Through scanning, Optimus Prime and the others found that the life that came down from the advanced spacecraft turned out to be human beings they knew very well. They bumped to Earth from Cybert, and received a lot of help from humans, who are primitive but extremely complex emotional creatures.

Arsi, Bumblebee, and Clapboard are all surprised, they understand the technological level of human beings, which is at least a few thousand years behind Cyberbert, and has not even entered the age of the universe. The humans in front of them are driving advanced spaceships, and even the Decepticons can't do anything about them. Incredible.

"I'm the Autobots from Seiber, Optimus Prime, where are you from?" Optimus Prime asked, his voice steady and dependable, as upright as his appearance.

"..." I don't understand at all, Cyberbert may be an alien planet. As for what an Autobot is, O'Neal has no idea: "Are you aliens?"

"Yes, we are from Cybertron and are highly autonomous mechanical lifeforms." To gain the trust of others, it is necessary to show sincerity, and Optimus Prime doesn't mind introducing what they are.

Is it a robot? O'Neal stabilized his mind: "Thank you for your help, we are humans from another world and are taking risks." Humans on this earth obviously do not have advanced technology, but Autobots are obviously more advanced than humans, so if you want technology, naturally Reaching out to Autobots is more effective. O'Neal is ready to risk an alliance with the Autobots: "We're new here and don't know if we can get your help."

"Humans from another universe?" The fat man on the partition said it was impossible.

But the ambulance that communicates with them thinks it is possible: "It is not impossible, as long as there is a strong enough aircraft and enough energy, it is not impossible to go to a parallel universe. And the scientists of Cyberbert have already Proving the existence of a parallel universe is just that there has been no contact." "Maybe we are seeing humans on a parallel earth, and the technology of the parallel earth is more advanced than that of the local earth."

Optimus Prime also agreed with the ambulance's suggestion, and he also found that there were no weapons on the other side's spaceship, which showed that they were not here to conquer, but to explore. As for the gunpowder weapon in O'Neal's hand, it was just a decoration and was ignored.

"Parallel Earth? What, I heard Parallel Earth, are you going to Parallel Earth in the ambulance? Are you going to leave here?" Just as the ambulance and Optimus Prime completed the communication, a crisp voice came from behind.

There are three children, the eldest is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, there is a girl about the same age dressed in fancy dress, and a ten-year-old boy with glasses.

It was the girl who spoke, and her expression at this moment was even more terrifying than a ghost.

"Jack, Maggie, Raphael, you are here."

"You haven't told us what the parallel earth is like." Mei Qi completely regarded herself as a friend of Transformers, and was not polite at all.

The three young humans were involved in the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, and knew the existence of the Transformers, so the Autobots gave them permission to come to the base in order to protect them from being assassinated by the Decepticons.

"It's not that we went to a parallel world, but the humans of the parallel earth came to the earth." The ambulance was very powerless to the human girl who was screaming, so she should not keep pets at the base, or disobedient pets.

"Wow, a human on a parallel earth?" Maggie is of Japanese descent. Because her parents are still working in Tokyo, she is alone in the United States. She is very rebellious, a guy who doesn't know the sky and the sky. He likes adventure and excitement. Do some dangerous driving maneuvers with your own bodyguard clapboard.

The boy with glasses, Rafi, said seriously: "If they are really parallel Earth humans, their technology must be more advanced than ours." Although Rafi is only ten years old, he is a computer genius and has an IQ that is comparable to that of an ambulance. , many times to help Transformers invade the government's system.

And Jack, who has not spoken all the time, is the most calm among the three, and is also the first person to know Transformed Gold Steel. His protector is Arsi. Although Jack doesn't express his opinion very much, he has a strong execution ability. Many times he bravely led his friends to help the Autobots.

"You'll see them soon," said the ambulance, because Optimus Prime had agreed to help O'Neal and his party, and they would guide the guests to drive the spaceship through the land bridge into the base.

The size of the spaceship is not small for humans, but it is just a very common conventional size for Transformers. Their land bridges can transport larger machinery, and their bases can also park spaceships.

The three human teenagers looked at the land bridge expectantly, and then saw Optimus Prime and the spaceship behind him slowly enter the base. The spaceship finally stopped in the center, and all the other Autobots returned, returning to the base in the form of cars and then deforming again. For the robot, the whole process goes smoothly.

All four of O'Neal's team disembarked and looked at the humble base, saying that it was different from what they had imagined. They thought the Autobots' base would be a place full of advanced machinery. But apart from space bridges and radar, there is basically no other high-tech. It's like a big auto repair shop.

"Welcome to our shelter, humans from a parallel universe." Optimus Prime said: "These three are human teenagers on this earth, and they should be able to help you settle down."

There are still children in the alien base, O'Neal and their faces are very strange.

"Hello, my name is Maggie, what's your name, why are you here, is there any fun in the parallel universe?" Maggie was really bold.

The four also introduced themselves, and finally said, "We are here to explore the new world." Naturally, it cannot be said that we are here for technology. They don't know that in the eyes of the they are people with high technology. If O'Neal understands this, he will be very ashamed, because their technology is all superhuman.

"Then do you also have Transformers in your world?" Maggie asked curiously.

"No, the cars in our place can't be deformed." O'Neal thought that when they saw the Bumblebee and the others deformed, he was shocked. Iron Man can't be deformed like this. And it can also become a car, and the two states of the car and the robot can be seamlessly deformed, which is really amazing.

"Then what do you have in your world?" Maggie has literally a hundred thousand whys.

Just when Maggie was still stalking the incarnation of the curious baby, Jack, who had been observing the explorer spaceship, suddenly jumped up: "This is the sign of Superman." He pointed to the sign on the explorer spaceship and shouted aloud : "It's Superman."

Now O'Neal and the others are surprised again. How come the people on Earth in the parallel universe also know Superman? Isn't Superman their Superman? Why would a child from an alternate universe know Superman?

The Transformers have expressed what Superman is. Although they have learned the human language through the Internet, they have not understood the details of the human world.

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