At the last moment of his life, Master Yoda saw the truth of the Force, which had no properties, neither light nor darkness. It's just that some people do good and some do evil. After the force user dies, they return to the force, and the force can distinguish between light and darkness.

As far as the Force itself is concerned, darkness and light are unified entities, not opposites.

Chao Wen Dao Xi died, but Master Yoda said, "Superman, you are really a wise man."

Compliments, compliments, just fooling you alien single cells. However, Kent's behavior also proves that even if the earth's technology is backward, it does not mean that the earth is useless in the universe. The ancestors of the earth have left a lot of precious wealth to modern people. When the ancients looked up at the universe and looked down at the microscopic, they summed up the ideas and concepts that can be used by all mankind indefinitely.

The technology of the ancients was not more advanced than that of modern people, but their wisdom was no less than that of modern people.

It is not impossible that the earth will set off a whirlwind of ideas in this empire.

Master Yoda returned to the Force, and it was too late when Kent couldn't hear his heartbeat. He didn't expect Master Yoda to go so fast.

Obi-Wan and Luke were also surprised. Luke's training had not been fully completed, and Master Yoda left without explaining anything, which was a real surprise. It was obvious that Master Yoda was fine before, and he could even jump up and down to test Luke's swordsmanship.

The green body feathered and soared, and the soul returned to the force.

The rest of the training was done by Obi-Wan, but Luke was uneasy. By studying the Force, he has been able to glimpse a little bit of the future. After Master Yoda died, Luke saw death, all his friends around him died, and the Dark Knight killed them.

Being on a remote planet and ignorant of the outside world, Luke's unease grew stronger. Finally, he proposed to stop training and go back to Hoth.

Obi-Wan originally disagreed, but looking at Luke's situation, he knew that if he insisted on completing his training, Luke was likely to follow his father's old path and fall into the dark side of the Force.

So the two packed up Master Yoda's relics and set out on their way home.

The Hoth star has indeed been discovered, and the imperial fleet is now searching for the rebels to the point of madness. The headquarters of the insurgent army on Hoth star was severely attacked, and was held by the air force and army dispatched together.

The army was three times that of the insurgent army, and it was well armed.

In the icy world, soldiers from both sides shot at each other wearing warm clothes. The Imperial Army slaughtered everywhere with its powerful heavy infantry weapon - the heavy armoured infantry vehicle, a huge four-legged carrier.

The insurgent army can only resist with air power, but the force field of the armored infantry vehicle is impenetrable by the firepower of the X-wing fighter, and even the slender mechanical legs are protected by the force field, which is basically a mobile fortress.

In the end, the uprising army chose to withdraw, and if they continued to stay in Hoth, they would die. Princess Leia made a quick deployment, leaving a part of the army to break down, and the others withdrew first.

All the people on Earth boarded the Blockade Fugitive and moved with the main army of the rebel army. However, it was difficult to find the main force of the rebel army, and the imperial army would not let them go easily.

With all-out blockade, the net of Tie fighters has long been woven in space orbit, and any unmarked aircraft flying out of the cold surface is a target.

The insurgent's transfer fleet was severely sniped.

The last point of the X-wing fighters also all attacked, hitting the tight firepower network of the Imperial Army, they tore the front for a time, but behind the Imperial Army was the aircraft carrier of the universe - the Star Destroyer.

The steady stream of TIE fighters continued one after another, giving the rebels no chance to break out of the siege at all.

This was a long-planned siege operation, and the Empire dispatched three Star Destroyers to ensure that the annihilation plan could go smoothly.

Darth Vader stood on the largest of them, the Star Destroyer, the Executor, watching the magnificent sparks of the universe, with neither sadness nor joy in his heart. The lost life is nothing but the bursting of the tiny bubbles of the cosmic age, and this universe is not short of life at all.

Has Superman been out yet? Darth Vader is so serious about Superman. He has planned a plan to surround and destroy Superman, but Superman doesn't seem to have any plans to show up.

Huhuhu... If Superman doesn't show up, then let him watch the rebel army get wiped out, anyway, it's his victory anyway.

The impregnable front locked the main force of the rebel army within the range of Hoth, and they also distributed jump jammers to prevent the rebel army from escaping by jumping.

Jumping is a good way to escape, because it takes a lot of time to determine the direction of the opponent's jump, and when they catch up, the opponent has already run away, so it is very necessary to prevent them from jumping.

Princess Leia's face was pale, she was in crisis again, she was calm and not afraid, but she would also be nervous in the face of the well-prepared imperial air force is less than one-third, and then If this goes on, it will be wiped out. "The captain desperately told Princess Leia of the current situation, they were completely blocked.

"Let Zhang Xiaodi and Natasha go, cover them to the Star Destroyer on the far right of the enemy, and gather all the troops to break out to the right." It was Kent who suggested.

Although I don't know why Superman didn't take action, this is also the way, they believe in Kent.

Zhang Xiaodi and Natasha immediately knew that Kent's idea was to let them land and occupy the Star Destroyer, thus creating a loophole.

No problem, Zhang Xiaodi just happened to try his strength.

Natasha put on super armor, and her sassy and heroic appearance was not lost to Supergirl. Seeing the Superman logo on the chest of the armor, everyone felt relieved.

It was the first time Zhang Xiaodi saw the American representative's uniform, and it was obviously related to Superman. Zhang Xiaodi can't admit defeat, doesn't he just put on the logo? He also has the Superman logo on his belt, it's a small dot, but it can shine as well as her.

Natasha was very surprised why Kent named Zhang Xiaodi to go there. She didn't find Zhang Xiaodi's peculiarity. Maybe the fighter piloting skills were good, but it was not enough to fight side by side with her in super armor.

"I'll cover you!" But Superman said let him go, and Natasha had to keep him safe.

Zhang Xiaodi went there in a fighter jet, and Natasha had to cover him to pass through the bullet-riddled universe battlefield: "Follow me."

Look down on people, Zhang Xiaodi said in her heart that this American girl is too annoying. She has been trying to please the princess before, but now she is pointing fingers. She must be a beautiful American spy, Zhang Xiaodi knows with her nose.

Starting off, Natasha's armor passed through the front like a sharp arrow, tore a small gap, and led Zhang Xiaodi's X-wing fighter into the Star Destroyer's firepower circle.

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