Asking the Flash to save his mother will cause the butterfly effect, so will Kent's coming to this world cause the butterfly effect?

The answer is yes. The appearance of Kent made the U.S. government finally pay attention to the power of Kryptonians. It turns out that Kryptonians can be powerful enough to save the world. But they don't understand why the Kryptonians are so strong, and they have been studying the Kryptonians and haven't found that the Kryptonians are so powerful.

In short, they now hope to get answers from Karl El, and the poor test subject has to undergo more experiments and endure more pain. As the experiment went on, Carl El was dying, and in the end, scientists finally thought of a possibility that Karl El's power was actually caused by other foreign objects. They sent Kal-El to the outside environment, allowing the skinny son of Krypton to be exposed to natural sunlight for the first time.

They witnessed the birth of God. After the skinny Karl was exposed to the sun, he instantly evolved from needing help to float. The scientists and guards around all showed awe. They didn't understand what Karl did, of course. Not sure what they did on their own.

"This is the sun?!" Standing under the yellow sunlight for the first time, the thin Superman took a deep breath, as if to inhale all the sunlight into his lungs. At this time, he only felt that his limbs were poured into the powerful pill, and he couldn't tell. To be comfortable, for the first time since he could remember, he understood what it meant to be comfortable.

At the same time, the surgical wounds on his body are also healing rapidly, and the bloodstains disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Quickly end the experiment, quick!" The captain of the guard couldn't imagine how they could control the aliens if the experimental subjects were allowed to continue, so he could only shout to the scientist, hoping to stop the experiment before it was too late.

"We are witnessing the birth of God, which cannot be terminated." This elderly military scientist has studied Kryptonians for decades, and only then did he know what kind of existence he has been facing. Kryptonians must be the race of gods. The gray-bearded man wanted to see if his subjects could turn into superhuman beings. In the minds of the researchers, it seemed that they were accomplishing Carl, not knowing that they had delayed Carl's becoming a **** by decades.

"Carl, I'm your 'father'." Watching Carl fly higher and higher, the researcher raised his head and shouted, "I gave you your power, you have to thank me—"

Carl is full of fear for them, because since he can remember everything, his clothing, food and even his body cannot be controlled by himself, all of which are controlled by these white coats. Even after gaining strength, his fear of them has not diminished, but seeing the guards raising their guns and aiming at them, as well as their expressions, Carl keenly felt their fear.

Carl didn't receive much education, but his instinct as a creature made him feel that everyone's attitude towards him had changed. Now they are afraid of themselves, and they will no longer be afraid of them.

Thinking of this, his godless eyes changed color in vain, and his slender body absorbed enough noon sunlight, and was about to vent it.

"Ah -" This feeling is unprecedented, Carl has never felt this taste, from the hot energy of the eyes, the red laser is not stopped toward the ground, which is the desire of its own desire is released.

For a time, the lawn of the entire research institute turned into charred ashes, and even people were inevitably evaporated, and the original orderly research site instantly turned into a fierce hell. The old man who claimed to be the father of God bore the brunt of it and vanished.

"Fire!" The guards, who avoided the heat of sight, shot into the sky, calling for support as they fought. They have every reason to believe that Carl will take revenge on mankind, and no one who has been studied for decades will have a good opinion of mankind.

At first, Carl would use his hands to block bullets, but later he found that the bullets couldn't hurt him at all, so he stood in the torrential rain of bullets and looked down at all beings.

Just when Carl woke up, Kent also blocked the reverse lightning. Kent knew that Reverse Lightning either went to Sea King or rescued Diana, but he didn't expect that Reverse Lightning went to Sea King first, and came back to rescue Diana in the blink of an eye. He was really a greedy guy.

But Reverse Lightning said who made him go fast, he can take care of both.

When Reverse Lightning came to rescue Diana, he was blocked by Superman in Diana's cell.

Reverse Lightning was busy making plans for Aquaman, and he didn't know what was going on outside, so he didn't panic when he saw Superman, but he didn't panic. He had kryptonite.

Diana lowered her head, her hands were still inseparable because of the bracelet, and she had no divine power. At this time, she had no time to think about Reverse Lightning and Superman.

"Superman, I didn't expect you to appear here. After you see what the U.S. government has done to another person, you will be very angry." Reverse Lightning opened the mouth to divert Superman's attention, but his hand secretly slipped from his clothes. Kryptonite slipped out of his sleeve, ready to attack at any time. Of course, he was also very curious about why Superman appeared. Obviously, the superman in this world has become a guinea pig. God knows how another superman would appear.

Kent locked his eyes on Inverse Lightning and said, "I advise you not to act rashly, because you don't know me at all."

"I know you, as long as you are Superman, I know everything about you." Reverse Lightning was very confident, and then stepped into the speed force. Compared to The Flash, Reverse Lightning is less creative to Speed ​​Force, he just fights based on Speed ​​Force's high and rarely develops other skills.

In an instant, the room was filled with lightning, and the movement of the reverse lightning could not be seen by the naked eye. Even the most advanced cameras could only capture his afterimage. And in the golden light in the room, there was a little discordant green, and Reverse Lightning found an opportunity to lash out at Superman: "I hope you can forgive me for being rude!" Even so, the joy of victory climbed up his face.

The high-speed kryptonite pierced into Kent's heart like a bullet, and the sharp five fingers carved into claws could tear apart Superman's body.

It was really bold, Kent looked at Reverse Lightning holding kryptonite and wanted to pierce his heart, saying that the other party was really careful that he had kryptonite hidden on his body, but he was not Wuxia Amon, Reverse Lightning used kryptonite. The effect is not as good as his direct attack with divine speed.

So I raised my hand and waved, wow!

Molecules in the air were cut open by Kent's hand knife, a quick and extremely hard blow, ordinary but dangerous.

Blood splattered in front of Superman, blocked by his biomagnetic field, and Reverse Lightning only saw half of his broken arm spinning in the cell holding kryptonite.

This is not Superman. The neurofeedback of a thousandth of a second made Reverse Lightning understand that he really didn't understand Superman, at least not the Superman in front of him. You must know that Superman would never hurt anyone, and he always avoided casualties.

The cells of the whole body are in fear. A superman who can kill is definitely the most terrifying existence in the world. Especially when kryptonite does not work, Reverse Lightning has almost no hesitation to give up the rescue and turn to escape.

However, although the speed force is fast, it is not as fast as Kent's prediction. From the movement law of Reverse Lightning's whole body, he can know which direction Reverse Lightning will rush to next. This time, Reverse Lightning really encountered a desperate situation.

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