People, people, why are there people here?

The reverse lightning in yellow is incredible. He has witnessed all the tragedies in this timeline, and watched those hateful heroes go astray. He even knew that people fell into the metropolis before showing the integrity of Kryptonians. A human experiment, there should be no human beings in this world. ??

Originally planned to wait for The Flash to wake up to see this interesting world, but now something unexpected happened. For people, any villain who knows people will have scruples. That is a super hero who stands in the light of greatness and punishes evil and promotes good. The role model of all heroes, second-rate villains will feel weak just by hearing people's names.

Of course, if your legs are weak, your legs are weak. Everyone knows that people don't kill people, so when you commit a crime, you are lucky to meet someone. Reverse Lightning is a level villain who also worries about people stopping his evil plans. That's right, he's not worried about his life, he's just worried that the Flash won't be able to see a picture of **** and experience despair.

Because the world is so interesting, Reverse Flash didn't do anything because the Flash saved his mother. However, in order to let Flash know that all this is under the observation of Reverse Flash, the proud villain still left some clues to Flash.

"You can't let people ruin such a good situation." The original situation was very good, and there was no need for Reverse Lightning to make a move, but now it seems that a little bit of help is needed: "Everything needs to be done by yourself these days." Reverse Lightning expressed that he was very upset.

Continue to provoke the relationship between the two races, and at the same time trap human beings. The easiest way is to steal the enemy's weapons and assassinate the other officers and soldiers, so that they can feel the malice from the enemy.

This is the easiest way, so Reverse Lightning swims around the world in divine power to commit crimes, and at the same time leaves a lot of clues to make them suspicious of each other.

The world will become 'better', Reverse Lightning said that even people can't stop the mad hatred.

Diana and Arthur's IQs are all offline, and the simple estrangement can't be seen. The wrong weapon at the wrong time, the wrong person died, and anyone with a little IQ knows it's a third-party pick.

But as leaders of the two races, they didn't see it. Arthur indulges in the death of his beloved wife, although he cheated on his wife, but it does not mean that he does not love his wife. Mera was cruelly owled by Diana, and her crown was worn on her head by Diana as a trophy, which is simply an insult to the whole of Atlantis.

As for Diana, she was a complete war madman. She had nothing in her mind except fighting and conquering. She wanted to conquer men and conquer Atlantis to conquer the whole world with her body.

So Reverse Lightning used a little trick, and immediately made Arthur and Diana's hatred even deeper, making their hatred better than their vigilance. Everything is as Reverse Lightning wished, and the third world war is inevitable: "What if people are?"

The people under the sea launched a blitzkrieg against France, quickly occupied the cities along the coast of France and began to gather a large army on the coastline, as if preparing for a major war.

The female warriors of Paradise Island also went to Europe and occupied the city on a large scale. All the way, they swept across Western Europe like a broken bamboo.

Kent said that the IQ of the villain heroes is very low, but I didn't expect it to be so low.

The European war, although the US government has not yet taken action, does not mean that no Americans will go to Europe to join the Volunteer Army. A large number of people with lofty ideals know that the war between the two races will not stop in Europe, and the next step in the fall of Europe is probably the United States, so many people choose to go to Europe to contribute, including heroes and ordinary people.

Louise Lane is one of them. Originally she was just a reporter, but now she works for resistance groups in occupied European countries and undercover among Amazonian female fighters.

Although the Amazon female warriors are all powerful, because they have no fertility, the number of female warriors has been relying on the blessing of the gods since ancient times, and has maintained a small increase. Therefore, the most scarce thing they have is soldiers, and they will not refuse any human women who are willing to join them. As long as human women can pass the cruel Amazon warrior training, they will be their sisters.

Louise was originally from a family of soldiers. Although she did not join the army, her ability to kill herself was top-notch, and her physique trained to kill her made her a smooth entry into the Amazon female warrior. In addition, she is well-informed and articulate, and she quickly obtained a lot of important information, reducing a lot of casualties.

Louise wants to save lives as much as possible in the war. Now she is wearing a bulletproof vest, holding an automatic rifle, and has a Bluetooth headset in her ears. Even in the Amazon army, which is full of beautiful women, she is a bright and heroic color.

At this time, Louise urgently needed to send out important information. The Amazon soldiers brought a tank-sized double-headed dog from Paradise Island and added a new army. Louise felt that this was a sign before the war, and everyone had to be careful about these man-eating beasts.

It really eats people. This two-headed vicious dog is not a kind animal. Even the armor of the tank will be torn apart by their fangs and I deserve a second Pulitzer Prize , watching these mythical monsters appear one by one, Louise couldn't calm down, their teeth were thicker than her thighs, and the saliva they left was hot and hot, dripping on the ground and still smoking white smoke, this is **** Descendants of the three-headed dog.

The Amazon female warriors cried out excitedly when they saw that their army had increased their fighting power. They seemed to have returned to the bloodthirsty ancient times.

"Long live Queen Diana—" Diana in this world is now the queen.

Louise could only follow along, but she felt numb. Looking at the momentum, she knew that Europe was just the beginning. Later, they will surely sweep the world, and humanity must unite to stop them. But then Louise changed her mind, maybe someone can end the war.

When the red cloak fluttered over the camp in Paradise Island in Europe, the high momentum of the female warriors was also cooled down as if they had been splashed with cold water.

Looking at the man who stayed in the air like a stroll, Louise suddenly felt a sense of adoration, but she was immediately swallowed up by countless curiosity. This is people! Louise has seen his videos and knows that people are strong enough to defeat a thousand with one. Now that he is here, is he trying to stop Diana from Paradise Island? Single-handedly, can he succeed?

None of the people who challenged Diana survived. The daughter-in-law of Sea King is the best example, not to mention the hero of mankind. Diana's longsword has drank the blood of heroes.

So when Diana, wearing the Mera crown, saw Kent, she smiled confidently, and she conquered this man. 8

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