Kent flew to the priest and looked down at him: "I originally wanted to kill you directly, but since there is a bitter master, I can only make you an idiot first."

Kotomine Kirei naturally wouldn't obey obediently, but he saw several daggers slipping out of the sleeves of his hands, and he raised his hand to shoot.

The priest threw a knife, the knife was lethal.

And yet Kent just stood there and let him play, ding dong . . .

The sharp blade of the straight-blade dagger hit Superman's chest and was deflected away. Such an attack was just a joke.

If one move fails, another move: "Lancer—" The King of Heroes has returned to his hometown, and now he needs to summon another heroic spirit. Kotomine Kirei actually didn't have too much craving for the Holy Grail, he preferred to see other people not getting the Holy Grail than getting the Holy Grail.

In addition to the Hero King, Kotomine Kirei also brought in other servants from other magicians. Consumes a spell to summon a follower.

Lancer appeared in front of everyone.

"Second Servant?" Tohsaka Rin couldn't believe that the other party had hidden two Servants: "As a supervisor, he not only participated in the war, but also cheated?!" She was increasingly confused about what Kotomine Kirei was like. It was too far from the unsmiling and gloomy priest she knew before.

Lancer expressed helplessness. He didn't want to fight, but was summoned by the priest: "Have I said that my master is a despicable villain?" Obviously, he is also dissatisfied with the priest who robbed him of control, not willingly He fought.

"Lancer, kill them." The priest used the spell again, even if Lancer didn't want to fight, he fought forcibly.

Lancer reluctantly took a stance: "Piercing—the gun of deaththorn—" was a single shot at Superman.

Kent didn't dodge. Even if the weapon in the opponent's hand was a Noble Phantasm, even if the spear was aimed at the heart, he still didn't hide. He wanted to see if the Karma Noble Phantasm had any effect on him.

Humans always gain experience through death. Although Kent is now a Kryptonian, his soul is still human. In ancient times, there was a master of death, Shennong, who tasted a hundred herbs for the Chinese nation to continue a thousand-year medical civilization. Today, there is a little master of death, Kent, to experience the power of the Noble Phantasm.

The gun didn't know where to stab it, but in the end the tip turned and went towards Kent's chest.


Kent only felt that something stabbed him, but he didn't even pierce his clothes, let alone his skin. Sure enough, this ghostly mortal gun is completely useless.

Lancer's mouth went numb, and his mouth burst with blood. The enemy is fine, but he took the damage because he tried too hard.

"..." Looking at Superman with a confused expression, he obviously couldn't understand why the Noble Phantasm couldn't pierce Kent.

"Father, it's over." Kent teleported to the priest: "After a while, you won't feel anything, there is no sadness and joy, cruel joy will end in cruelty, don't struggle to accept eternal peace."

The iris scalpel had cut off the priest's frontal lobe. He fell to his knees and never asked the world for tragedy, nor would he create tragedy. He fell into a peace that he had never felt in his life.

Is that so, did Matou Shinji become demented like that? Emiya Shirou was only angry when he saw that the priest had become exactly the same as the brain-dead boy. The priest is not a good person, but Matou Shinji is only a high school student, and in his mind Superman is just a murderer.

So he stood up and continued to glare at Superman. He didn't care about the problems of the priest and Rin Tohsaka, and now he only said Matou Shinji: "Did you cut off the front lobe of Matou too?"

"It's different, his brain is much smaller than that of a priest." Kent wouldn't have a good face at all for people he didn't like: "Do you want to avenge him?"

"Ang." Emiya Shirou is a man who wants to be a partner of justice, so how can he back down here: "I want to get justice for him."

"Emiya?!" Tohsaka Rin said in a hearty voice that you have a long snack. You can tell by looking at the situation that they don't have the upper hand right now. After the priest became an idiot, Tohsaka Rin no longer wanted to kill Kotomine Kirei, anyway, he turned into an idiot and would only spend the rest of his life desolate, no different from death.

Saber is nervously protecting her master. Judging from the previous situation, she is no match for Superman even if she uses a Noble Phantasm. If Emiya Shirou provokes the other party, maybe they will all be wiped out. Saber felt bad at the thought that she might lose the war again.

Just as everyone was holding their breaths and preparing to fight Superman, there was a loud noise in the sky.

A fireball is approaching fast, is it a crash, is it a meteor?

It was only when the fireball was above their heads that they discovered that it was not a meteorite at all but a strange girl surrounded by flames. "Okay?" Ganata fell to the ground and looked at the messy scene, saying that she was late.

Another strange girl came out. Could it be that she is also a heroic spirit?

There are two distinct teams, one is Shirou Emiya, Rin Tohsaka, Saber, Lancer, and Archer. One side is Illya, Superman, and Ganata.

It can be said that Emiya Shirou's side has no chance of winning, not to mention that Archer is ready to betray. From the current situation, the possibility of Tohsaka Rin obtaining the Holy Grail has completely disappeared, so Archer has to execute the second goal.

He drew his bow and aimed at Shirou Emiya and fired.

I do not know the importance of the boy, today is your doomsday. Archer has absolutely no sympathy for his past Fortunately, Shirou Emiya has Saber to protect him, "Be careful!" When the arrows came, Saber barely blocked the attack with a weapon, but still It was blasted a few meters away by the magic explosion.

Is this Archer's attack? Tohsaka Rin was excited: "Archer, what are you doing?" He did not hesitate to decompose a gem to replenish his magic power for a long-distance conversation.

"Smother the danger in the cradle." Archer pulled the second arrow blankly, this time no one could stop him.


Emiya Shirou saw the arrow. It was too fast. The second he entered the field of vision, he was already in front of him, and he didn't have time to avoid it.

"Damn!" The magic barrier opened, and a two-layer, three-layer red barrier was constructed at the expense of gems: "Archer, are you crazy?!"

Boom, the magic barrier was quickly torn apart, and of course it also acted as a barrier to keep the arrows in a safe area.

Lancer was dumbfounded, but he quickly made a judgment. He wanted to help these two teenagers: "It seems that you were betrayed by your servant." He stood in front of Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou for them Stopping the third arrow: "My master has become an idiot, and I need to follow a wiser person to complete the Holy Grail War." The spearman said that he didn't need money and could use it for free.

Emiya Shirou was completely dumbfounded. He didn't know why Tohsaka Rin's followers suddenly attacked him, and he was hated for no reason without hatred. It was really inexplicable.

Tohsaka Rin also didn't know what the madness of his servant was.

No one can stop him from killing his past self, Archer immediately decided to kill Lancer first when he saw Lancer was busy with his own business.

Zhenxian struck again, and it was exactly like he was going to kill Emiya Shirou.

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