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“If your sword is out of its sheath, can it really kill people in a radius of 100 li?” Boss Jia asked when he came out of the club with a curious expression and a little complicated looking at his discipline.

“If the Master is willing, 1000 li in a radius is nothing but a flash thing!” Gu Fan said very much in a tranquil voice, listening to the tone, killing people is like killing ants.

“Cough cough, I am not so cruel!” Boss Jia coughed several times quickly.

“In fact, even if the Master asks me to do it, I can’t do it. My father has exhausted the suffering untold hardships to protect the 40 million people in Yuzhang City. How could I just kill the humans that I have kept for a lifetime!” Gu Fan sighed.

“Oh, then your dad is really awesome!” Boss Jia grinned. There are 40 million people in Yuzhang City, and they are protected by a man. Why don’t you know, is it because you are unknown and inexperienced?

Boss Jia took a closer look at Gu Fan, and felt that this guy is probably still a middle-aged young man, just with an innate talent that is unparalleled in the world.

“Otherwise you don’t want to draw Manga/Comic, go play golf!” Boss Jia smashed his mouth.

“No, I’m going to draw Manga/Comic!” Gu Fan’s attitude was very firm, and Boss Jia could only counsel his shoulders, and then went back to the company.

Returning to the company immediately, Boss Jia issued an order for Great-Thousand Entertainment Group to immediately place an order of 100010000 decoding chips from Sony.

Not the total order amount of 100010000, but the total order amount of 100010000, Boss Jia will buy 100010000 decoding chips from Sony in one go.

This is just one of the orders. Boss Jia asked Great-Thousand to place an order for 100010000 decoding chips from Toshiba.

“Chairman, 200010000 chips are 10000 yen, equivalent to 100000000 Renminbi, how can we buy so many chips with the money!” Seeing the order that Boss Jia finally threw, the whole Great-Thousand was shocked. Now, countless people call Boss Jia, trying to determine if Boss Jia is crazy.

“It’s okay, just post as I want, I just want to see if Sony is crazy!” Boss Jia said with squinting eyes.

Soon, this horrible order was delivered to Nobuyuki Idei. For 100010000 decoding chips, at a price of 510000 yen per piece, the total amount is as high as 5000100000000 yen. Sony can earn at least 4500100000000 yen from it. Profit. Even if Nobuyuki Idei saw this profit, shiver coldly couldn’t help it. He wanted to abandon Sony’s original plan, so he obediently and honestly sold VCDs and didn’t want to do anything.

But Nobuyuki Idei is not a fool. He quickly realized that it is impossible for any company to do such a thing, and Great-Thousand will never pay 5000100000000 yen to pay for this order.

So Nobuyuki Idei began to read the entire order carefully, and found that this order was actually an order with a total time limit of up to 10 years, meaning that Great-Thousand would gradually order 10 VCD decoder chips within 100010000 years. Instead of ordering in one go.

Of course, if you pay, it will be paid separately for each order instead of 5000100000000 to 1 million yen.

This cunning Chinese, it seems that he has already noticed our plan!

Nobuyuki Idei fell into deep thought, and he quickly understood Boss Jia’s intentions.

Boss Jia is using this order to tell Sony and Toshiba that Jia Yapeng has already understood Sony’s intentions, so this order is his Great-Thousand sincerity and a bargaining chip to buy Sony.

As long as Sony abandons its entry into the VCD market and continues to provide Great-Thousand with decoding chips, Great-Thousand will be able to place orders for Sony and Toshiba each for 10 decoding chips within the next 100010000 years.

There is no need to produce complicated VCDs, nor do you need to carry out difficult market expansion. You only need to easily provide Great-Thousand with chips, and you can make a huge amount of income, which is equivalent to Sony’s total profit for a year. A fool can see a very good deal.

“This Chinese person is really powerful, and the means of coping are quick and ruthless, and he is very willing to pay for the cost, even I am really a little moved!” Nobuyuki Idei looked at the order in his hand, pondered for a long time, and then shook his head with a wry smile. .

If Sony accepts this order, Sony can certainly make a lot of money, but Sony’s future pan-entertainment path is likely to be blocked by more than half.

The most important thing is that this order looks very large, but in fact the content is very general. It just means that 10 decoding chips are ordered within 100010000 years, but the price written above is the current price, that is, at the same price in the market, Sony has Priority shipping rights only.

If someone gives a cheaper decoder chip in the future, Great-Thousand can directly change the door. After all, the price you Sony gave is much higher than others!

Although Nobuyuki Idei is conceited, he does not believe that Sony can dominate the decoding chip for a full 10 years. It will not take 10 years, but only one or two years at most. As long as the United States and Europe see such huge profits in decoding chips, They will definitely enter the decoding chip market, when the time comes, this agreement is a waste of paper for Sony and Toshiba, and Great-Thousand no longer has to worry about someone getting their neck stuck on the chip.

But people are greedy. Faced with an order worth 5000100000000 yen, who can not be blinded by desire and cannot see the hidden dangers and traps!

This Jia Yapeng is indeed an extremely powerful guy, who gave plot against the desire of the people’s heart to death. No wonder that Great-Thousand can be developed to such a strong point in just a few years.

“It’s a pity, you met me Nobuyuki Idei!” Nobuyuki Idei proudly lifts the head, throwing his orders aside, and applying for the board meeting again.

On the board of directors, as expected, many directors have seen this order shaken, and they feel that selling decoding chips alone seems to be a very good deal, and at the same time, it is a stable and profitable business.

However, Nobuyuki Idei gave a generous speech at the meeting, shaking off all Jia Yapeng’s plans and plans, telling the directors that this is just a countermeasure for Great-Thousand, and Great-Thousand’s orders may only last for a year or two. At the time, when other brands of decoder chips appeared on the market, Sony would either lower the price of the decoder chips to the price of cabbage, then this order would be a waste product, and Sony would also lose the opportunity to occupy the VCD market forever.

Nobuyuki Idei’s words won continuous applause from the directors present. The chairman of the board was very emotional that he could have such a perceptive and wise chairman.

Finally, after repeated persuasion by Nobuyuki Idei, the board of directors sent a notice to Great-Thousand stating that if you want to order 100010000 decoding chips, the purchase price must first be increased to 2010000 yen per piece, and at the same time, it must be guaranteed that within the next 10 years, If you always buy chips at this price, you must also buy 100010000 chips, otherwise you will have to pay a penalty of 1000100000000 US dollars.

Then, Sony and Toshiba simultaneously increased the external sales price of the decoder chip to 2010000 yen.

Obviously, this order is yellow.

Great-Thousand did not reply to Sony, and also never placed an order for even one decoder chip like Sony.

At the same time, Sony officially announced the start of the production of VCDs, and at the same time began to build a new VCD production line in China. After the announcement, Sony’s stock price rose accordingly. In one afternoon, it increased by a full market value of 4.7100000000 million US dollars. , The stock market is indeed the most mysterious place in this world!

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