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“Is this Mr. Nishikai really alone?” The person who bought 5 novels with the boy is actually our Nasu Kinoko classmate.

Unlike the ignorant teenager who worships Nishikai Yapeng with a brain, Nasu Kinoko immediately studied 5 light novels this month after returning home.

Because he has decided to participate in the light novel competition this time, and the only template for this competition is the 6 light novels released this time.

Nasu Kinoko spent a lot of effort and found only one copy of “Sword Art Online” in a remote bookstore, and then bought all 6 light novels.

Nasu Mushroom originally planned to read it quickly and read all the 6 light novels in a few hours, but when Nasu Kinoko started to read the first novel, the whole person fell directly into it.

By the time he had read all six books, three full days had passed.

In those 3 days, Nasu Kinoko spent all his energy on these 6 novels except eating some simple instant noodles to maintain his life. I read every novel seriously, and even wrote a thick reading note, only to be long relaxed, and then raised such a question from my heart.

Is this Nishikai Yapeng really alone?

When Nasu Kinoko found out that the authors of five books were all Nishikai Yapeng, he was really shocked, thinking this Nishikai Yapeng was a Divine Immortal.

But after reading carefully, Nasu Kinoko discovered that this Nishikai Yapeng is absolutely impossible because the styles of the five novels are completely different.

Some books are concise, some like to describe mental activities, and some are very stylish.

Although it is not impossible for a writer to imitate other styles of writing to write, no matter how imitated, the author’s habitual temperament can always be revealed between the words.

But these 5 books are not. The 5 books are all 5 different gases, obviously written by 5 different people.

“This is really weird…” Nasu Kinoko shook his head, then prepared to go out to eat a meal to treat himself, and then talk to Urobuchi Gen by the way. Otherwise, eating instant noodles every day would really hurt my body.

Only when Nasu Kinoko was about to go out, the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, Urobuchi Gen rushed in, holding 6 novels in his arms.

“This light novel is amazing!” As soon as Urobuchi Gen came in, he immediately said impatiently, making Nasu Kinoko rolled the eyes. It seems that I still have to eat instant noodles today.

Two friends revolved around light novels, and there was a heated discussion about their feelings after reading for 2 days. After the discussion, the second morning, two people fell asleep in exhaustion.

However, these two people have basically reached a conclusion on light novels.

First of all, they all think that light novels are very difficult to deal with novels, but not the very difficult to deal with works themselves.

In fact, when it comes to the work itself, whether it is Urobuchi Gen or Nao Mushroom, they will involuntarily shake their heads.

Among these 6 light novels, except for the book “The Metronome of Love”, which is barely an excellent writing, and the love in it can touch the soul of the novel.

Other novels are just like those big writers and critics say, they are completely rubbish, with simple text, boring language, and thin emotions. Anyway, apart from the excellent plot and imagination, there is no problem in being called rubbish in other aspects.

As a literary youth, both Urobuchi Gen and Nasu Kinoko feel that this book is completely toilet reading.

And every time they finish reading a page, they can tear it off and wipe the fart, because they are basically not interested in reading it a second time.

But they all have to admit that this light novel is extremely powerful, because the attraction of these light novels to youngster is incomparable.

The reason why they think light novels are rubbish is mainly because the level of these two literary hobbyists is very high, the kind that can be ranked first out of 2 people, in their eyes the text of these novels is too bad.

But they found that if you observe from the perspective of ordinary inaccuracy, you will find that the text of these novels is really very good.

The whole story is slang, the grammar of daily dialogue, and there is not even a rare word. Even a primary school student who graduated from elementary school can easily read these novels.

So in terms of dyslexia, light novels basically have no obstacles at all. An ordinary person doesn’t care whether your language is beautiful or not. They can understand it, which is enough.

And words similar to everyday sayings can arouse youngster’s favor and recognition.

The most important thing is that these light novels really don’t have any connotations, and the stories are three words cool and cool.

At first, the protagonist is trapped, and then slaughter all sides all the way, and finally faces an invincible opponent, all of which can appear out of thin air to exceed the limited attack speed.

This makes people want to complain. The system’s limited attack speed is there, and a player can actually exceed this limited attack speed. It’s simply too nonsense. This is the official game that the official plug-in has forcibly won.

It’s like in the real world, the laws of physics stipulate that you can’t fly under Earth’s gravity. But after the protagonist broke out, relying on the strong bond in his heart, he jumped several dozen meters high, which is very nonsense. Newton saw the kind that would jump out of the coffin.

The other basics are the same. The protagonist is always cool all the way, and may occasionally experience some setbacks, but in the end they can turn defeat into victory, triumphant progress.

This kind of plot is indeed rubbish in the eyes of people in the circle of traditional literature, as well as those with a little literary literacy and pursuit.

But it’s just such rubbish, let Urobuchi Gen and Nasu Kinoko read it for 2 days without stopping. After reading all 3 novels, they gave up. In the end, I wish I was Kirito holding a double sword. This is very thought-provoking.

The last two individuals summarize the conclusion:

Light novels are rubbish without questioning

But in the same way, writing light novels can make a fortune and be famous all over the world. There is no questioning.

“Mushroom, are you still participating in the competition this time?” Urobuchi Gen could not help but ask with some reserved literati.

“Do you want to buy a house in Tokyo?” Nasu Kinoko asked.

“Yes!” Urobuchi Gen nodded.

“That’s not right. Besides, light novels don’t have to be rubbish. The key lies in the writers. We can each write a novel that has the depth and connotation and meets the characteristics of light novels! “Nasu Kinoko’s words instantly awakened the dreamer. Urobuchi Gen held his book and went home to write a light novel, ready to compete.

And as these two people summarized, light novels are rubbish, but it is really profitable.

When these two people were struggling to study light novels, the entire novel, and even the entire book market, were thoroughly stirred by light novels.

On the day of May 5th, Dengeki Bunko bought an entire newspaper page advertisement directly in several of Japan’s most famous newspapers, and there was only one sentence in the advertisement, “Warm congratulations on the total sales of Click Bunko light novels, 4 copies of breakthrough in 3 days! The light novel “Sword Art Online” sold breakthrough 9010000 copies.”

Immediately afterwards, the sales of 6 books are listed below, 3 of which are more than 1010000 copies. There are two more than 2 volumes.

Apart from this, there will be no words or patterns.

It was such a simple advertisement that made all the people in the circle explode.

Of 6 novels, 3 copies were sold in 9010000 days, and one of them had a breakthrough of 4010000 copies.

What is this concept?

This is a super revitalization of Japan’s novel industry! !

In what age was the last 3 day sales breakthrough 4010000 volume novel?

It was still in 1970, this is the 90s, and there are still 3 days to sell 4010000 copies of novels! !

The entire industry was completely shocked.

And after the shock, there was another fluttering, and then he scolded.

Yes, the industry has begun to scold it. Obviously, the results have shocked the industry, and there is a tendency to recreate the world, but the industry is all scolding.


“I don’t deserve to be toilet paper!”

“Child must never read such a novel, he will become a lunatic if he looks at it!”

“If my son dares to read such novels, I will kill him!”

Such remarks are constantly appearing in various media. All traditional novelists without exception have launched the most severe criticism of light novels. Those who don’t know think that light novels killed their whole family.

In these people’s reprimands, light novels have become the Great Demon King that will cause the world to fall.

But as the saying goes, the louder the scolding, the higher the heat. With the scolding of these traditional artists, light novels have also aroused more people’s curiosity.

There are many people who didn’t have any interest in light novels. After entering the bookstore, they opened a light novel with curiosity, and then they went home with the light novel.

Two weeks later, when the literary and artistic circles were still scolding the light novel bringing calamity to the country and the people, Dengeki Bunko, who never made a rebuttal, suddenly bought the full-page ad again.

“Congratulations on the total sales volume of light novels in Click Library, which has a breakthrough of 15 copies in 50010000 days! The light novel “Sword Art Online” has sold a breakthrough of 24010000 copies.”

“It’s over, the Yamato nation will be over!” People in the literary and art circles wailed, and then went home to study light novels and wondered how to write them.

Don’t get me wrong, they study light novels just to better criticize these dross!

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