What Zhu Ganghye likes to talk about the most is naturally his glorious deeds in the heaven, in charge of the Tianhe 80,000 water army, and the majestic Marshal Tianpeng.

Sun Wukong secretly blinked, thinking that this official was much higher than what the old grandson had done at the beginning, but the other party did not say why he was demoted to the mortal world, and it was estimated that this history was not glorious. Let's listen to him first, just pick out the vegetarian dishes from these dishes and eat them, and then go to the Dongfu of Pig's Head to catch all the goblins.

Hiding how he was demoted and his marriage, Zhu Ganghya said that he is now worshipping under the sect of unrighteous people and re-cultivating, and he will need to wait for a while to re-enroll in the immortal class, and then bring the Gaojiazhuang family to heaven for happiness.

This pig head is quite bragging. Does he think he is the old Jade Emperor?

"You still have to tell me where you live now. If we stay at Gao's house, it's not a solution. Why don't you take me back to your cave, so that my parents won't be gossiped." Sun Wukong lured.

As soon as Zhu Ganghya heard it, this lady was moved by herself: "No problem, no problem, although I live in a shabby house now, I will definitely not let the lady suffer."

"Then go back to me, your cave must be high and far away, and I can't walk." It seems that the immortals who can transform are vivid when they transform into women. Sure enough, when men are angry, women have nothing to do. Erlang God is like this, so is Sun Wukong.

Pigtou had no doubts, and immediately carried the Monkey King-turned-Gao Cuilan on his back, and he flew into the mountains with a big jump.

"Oh, why is it so bumpy, no, go slower." Sun Wukong said tenderly, but his heart blossomed with joy.

Zhu Ganghye also loves his daughter-in-law, so he naturally slows down, walks steadily, step by step: "Madam, don't panic, the old pig just needs to slow down."

Going forward all the way, Zhu Ganghya was very happy in his heart, but as time passed, he found out why the daughter-in-law on his back was getting heavier and heavier: "Madam, are you heavy?"

"I eat your delicious food every day, how can it not be heavy?" Sun Wukong also blurted out a lie.

Zhu Ganghya thought about it too, but isn't it a bit heavy and exaggerated?

Climbing up another hill, Zhu Ganghya was out of breath. He felt as if he was carrying a big mountain: "Daughter-in-law, no, no, old pig has to rest."

Sun Wukong looked at the night sky, and found that the demonic energy was close at hand. Knowing that the monster cave was nearby, he stopped hiding: "Monster, open your eyes and look at your grandfather." After speaking, he took out the golden hoop.

The daughter-in-law's pleasant and pleasant voice suddenly turned into a man, and Zhu Ganghya turned her head in fright. Where there was a smooth face like a goose egg, there was only a hairy face like Lei Gong's mouth.

"Ah!" Zhu Ganghya was taken aback, and he hurriedly dropped Sun Wukong, flew ten feet away, and took out the nine-toothed rake. Furious in his heart, he knew that he was deceived by this fur-faced monkey: "What did you do to my daughter-in-law?"

"Haha, Gao Laozhuang didn't even recognize you, your son-in-law, you are such a thick-skinned monster. Today, I will see my grandson give you something to try and let you take over the people's daughter." fight.

The golden hoop rod and the nine-toothed nail rake were mixed together, and the ping-pong-pong played for hundreds of rounds.

"Happy, haha, happy!" After Sun Wukong broke the seal, it was the first time he started seriously. Although he had encountered some monsters before, those monsters couldn't help but fight.

But Zhu Ganghya couldn't say it well. This monk is not simple. He recognized the monk clothes worn by Sun Wukong.

Feeling that he couldn't beat him, Zhu Ganghya thought that his mouth would go numb with every blow of the opponent's stick.

The surrounding trees and rocks were smashed to pieces, and even a few night clouds were scattered. Sun Wukong is getting better and better, and the feeling of 500 years ago is slowly recovering.

"Hugh, you're going to hurt my husband!" Just when Zhu Gang was overwhelmed, Erjie Egg rushed out of Yunzhan Cave, holding two swords to protect her husband.

"Sure enough, there are two monsters, look at it!" Sun Wukong turned around and gave a blow to the sky.

Second Sister Egg's cultivation is superficial, so how can she stop this stick. Immediately, his heart was broken, and all the attacks became invisible, just sent to the stick by inertia, and it was about to become a miserable soul.

Zhu Ganghya saw that his wife was about to die, his whole body trembled, his arms stirred the nine-toothed nail rake like a tsunami, and he used the nail rake as a spear to stab the monkey in the waist: "How dare you?!!"

Although Sun Wukong has a copper head and iron arms, he didn't dare to underestimate Zhu Ganghye's furious blow. He turned his body flexibly in mid-air, a Harrier turned over, and the stick changed its target, and it was about to land on Zhu Ganghye.

Zhu Ganghya was stunned, it was unbelievable that his opponent could change his moves even in this extreme state. He didn't know that Sun Wukong had been crushed for five hundred years. Whenever he had time, he wondered about the obsessive-compulsive stick method he used when he was controlled by Kent. Although he couldn't make big moves under pressure, this stick method paid attention to the control of the texture and had to be familiar with the muscles. The operation of the bones, even if they are sealed, does not hinder the cultivation.

In the past five hundred years, Sun Wukong has mastered the top ten, so he controls every stick just right, and he can handle it with ease.

"Leave someone under the great holy stick." Seeing that Pig's Head was about to be beaten to death, Kent immediately rescued him.

The iron rod was only 0.03 centimeters away from the pig's head. If it fell a little further, the pig's head would bloom.

Sun Wukong saw that the two people who came from the sky were the strange father and daughter whom Liangjieshan had met before?

When Zhu Ganghye and Erjie Ou saw that Master was here, they immediately saluted, "Master, my old pig was almost killed by this monkey, and I almost won't be able to see Master, your old man."

Sun Wukong chuckled: "So you are that unrighteous person. Don't cover up this pig head. Do you know what this pig head did? He has caused great harm to the entire Gao family."

Second Sister Egg suddenly burst into tears. First, she was almost beaten to death just now, and she had lingering fears. Second, she could finally express all her grievances: "Pig Ganghya is outside with flowers and grass, please master."

"Zhu Gangye, Guanyin asked you to wait here for someone to learn from the scriptures, but you disregarded the ten-year relationship between you and the second sister Ou, and deceived Gao Cuilan in Gaojiazhuang, committing the crime of bigamy. Now I will punish you and only give it to others. If you cook food, you can't eat it by yourself, or I will tie you to the ion furnace for ninety-eighty-one days, and turn you into a roast pig with charred outside and tender inside."

"Isn't this person who learned the scriptures never come?" Zhu Ganghya muttered.

"This Elder Sun is the great apprentice of the person who took the scriptures." Kent said, and only now did the pig just realize it.

And Sun Wukong is wondering, what kind of punishment is this? However, when he heard that the pig head was also a member of the Buddhist scriptures instructed by Guanyin, his heart blossomed, and the pig head cooked so deliciously.

Pig Ganghya has a tangled face~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I can only cook for others, but not myself? So you're not going to starve to death? He is used to eating the food he made himself, and other food tastes the same. This is to help him lose weight: "Master, this is not fair."

"How is it unfair? You deceived Gao Cuilan. Now that Gao Laozhuang is known to everyone, how can you let Gao Cuilan marry?"

"Then let her continue to be my daughter-in-law, Master." Zhu Ganghya was still thinking about the beauty of hugging her left and right.

"Shut up, you are going on a journey to the west, and I don't know when you will return. Gao Cuilan is already twenty-three at this time, how can I wait for you to come back." This year's twenty-three is already an older woman, and it will take more than ten years to learn the scriptures, and Zhu Bajie will come back. Gao Cuilan is almost forty, and it is very likely that she will all be dead. In her early forties, her longevity is considered high in this age.

So Kent will keep this cookbook for Gao Jiazhuang, so that they can have a guarantee in the future.

The pig was silent. Although he was not reconciled, he did not dare to oppose Kent.

Kent said to Sun Wukong again, "Elder Sun, take this pig's head to see Elder Tang, and let him be ordained and become a Buddhist monk."

Sun Wukong saw that Kent's arrangement was okay, and he didn't favor his apprentice, and nodded, but he was also very human: "This pig head has a good wife, my old grandson is not human, I will give you one night to say goodbye, tomorrow When the sun is new, you go to Gao Lao Zhuang to meet the master." He was moved by the courage of the second sister Ou to save her husband.

Zhu Ganghya nodded immediately, while Second Sister Egg put on a sad face.

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