Interstellar Almighty Evolution

Chapter 785: Generous speech

According to the procedure, the lawyer Qin Hao first entered the court, and then he saw that the jury was full of jurors. Some of these jurors were familiar faces. Qin Hao knew them. All of them were federal. Member of Parliament.

Looking further down, the ordinary people who should have come to watch the trial, but at this time were full of journalists from various media. These reporters were holding spear-like photography equipment, waiting to record this history. A moment of sex.

"Very good! After you take this historic moment, I think you dare not send it out!" Qin Hao secretly said in his heart.

"Official arrival! All stand up!" With a loud shout, everyone stood up.

At this time, officer Donald took to the trial seat, and at the same time, the flashing lights in the court were rattling, making people feel as if they were not at the court, but at a press conference of a big star.

"Huh! Exaggeration!" Qin Hao sneered, although he knew the parliament intended to package the trial as a propaganda tool, Qin Hao was very disdainful when he saw them.

After Donald was seated, everyone sat down one after another.

"Bring the defendant!" Following the words of the judge, General Cohen and others were taken to the defendant's bench.

General Cohen and others were brought up from behind Qin Hao, but just as they entered the court, Qin Hao heard the sound of the bump of the fetters on the ground. When he looked back, he saw Cohen and Nicole included Everyone in here actually came in with handcuffs and fetters!

It's Chi .0 naked shame!

"Master, I object! I object to let my client go to court with torture, they have not been found guilty, this is an insult to them!" Qin Hao stood up and said loudly.

"The opposition is invalid!" Donald said coldly, he didn't even explain it, because he couldn't explain it. According to federal law, it is really impossible to give Cohen and others fetters, but today ’s trial is to humiliate them As winners, they have the right to enjoy all this.

"What are you doing?" Levi's voice came from Qin Hao's headset.

"I have to say two insignificant words for them. Even if I'm with you, I can't make it too obvious! Otherwise, how can the effect be achieved in a while and how can the media get the best shot?" Qin Hao answered in a low voice.

"You lawyers have so many eyes!" Lewis muttered, and then stopped talking.

After General Cohen and others were brought to the defendant's seat here, the public prosecutor on the other side began to read the indictment. The indictment against General Cohen alone was more than 30 pages, and the count was five. More than a dozen.

So when the prosecutor finished reading the indictment, the time had passed almost two hours.

Now Qin Hao finally knows why he did n’t let the ordinary people come to watch. In addition to leaving the media in a seat to prevent people from making troubles, the most important thing is to lengthen the length of the indictment. Except for the media working on the money, Ordinary people have long been asleep.

"Defendant, do you have any excuses for the prosecutor's allegations?" The young judge asked routinely.

"Of course!" General Cohen took a step forward, and then shouted, "We rise not to seize power, but to let humanity survive. Nowadays, foreign enemies, humanity is at stake, but the decaying federal government still maintains it. The interests of those families blocked the upward passage of civilians, causing a large number of talents to be buried, and those families were rampant one by one, madly squeezing the last bit of human blood. They are the biggest maggots. The purpose of our uprising is to revolutionize and let Human beings are reborn ... "


General Cohen's speech was also endless. He hasn't done anything else these days. He is preparing his own speech. This trial is for him the stage of speech. As for how the court will finally pronounce his sentence, he Just don't care.

"Stop him!" Levis's voice was remembered in Donald's headset.

"Huh!" Donald snorted. He also looked down on Levis, but Levis did not represent himself at this time, but on behalf of the Speaker of the Bath behind him. So even though Donald was dissatisfied, he had to say: "The defendant, please Don't talk off-topic, or your self-defense will end here! "

"As a conscientious federal general, I cannot sit by and watch the Federation continue to decay. Today's parliament has been monopolized by the gatekeepers. They no longer represent the will of the people ..." General Cohen ignored Donald, but continued with him. Speech, hesitated that today ’s trial is live, so General Cohen ’s voice was also directly transmitted to the ears of ordinary people through the media ...

"What ?! Aliens are so powerful ..."

"The terrorist fleet of a thousand warships was suddenly destroyed by others ?!"

"how can that be?!"

"Should General Cohen not lie?"

"Yeah, as General Cohen, if the Commonwealth wasn't really rotten to this point, how could he fight back?"


Because General Cohen talked about the Holy Admiral and the Zerg in his speech, ordinary people suddenly fry the pan. The council concealed it well. Although ordinary people know that there are aliens, they also know their own. The fleet was destroyed by the regiment, but the parliament said that human beings and the other side all died together, even if it was not a victory, it was a draw!

And this is still under the attack of the alien fleet, so in the eyes of ordinary people, the strength of the earth people is slightly stronger than the aliens, even if they can not invade them, at least they will not be invaded!

But if you look at it today, that's not the case at all. The alien fleet is more powerful than imaginary. The human fleet is vulnerable to others.

But even so, what is the federal government doing now? They exercise military control on all the planets ~ ~ and even control the speech of ordinary people. Can such a federal government really lead humanity out of the shadow of aliens?

Almost all ordinary people put a question mark in their hearts.

General Cohen's speech is unlikely to incite ordinary people to rebel, but at least he let ordinary people recognize the true face of the federal government, so that all people have doubts about the federal government, so that when Qin Hao on the side of the Kazakhstan system is in trouble, Even if the ordinary people did not eat the pot pulp to welcome the king division, at least they would not treat Qin Hao's fleet as a rebel.

"Quick! Cut it off!" Levi's saw that Donald had not been able to stop Cohen, and immediately notified all the media to cut the screen first. This kind of lens must not be shown to ordinary people!

(End of this chapter)


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