
Chapter (128)

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The next second, Wen Qingying's face appeared in front of him, and he said, You can't leave.

Tao Ling's heart missed half a beat.

Time seemed to have stopped. In the endless flow of people, in the huge roar of airplanes, in the place where farewell and reunion collided with each other, he stared at Wen Qingying and saw his red eyes clearly.

He heard him say in that unfamiliar voice, very unskilledly: Follow me home.

The author has something to say: Sorry friends, yesterday’s comment felt like it would be spoiled if I replied to it, so I simply didn’t reply to it later. I’m sorry, happy eating updates! (/≧▽≦)/ On the way home, Tao Ling’s hands kept shaking.

From the moment he came out of the airport until now, he has been led by Wen Qingying, and he can't react at all. He didn't even see the expressions of passersby clearly, and he didn't say a word.

Sensing his instability, Wen Qingying held his hand in hers when the car stopped at a red light.

Tao Ling turned to look at him. He didn't know what expression to make, so he could only ask with a blank face, Why? I mean...can you hear and speak?

Wen Qingying wanted to answer, but she couldn't figure out the mood of his question. She felt anxious and opened her mouth but no sound came out.

Tao Ling's heart suddenly tightened and he quickly said, Slow down, don't be in a hurry.

After the words fell, the green light came on and the car started. After a long time, Wen Qingying finally said: I'm sorry.

I think his voice is still a little hoarse because he hasn't spoken for so long, but his voice is very nice and pleasant to the ear.

Tao Ling couldn't describe that feeling, it was amazing.

Wen Qingying used to be unable to speak, so he would keep imagining what his voice would be like when he spoke, whether it was deep or clear, thick or bright, but he couldn't imagine it.

Now when he heard it at first glance, he suddenly felt that this was Wen Qingying's voice, and there would be no other possibility.

Wen Qingying said a short apology very slowly, almost word by word. The words were well-spoken, but when put together they sounded a bit strange.

Realizing this, Tao Ling's eyes suddenly became numb. He blinked and silently dispelled the pain.

His mind was buzzing, and he had to concentrate to drive well. Wen Qingying obviously knew this, so she stayed quiet and didn't disturb him.

The car stopped at the downstairs of Wen Qingying's community. The two people looked at each other and got out of the car.

After entering the house and closing the door, Wen Qingying immediately hugged Tao Ling and kissed him regardless.

Tao Ling was about to respond, but his feet were suddenly suspended in the air. When he came to his senses again, he had been placed on the bed.

Wen Qingying touched and kissed him anxiously, her hands and lips trembling.

Tao Ling suddenly realized that this kiss was different from before. He felt Wen Qingying's desire for possession, which was strong, direct, and earnest.

My heart trembled suddenly, and my hands began to respond to him.

Both of them were in a hurry, and finally took off each other's clothes after entangled for a long time. Wen Qingying covered Tao Ling and kissed him from forehead to neck.

The tenderness lingered in Tao Ling's heart for a moment, and finally the feathers lightly brushed across the waistline, and Tao Ling hugged Wen Qingying's shoulders and back.

Breathing very rapidly, he said, Wash.

Wen Qingying turned a deaf ear and continued to move.

Tao Ling was extremely uneasy. He grabbed Wen Qingying's arm to prevent him from going down, and said stubbornly: Take me to take a bath. I want to wash it. Smell...

Because he was too impatient, he couldn't finish calling Wen Qingying's name, just the word Wen made him feel inexplicably helpless after he uttered it, but it was precisely because of this helplessness that it sounded even more palpitating.

Wen Qingying stopped suddenly, her chest heaving violently for a moment, and finally got up and carried him to the bathroom.

It's not that Tao Ling doesn't know that Wen Qingying has a strong side, but he has never felt it so intuitively. He clung to Wen Qingying's shoulders in the waves, fearing that he would drown if he let go.

Smell... he shouted in a nasal voice.

Hearing Qing Yingxun's voice, she raised her eyes, lifted his chin and kissed him. After finally getting a chance to breathe, Tao Ling whispered, I want to hear your voice.

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