Time is tight, and the transformation must be completed before the mother worm reaches the earth, otherwise the earth will suffer. At this time, Kent needs to give a detailed transformation plan, and then the inside of the ship is handed over to Batman Flash, Louise and Wonder Woman, and the outside of the ship is given to the two Superman and Ganata.

According to Kent's transformation method, with all the existing equipment of the spacecraft, flexible use, not perfect but enough.

The entire spaceship has changed a lot, and the power part has an additional input connected to a temporary treadmill. This is where the Flash's constant neutralization energy value comes in.

Anyway, the Flash's super equipment is basically like this, even the time machine "cosmic treadmill" that travels through time and space is so simple. Because what matters is the Flash and the Speed ​​Force, and the treadmill is just a medium that converts the Speed ​​Force into other energies.

When everything is ready, time is running out, and the Void Zerg on the surface of the mother insect has recovered and started to move again, and this time their target is the earth.

"The Flash, are you ready?" Batman knew there was only one chance to save the planet, and if they failed, they would be homeless.

"The bugs are ready to go." Wonder Woman is also nervous, even Paradise Island can't defend against such a large number of bugs, so she can only hope that Batman's plan will succeed.

On Earth, the armies of various countries that have received information have been prepared, although the soldiers have no idea what they are going to do, exercises are not like exercises, and actual combat is not like actual combat.

"Brother Chu, are there really Zerg coming to attack?" Zhang Xiaodi was very surprised that the whole country was in a state of preparation for war, knowing that the motherland has not been like this for a long time. Although he used to look forward to the actual combat, Zhang Xiaodi would still be worried when the actual combat came.

"The information of the Zerg is notified to the world through the United States, and it should not be wrong." Truman also looked ugly, because he doubted whether the earth army could deal with the Zerg, because the information did not say what kind of state the Zerg would visit the earth.

"Dr. Truman, has the high-tech you brought found anything?" Truman and Zhang Xiaodi brought advanced equipment from the Space Force to be responsible for the vigilance of the capital circle. There are many instruments for gravity testing to monitor the entire capital circle. , to prevent a sudden attack of the Zerg.

Looking at the anxious chief, Truman could only shake his head. All the instruments were normal, and the index did not change: "If there is an enemy, I will notify you."

"I hope it will be safe to pass today." The chief also does not want war in the capital.

In fact, the common people have already discovered the problem. They feel very uneasy. A large number of armed troops appear in the city center, and it is not a National Day military parade. This is against common sense.

Citizens passing by did not receive any special alerts at all, and they still went out to work as usual. Seeing the scenes they couldn't see in the past, they now take out their mobile phones and compete to take pictures with the soldier. Of course, the more excited are the military fans. In the past, only advanced weapons that were seen on the screen appeared in front of them today, feasting their eyes.

There are various speculations on the Internet. Some people say that this is because another alien is about to invade, and it is a full-scale invasion. Of course, some people say that this may just be an ordinary military exercise, just to see the military's ability to act.

In short, there are always various conclusions on the Internet, and of course there is no shortage of "insiders". Some people say that this is related to the Siberian spaceship, and the sudden disappearance of the spaceship may be related to another cosmic empire.

Of course, even if this is real information, it will only be sprayed.

"Isn't this Comrade Zhang Xiaodi who took a back seat? Left the great pilot position and is now a researcher? I didn't expect your IQ to be so high."

Zhang Xiaodi was still assisting Chumen when he heard a voice that made him very unhappy, that was his 'enemy' Wang Feng.

"Why are you here?" Wang Feng is a test pilot and shouldn't be here.

"The original pilot had diarrhea, so I replaced him." "You shouldn't really become a researcher, right?" "Who is this?" He didn't know Truman.

"Doctor of Physics, Dr. Truman." Zhang Xiaodi introduced.

"Hello." Truman shook hands with Wang Feng: "Although we both belong to the Space Force, this is the first time we meet. I am the artificial intelligence designer of the 'Jin 10 No. 2' machine."

It turned out to be him, and Wang Feng was impressed by the second machine: "You are the guy who made artificial intelligence speak a foreign language?!"

"The accent problem is just a bug, and it will be corrected sooner or later." In fact, Truman was also very curious about why this happened.

Wang Feng shrugged, except for the accent problem, the performance of the second machine is excellent in all aspects. Continue talking to Zhang Xiaodi: "I thought you were transferred to another military region to be a secret weapon, but I didn't expect you to join the space force, one step faster than me." Speaking of which, Wang Feng's originally happy face became serious, obviously not. Happy.

"No way, my luck has always been good." Zhang Xiaodi is now ahead of Wang Feng.

Just as the two men who were both enemies and friends were arguing with each other, the index of the monitoring instrument suddenly jumped, and a wave peak cut through the sky, startling the three people around.

Not good, this value indicates that a huge source of gravity is nearby: "Xiao Di, go to contact the chief, the Zerg is here!"

Yes, they came, four space doors appeared in the sky with a radius of 100 miles, and insects appeared from inside like raindrops. And this is just a portal in the sky, and on the ground, some open on the walls of tall buildings, some open on the lake water, and some open on the road, and the insects appear randomly.

The bugs that appeared on the road instantly felt what is called a busy traffic, and were welcomed by the impact.

And these space gates are not only in this city, the whole world is no matter whether it is prosperous or barren, whether it is rich or barren, insects are treated equally.

Everyone was stunned, they were not mentally prepared at all, and they had absolutely no idea what these huge 'spiders' were.

It wasn't until the leader gave the order to fight that the soldiers came back to their senses. They are fully armed today to wait for these monsters.

Fire! Although some soldiers were taken aback by the terrifying-looking bug, most of them were of good quality and knew that the capital was behind them.

The air-raid alarm sounded, and all the residents panicked and ran to the nearest air-raid shelter. For the sudden invasion, they panicked. Of course, there are also those who have the courage to find a place with a good view and raise their mobile phone cameras to shoot. There are even live broadcasters who are crazy. It is estimated that only citizens who hide in a safe place can watch the live broadcast.

The same thing is happening in major cities all over the world, the only difference is that in the United States they have the Avengers, they will fight for their city, and the Iron Clothes Corps will fight back against the Zerg.

And all this happened because Kent and the others did not stop the Zerg in time.

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