang is a kid who knows people well and is responsible for his duties. Even though a mountain collapses in front of him, his expression remains unchanged. If he can really take over the royal court this time, then I can consider handing the true inheritance to him.

As the days passed, the wind and snow sweeping across the North Plains gradually became stronger and more frequent. The entire Northern Plains was covered with a layer of white frost, and even the bright sun could not dispel the coldness on the Gu Master's body.

Song family camp.

Patriarch, this is the Yuanquan assigned to us by the head of the Song family. It was obviously fine before, but now Ma Family Gu Master Ma Youliang's voice trembled. The Yuanquan in front of him and Ma Yingjie was obviously going to dry up.

Seeing this, Ma Yingjie also looked sad.

Although the Song family is said to be the overlord of Jinghu Lake, it is not the Golden Tribe after all, so after many battles, they returned to Nuannuma Valley to rest temporarily.

As for Hei Loulan, because he was not a tribe in Tianchuan, he left Tianchuan with supplies after looting.

The bottom of the Nuanuma Valley is filled with magma, and there are many hot springs in the valley, which are rare and valuable in this cold northern plain.

After the Song family's coalition forces entered Nuannuma Valley, in order to win people's hearts, Yuanquan, the title of B, was assigned to the Ma family.

It’s true that things and people are different!

The Ma family, originally a major overlord in Tianchuan, was about to become the master of Nuannuma Valley. Now they are dependent on others, their family is ruined, and even the source of energy assigned to them by others is about to dry up.

Ma Yingjie had a sad expression on his face. If his family had not been destroyed yet, then he could have extracted the fifth-level egg spring Gu from the family treasury to form a vitality spring.

But now, he is no longer the young patriarch of the Ma family, and he doesn't even have fifty people under his command.

Apart from Danquan Gu, in Ma Yingjie's knowledge, there is no other way to restore the dryness of the vitality spring.

The east spring is deep, the south spring is graceful, the north spring is fierce, the west spring is clear, and the middle spring is the essence.

The Yuanquan in the Northern Plains is very different from the Yuanquan in the Southern Xinjiang. The Yuanquan in the Northern Plains has sparse water, a narrow mouth, violent spewing, but a thin foundation, just like a certain venerable.

Yuanquan in southern Xinjiang has solid spring water and a trickle, which is difficult to be affected by external factors.

The Yuanquan in Beiyuan formed quickly, spewed violently, and dissipated quickly. In addition, the tribes in Beiyuan migrate frequently and the conditions are harsh, so the consumption of Yuan Stone is also very intense.

Now, this Yuanquan has dissipated, and there is almost no possibility of it forming again.

And if something like this happens, there will definitely be other people with evil intentions who will frame the Ma family for deliberately damaging Yuanquan.

Ma Yingjie felt a splitting headache. Faced with such a dilemma, he had no solution at all.

On the way back, Fei Cai, the slave leader beside him, asked: Master Patriarch, isn't it just a source of energy? Is the impact really that big?

Ma Yingjie sighed lightly and said worriedly: Yuanquan can be said to be the foundation of a family, and can provide a large amount of Yuan Stones for the family. I believe I don't need to say more about the importance of Yuan Stones to Gu Masters? It will break the family's destiny. The Yuanquan is equivalent to cutting off the family's source of Yuan Stone. If we face an invasion from other tribes or a sudden natural disaster in the future, we will not be able to resist at all.

After talking a lot, Fei Cai didn't take it to heart at all. He said as he walked: In that case, can't we just find another Yuanquan? Anyway, our Nuannuma Valley is so big, we can't just have these three Yuanquan, right?

Fei Cai is not worried at all, but rather optimistic.

Ma Yingjie gave a wry smile. Are you kidding me? Did Fei Cai think these were stones from the roadside?

If he could find Yuanquan so easily, he, Ma Yingjie, would go and eat the trough where the Dreadclaw horses eat right now!

Ah! While Ma Yingjie was thinking, Fei Cai slipped and rolled down the gentle slope they were walking on, letting out a shrill scream.

Haha, you, you can fall over no matter how you walk. Ma Yingjie also laughed in anger. This Fei Cai really failed more than succeeded.

You idiot, look at your clothes being torn when they rolled down. Don't you even know how to walk now? My God, Fei Cai, look what you found!

A brand-new Yuanquan appeared in front of the two of them. Fei Cai, who was rolled down, knocked off the covering rock and appeared in front of them.

This brand new Yuan spring has a huge amount of water. In just a few breaths, hundreds of Yuan stones splash out from the spring.

Fei Cai was also confused. He looked at Yuan Quan with a few words written on his face: What happened?

Ma Yingjie laughed loudly: You kid is really lucky. You have made great achievements. From today on, you won't be called that shit Fei Cai. I will give you a surname. From now on, you will be called Ma Hongyun! Ma Hongyun, our Ma family is destined to stand up from behind, with good luck reaching the sky!

On the other side, the battle that lasted for three days and three nights finally ended.

In the Bone Battlefield, Fang Yue's Bone Army is endless. Once a Gu Master or a beast dies, they will be assimilated by the power of the battlefield's killing moves and become Fang Yue's puppets.

Even with the addition of soul bone Gu, these puppets can retain their original strength to a certain extent.

Coupled with the fact that Dongfang Yuliang did not hesitate to sacrifice his lifespan, he madly urged the killer move - the seven-star lantern. Under the thought of thousands of stars, even Liu Wenwu, who was in a three-headed and six-armed state, had to run away with his head in his arms.

The other top Gu Masters also worked very hard and did not hesitate to sacrifice, and finally succeeded in defeating the seven-way coalition and captured them completely.

The killing move on the battlefield was cancelled, and he saw the starry night sky again, and a circle of light suddenly appeared under the night sky.

The aperture trembled, and after gradually stabilizing, a light gate was formed, more than forty feet high.

The gate of light is bright and stretches for thousands of miles, forming a gilded avenue.

Several Gu Masters, boys and girls, came out of the door, holding tokens, and came to Dongfang Yuliang.

We are the messengers, here to welcome back the Nuer family/Liu family/Gong family tribe.

The three envoys all had pale faces and said nothing. They were really speechless that they could still lose in a situation where the flying dragon was riding on the face.

Huh, Brother Liu, we won! We won! After Dongfang Yuliang finished handing over, his originally calm expression became vivid, and everything seemed like a dream.

Fang Yue smiled and patted Dongfang Yuliang on the shoulder: That's because you have led well, leader of the alliance. You deserve the most credit for the victory of this war.

Dongfang Yuliang shook his head: Brother Liu, why are you so humble? If it weren't for your killing moves on the battlefield, how could we have trapped the Seven Route Army?

Haha, if you say so, then leave these two Gu worms to me. Fang Yue took out two lotus-shaped Gu worms, the size of a basin, blue and white. It is the Gu insect created by Yuanlian Immortal Lord, the famous Tianyuanbao Wanglian!

This Gu is known as the Mobile Yuan Spring. After being refined, it can absorb natural energy and provide the Gu master with true energy.

The reason why Fang Yue was able to maintain his killing moves on the battlefield for so long was that, in addition to the two apertures, these two Gu worms played a major role.

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