Interstellar Almighty Evolution

Chapter 389: Nicole's newsletter

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the Whiplasher missile launched by the Assaulter hit a pirate ship. Although this Whiplasher missile was also equipped with a very warhead, its main kill mode was Kinetic energy killing, relying on directional nuclear energy blast near the hull, and pushing high-strength alloy warheads to hit enemy ships, can effectively destroy the enemy ’s thick armored shells, which can cause good killing effects against heavy cruisers. !

The pirate ship struck by the whiplasher missile was intercepted on the spot, followed by the ship's fire, and the pirates lacked life-saving equipment. So quickly because the survival system was destroyed, they were buried in the vast universe and became Lines of frozen corpses.

"Boom!" Following, the second missile also successfully hit another pirate ship.

The attack method of this blaze missile is very different from the whiplasher. Its principle of action is quite simple. A large amount of magnesium alloy is installed outside the nuclear bomb. After the nuclear bomb explodes, the magnesium alloy and its catalyst are ignited and released. A large amount of thermal energy, this intense heat can instantly melt the armor shell of the hull, causing it a terrible killing effect.

After being hit by this fiery missile, the pirate ship's horrible flames suddenly rose outside. The strong light from the flames even narrowed the eyes of the frigate.

The flames quickly subsided. In addition to the huge pit of the pirate ship being burned out, the entire hull was also burning. The pirates inside were scorched by the fire at the moment when the fire missile exploded. died.

"Report! Bioradar has not detected any signs of life on enemy ships!" The radar officer reported.

"School! All the pirates have been wiped out!" At this time Han Yihang turned back to Qin Hao and reclaimed. As a soldier, although he was in the early battlefield, he did not feel guilty for the killing he caused. Of it!

"Eh! Good!" Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction. Although it was only an unanticipated battle, Han Yihang's command ability was recognized by Qin Hao.

"Clean the battlefield and see if there are any materials that can be recovered." Qin Hao instructed.

"Yes! Sir!" Lorenzo nodded, and immediately issued the order to the four frigate captains.

Soon, the two frigates came forward, and they were ordered to search for the two pirate ships to see if there was anything valuable. If not, the whole ship was towed away and sold to the recycling company.

When Qin Hao sent someone to salvage the two pirate ships, the merchant ship behind him also sent a telegram of thanks. After Qin Hao sent them casually, the merchant ship set off on his own schedule.

After a few more hours, the remaining ships of the Keha Galaxy Fleet also arrived here, but they were also able to participate in the salvage of the pirate ship. As for the battle, that was a few hours before they arrived.

Through the small boat Qin Hao and a group of officers returned to the flagship Ke Ha star plane.

"Han Yihang, you did a great job this time!" Qin Hao praised in front of a group of officers.

"Thank you for your praise!" Han Yihang nodded. Although this battle was a suspense-free battle, the clear and clear victory he won showed some of his skills.

"Lorenzo, write the telegraph command and give credit to our fleet officers and soldiers!" Qin Hao said to Lorenzo.

"Yes! Sir!" Lorenzo nodded, his specialty was the combat staff, and he naturally wrote all kinds of books.

After the gangster battle ended, the entire Kazakh fleet returned to its usual routine. In addition to patrolling the Kazakh galaxy, the fleet occasionally went to the base to resupply, and the life was very leisurely.

A few days later, the commander called back and praised the entire Kazakh fleet, but it was just a verbal praise. After all, this battle is no suspense, and Qin Hao is not a person with a strong family background. He is unlikely to be promoted.

Time passed quickly, and a month passed quickly, during which Qin Hao wiped out a wave of little pirates. There was no difficulty at all, and Han Yihang once again showed his commanding ability.

Of course, after these two battles, the entire fleet also found that their commander is training these two newcomers who have just graduated from the college, but this is also well understood. For their old oilers, any commander They all like the pure newcomers like a blank piece of paper, not to mention that Han Yihang does have a little ability.

"Sir! Request for communication from Earth!" On this day, Qin Hao had just returned to the Mengsking Naval Base, and the correspondent ran over and said.

"Earth?" Qin Hao paused, then hurried to the communication room.

"Qin Hao ~ ~ missed me !?" Nicole's pretty face really appeared on the big screen.

"You all go out!" Qin Hao waved and expelled all the soldiers in the communication room. After all, he didn't want anyone to visit this kind of private communication.

"Yes! Sir!" The correspondents nodded, and then left in line. Although Qin Hao was not the director of the base, as a federal naval school, he could be said to be the highest ranking person here, and his order was still No one dares not to obey.

"Think, of course!" After everyone left, Qin Hao naturally let go.

"A new shipment has arrived. I am contacting the buyer. After I sell it, I will give you the revenue." Nicole said to Qin Hao with a smile.

"It's pretty fast!" Qin Hao smiled, and of course he knew what Nicole was talking about was the smuggled peculiar crystal.

"This time, two of the goods were very good. I think it's a pity to sell them. The trustee has created two lightsabers. I have already sent them to you. This may be useful." Nicole said.

"Hehe, you are still thoughtful!" Qin Hao smiled. Although he does not need any lightsaber, the spurs on the back of his hand are his best weapon, but the so-called sword is a gift to heroes. Good baby.

You know, because high-transmission phantom crystals are very scarce, so lightsabers, especially high-quality light sabers, are very rare. Now Nicole has used two high-transmission phantom crystals to create two superb lightsabers. Things can definitely create different values ​​for Qin Hao.

"By the way, how are you over there?" Nicole asked with a smile.

"Ah! What about the elderly fleet?" Qin Hao shrugged, and the Kazakh galaxy was so peaceful. Every time he saw the pirate, everyone was as excited as the weasel when he saw the fat chicken!

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