Tohsaka Rin dragged Archer to Emiya Shirou's house because he was afraid of the spearmen coming back. He didn't expect a servant he had never seen jumped out from the high wall of Emiya's mansion, and he fought Archer as soon as he came. come together.

Fortunately, Shirou Emiya rushed out and asked Saber to stop after seeing Rin Tohsaka.

Saber is still reluctant, because everyone in the Holy Grail War is an opponent, and only one combination can get the Holy Grail in the end. Shirou Emiya's extra emotion is completely unnecessary.

However, the other party is also the master, Saber gives Emiya a face.

At this time, Shirou Emiya just wanted to ask, "What are these?"

Tohsaka Rin said that there is no reason for God, and Saber was summoned by a half-assed person who didn't even know about the Holy Grail War. She was blind for so long.

Fortunately, Rin Tohsaka is not hostile to Emiya, nor does he have much pursuit of the Holy Grail, so he acts as a temporary teacher to popularize the famous war in the magician world with Shirou Emiya, a half-baked magician.

Emiya Shirou listened to it with a cute face, as if he had opened the door to a new world. And he only now knows that Tohsaka Rin is a very powerful magician, she can use magic to repair the broken floor-to-ceiling windows. Let Emiya, the half bucket of water that only strengthens magic, feel ashamed.

And the arrival of Matou Sakura brought a crisis to the originally harmonious atmosphere.

"Sakura?!" When Emiya opened the door, she saw Sakura with an embarrassed look on her face. At this moment, her face was covered in sweat, and her bangs were sticking to her forehead. And there was a woman who looked like a heroic spirit supporting Shinji Matou who was drooling and giggling.

Obviously not very good, Tohsaka Rin saw Matou Shinji's appearance and immediately rushed up to check: "The brain has been seriously damaged, are you attacked by Servants?" Tohsaka Rin did not expect his own sister. He was also involved in the Holy Grail War.

"Hehe, there are three servants under one roof, do you want to call Lancer back again? We four servants can get together a table of mahjong." Archer seemed to have nothing to do with himself.

"Sakura, what happened, why did Shinji become like this?" Emiya Shirou was full of problems, feeling that he had never had so many problems since he was born.

Sakura didn't want to speak at all, it was so scary, she fell into Emiya Shirou's arms and shivered.

Tohsaka Rin doesn't feel good to see her own sister like this. Although she is an older sister, she cannot recognize her younger sister because of the agreement of her parents.

"You are Sakura's Servant, what's wrong with you?" Shinji has no magic circuit, so Sakura is the only one who can summon a Servant. Tohsaka Rin calmly made a judgment, what is important now is to know the cause and effect.

Rider sees that the master trusts these peers, so even though they are also participants in the Holy Grail War, she chooses to trust them: "We were attacked by a servant with a red cape, which should be a servant. Atelier Matou has been moved by him. It's settled, the Matou clan master was killed. Matou Shinji was also injured like this by that servant."

"Ah, be a good boy... ah~ good boy..." Matou Shinji opened his mouth for the first time after becoming an idiot, spitting while speaking.

Why do you look like an idiot? Tohsaka Rin looked disgusted, he used to feel like an idiot, but now he is more like it.

"His prefrontal lobe was removed." Archer, a well-informed person from the future, recalled seeing the same patient: "That's the area that manages memory sanity and wisdom, and now he's an idiot." Archer said that he is so upright.

Emiya Shirou was stunned again, he really regarded Matou Shinji as a friend, and now someone has done such a cruel thing to him: "Red cloak?!" Grinning his teeth, he must defeat him.

Tohsaka Rin's face was not very good: "Does Archer remember the person we met last night?"

"The guy who claimed to be a Berserker?" Naturally remembered: "You mean, the same person?"

"It's impossible for two Servants with red capes to appear in such a short period of time." Tohsaka said, "Is there a big S on the chest of that red cape?"


It was him, Tohsaka Rin felt bad, it was cruel that the other party could turn people into idiots. Now that they are all targets of the red cape, she doesn't want to be an idiot.

Saber remained silent, thinking that the Holy Grail War this time might be more difficult than the previous one, but she would not admit defeat.

"We have to take Shinji to the hospital," Emiya said.

Archer poured cold water on him: "It is impossible to treat his brain with the modern medical level, and I am afraid that magic can't repair his brain either."

The brain may be repaired, but the memory will definitely not be recovered.

Tohsaka also said, "Let's settle them first." But his hands were shaking. Is this the Holy Grail War? From the very beginning, the century-old family of Matou was wiped out, and Matou Shinji became an idiot, and the cruelty exceeded Rin Tohsaka's imagination. She now wonders whether her family will also be destroyed, and whether she will become an idiot too.

Although he knew that he was scaring him, he couldn't help it. After all, they were just a group of high school students.

The next day, Shinji was still sent to the hospital. After the X-rays were taken, all the doctors' faces turned because they found that Shinji's brain had a hole, and half of his brain had disappeared. Well, it's not scientific at all.

What's even more unscientific is that he didn't have any wounds on his head, as if he was a brain-dead. There is no cure for brain damage, and the doctors can only arrange for Shinji to be hospitalized for observation, and they can't do anything else.

On the other hand, because Emiya Shirou is not a registered magician yet, Tohsaka Rin took Emiya Shirou to see her master Kotomine Kirei. This priest Kotomine Kirei is also the supervisor of the Holy Grail War.

However, it was not the priest who was waiting for them, but Kent.

The two who came out of the hospital took Saber to Kotomine Kirei's church, and Archer was actually only invisible. Stealth is equivalent to a standby state for Servants, which can save mana. However, Emiya Shirou can't, so Saber can only keep his real body all the time.

Sakura stayed in the hospital to take care of her brother, and Rider also stayed in the hospital for protection.

Today, they are going to be absent from school. Fortunately, the supervisor of Emiya is the teacher. The reason for the absenteeism is that visiting Shinji in the hospital is well-founded.

Along the way, Tohsaka Rin told Emiya Shirou about the role and distance of the Holy Grail, what the leyline energy of Fuyuki City, what the great Holy Grail that collected leyline power for 60 years, and what the magic power of six heroic spirits fixed the root position. Yes, Emiya Shirou doesn't understand anything anyway.

It was not until they approached the church and saw Superman floating on the roof of the church that they finally stopped talking.

The red cape, the S on the chest, obviously that guy is the culprit who turned his friend into an idiot. "Why hurt people?!" Emiya Shirou burst into anger and asked loudly, his voice resounding around the church, and even the ghosts in the nearby cemetery were awakened by him.

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