Inherit the Blood Sea True Legend at the beginning

Current situation of the protagonist

Immortal killing move:

Bone Path: Bone spurs like a forest, a chariot of bones, shattered bodies and bones, divided tendons and bones, infinite bone hands, bone steps, Rashomon, Shura Xuekui, tarsal maggots, accumulated bones into mountains, engraved soul bones, white bone battlefield ( Killing moves on the battlefield)

Blood Path: Dharma Eye Tribulation, Mutated Blood Rain, Blood Explosion Technique, Crazy Blood Erosion, Use Blood to Replace Form, Blood Tax Collection, Blood and Water to Control Spirits, Flesh and Blood as Normal, Blood Coagulates into Walls, Bones New and Blood Changes, Blood Hands to Take Orifices, Blood Tide, Clone Blood Fetus, brocade blood cassock, blood startling sail, blood water escape, desolate blood brewing, and endless sea of ​​blood (the ultimate move on the battlefield)

Humanity: the power of family members, to convince others with virtue, to start a new life, to live up to what is entrusted to them, good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds, sharing hardships and sharing blessings

Wisdom: Turning the stars refines the mind, resolves doubts with the mind, obliterates the star mist, and reflects the star thoughts externally

Channel: very Taoist, very famous


Grand Master: Blood Path, Bone Path, Earth Path, Poison Path. Quasi Grand Master: Humanity, Star, Wisdom. Grandmaster: Soul Dao, Refining Dao, Sword Dao. Master: The Way of Belief, the Way of Change. Quasi-Master:Strength

Immortal Gu:

Earth Path: Gravel, mineral veins, dust, and some Earth Path Immortal Gu in the Paradise inheritance. Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu: Star Intention (Seventh Turn), Human Intention. Blood Path Immortal Gu: Blood Capital, Blood Tax, Blood Loan, Blood Skull, and Blood Seal. Bone Dao Immortal Gu: Bone blood, bone carving, bone soup, bone powder. Luck Immortal Gu: detect luck, gain blessings in disguise (seventh turn), present good luck in times of trouble, and control luck. Esophageal Immortal Gu: stew. Soul Dao Immortal Gu: Soul shaping, soul gathering. Humanity Immortal Gu: Popularity (pseudo), morality (seventh level), connections, interests, unity, benevolence (eighth level). Law Dao Immortal Gu: Cut, Cook (Level 8). Painting Dao Immortal Gu: Picture Scroll. Immortal Gu of Belief: Creed, Dao Ke Dao, Name Ke Ming (turn seven). Water Path: Immortal Dew (Level 7) Dream Path Immortal Gu: Dreaming (Level 7), Dream Armor (Level 7). Stealing Path: Level 8 Stealing Immortal Gu, Star Path: Star Eyes. The number of revolutions not indicated is six revolutions.

There are also a series of Immortal Gu arranged in the Gu array in the Moral Paradise, the treasury, and the Immortal Gu in the hands of the Mushroom Gu Immortal are not included in the calculation.

Affiliated forces: Letu lineage, Langya sect

Blessed Land: Blessed Land of Rocks, Blessed Land of Morality,

Allies: Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng, Lishan Fairy, Fangyuan

Slave: Feathermen Zhou Zhong


There are more than 24,200 blood paths, about 16,400 bone paths, more than 13,000 wind paths, more than 2,800 human paths, 220 luck paths, and 140 wooden paths. Ten items. The number of other Dao Marks is very small and will not be included for the time being.

(Additional at any time)

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