Kent once again showed his face in front of people all over the world, once again shocking all beings with absolute power, just absorbing the explosive energy of N2 bombs is already a monster, not to mention hijacking global TV signals.

And everyone has only one question: Who is he?

The Far East Neuron Headquarters, the underground military base that will soon become the front line of the battle against the apostles, is on first-level alert. Ling Bo Li, who is in a coma, is guarded by heavy troops. They will not hand over Ling Bo Li easily.

And all kinds of missiles, artillery, lasers, and electromagnetic guns hidden in the third new Tokyo city have all been aimed at Kent. As long as the upper level gives an order, they can launch an attack immediately, and now they are waiting for the order.

And the scientific research team is also desperately using their instruments to investigate how sacred Kent is. They hope to get an answer, even if they finally find out that Kent is an apostle. It is a pity that their instruments can only observe the amazing power contained in Kent, and other aspects cannot give any advice. To fight or not to fight, scientists have no conclusion.

"Do we really have to hand over Rei?" The atmosphere was not good, which reminded Katsuragi Misato of the tragedy fifteen years ago. Fifteen years ago, her parents were scientists at the Antarctic Research Station, and she was a student on a public tour of Antarctica. It was when she was reunited with her parents that the second shock broke out. Misato Katsuragi's father put her into an escape bin and threw her into the sea. She didn't all die in the Antarctic like everyone else. But after the tragedy, she suffered from aphasia for a long time. Later, she made up her mind to eliminate the apostles and avenge her parents before returning to normal. She studied hard and joined the famous neuron organization before the age of 30, becoming an important member of the fight against the apostles.

Although the enemy is not an apostle now, but the mystery is not inferior to the apostle, the arrogance of the domineering person who does not put human force in his eyes is annoying. She just said she was going to kidnap Ling Bo Li, but Misato Katsuragi would never let such a thing happen: "Damn, what the **** is this guy doing?"

"Miri, you go to the station to pick up the qualified candidates of the first plane." The old deputy commander Fuyuki came over and brought the commander's order.

"Deputy Commander, I can't leave now." Misato Katsuragi didn't want to leave.

"It is the current crisis situation that we have to bring back the second qualified person. We need to start the first machine." Dongyue said bitterly: "Go." , Dongyue, the deputy commander, is very approachable. Dongyue was originally a university professor with a scholarly temperament.

Miri can only go, anyway, there is no combat mission right now, it is still important for those who are qualified. With Ling Bo Li in a coma, they had to have another pilot to make sure the neurons were always fighting. They also know that they can't just rely on conventional weapons, they have to rely on EVA.

Ikari Shinji didn't know what was going on. He didn't have a mobile phone and couldn't surf the Internet, and he could only call on a public phone. Looking at the photo of the eldest sister in his hand, he couldn't find anyone: "Sure enough, you haven't come yet?" Ikari Shinji was not ready to meet his father on time.

In Japan, which has become tropical due to the deflection of the Earth's axis, the sun is radiant every day. Ikari Shinji found that the city was hotter than the country, and even the road was twisted under the heat.

I don't know when the person to pick him up will come. Ikari Shinji stood in the shadow of the eaves of the station, as quiet as a girl, out of tune with this steel city.

it's him? Katsuragi Miri drove her sports car all the way over the speed and when she got to the station, she saw the boy leaning against the wall and listening to music. He was completely different from the commander. Is he really his biological father and son?

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late, Shinji-kun?" Misato Katsuragi left Neuron and changed into his military uniform, but only wore a thin vest. His career line was unfathomable, making Ikari Shinji blush.

The big sister in the city is really different from the country.

"Miss Katsuragi?" Ikari Shinji asked cautiously.

"Just call me Miri." From now on, she will be a colleague, and Katsuragi Miri felt that it was too outlandish to call her by her surname.

"Miss Miri."

"Get in the car." Miri bent over to open the passenger's door, signaling the boy not to waste time, they still have urgent things to do.

The car was driving on the streets of No. 3 Shin-Tokyo City, but the boy couldn't see other pedestrians. He said curiously, "What a quiet city."

"Because the air defense alert was issued before you came, everyone stayed indoors." Speaking of which, Katsuragi Misato thought of her job again. The guy in the red cape was really a tough kidnapper.

"Air defense siren?" The boy was startled, why was he going to fight as soon as he came?

"Didn't you watch the news? A monster appeared over the city, and now the whole city is under martial law."

The teenager shook his head: "I encountered a train derailment on the way here, and was rescued by a trapeze wearing a red cape. We all took the car arranged by the police to the station."

On the other hand, Miri had a shocked expression on her face when she heard the boy's description: "What did you say? You said you were rescued by a trapeze wearing a red cape?"

Crazy crazy: "Miss Misato, front, front."

However, Miri doesn't care about the direction, she needs the boy to confirm what he sees: "Is it this?" On the phone screen is a photo of Superman floating.

Looking at the picture just in front of his nose, Ikari Shinji took it over and looked again to be sure: "It's him, Miss Misato, do you know him?" If we could meet again, Ikari Shinji could say thank you.

know? That is impossible. He took the mobile phone and called Akagi Ritsuko: "Ritsuko, I have found out that that weirdo rescued a derailed train not long ago, that's right, the one that Shinji-kun took. You can find someone to ask about the time. The passenger's confession." "I know, I will deliver Shinji-kun safely."

Shinji Ikari kept looking at this lively big sister, wondering if this big sister is off the line?

"Shinji-kun, hold on tight, I'm going to speed up." With a breakthrough in work, Misato wanted to go back as soon as possible.

"Ah—" Ikari Shinji was not that young man who was driving the No. 1 plane, and he just wanted to say safety first when Misato was speeding.

Neurons are located in the underground of the Third New Tokyo City, or the Third New Tokyo City includes two parts above ground and underground. The neuron is just below the cave, and the underground city of the third new Tokyo city is the sky. The city lights illuminate this underground space, and the reflected and refracted sunlight from the ground warms the underground.

Spectacular, the eyes of a country boy can't hold this magnificent scenery, he just feels that human beings are so great, to be able to build such a magnificent building complex in the underground space, this is definitely a human wonder. The transportation track connecting the ground and the underground can transport various materials like an escalator. Now the cars in Miri are transported to the underground as a Above is the brilliant lights of the underground city and collecting sunlight, and the bottom of the cave is in the shape of a pyramid The Neuron Headquarters, there are even reservoirs and forests on both sides, and I can't believe that I am now in the underground space. It can be said that it can't be more strange.

"This is the Neuron headquarters." As a member of Neuron, seeing the surprised look of the boy at this time, Miri also felt proud.

But the boy's astonishment only lasted until he stood in front of the giant robot, and his father's cold order was like a basin of cold water poured on the boy's head: "Sit up or go back."

Ikari Shinji never thought that he didn't even call his father, and was slapped in the face by his father's cold tone: "Is this why you called me here?" Isn't it a joke to see my father, but suddenly asked to drive a robot? No one had given notice in advance, which was simply too difficult for a strongman.

"Yes, you have to drive the first aircraft." Looking down at his son, Ikari Yuandu only felt that his son was too weak. How can a boy cry.

"Commander, he hasn't passed the start-up test yet." Misato Katsuragi also felt that this was too much. If a teenager who had not undergone the synchronization test was to drive the first machine, an accident would happen.

"Li is already awake, we can't passively observe all the time, we need to make a battle plan. If he can't start the first machine, then we can only let Li go." Didn't that weirdo want Li? Let's see how the other party would kidnap if Li drove the EVA.

"No. 0 is still frozen?" Misato's face changed: "Do you want Relai to drive No. 1? This is too messy!" Misato said that he couldn't understand this arbitrary commander, and that Shinji Ikari was not an official. Second generation? Why are you so strict with your own son?

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