Interstellar Industrial Age

Vol 2 Chapter 357: Asteroid belt

"Satellite launch ~"

Above the 'Qinglong' spacecraft, the spacecraft just flew over Mars' orbit, and Wu Renjie issued instructions to launch a satellite.

With his instructions, several small hatches were opened on the huge spacecraft, and the robotic arm moved the satellites out of the warehouse, then adjusted the angle and speed, and the satellites were launched.

This area is very empty and has nothing to detect and value, of course only now.

These satellites are all satellites used to detect Mars. Do they have a chance to fly to Mars' orbit? Scientists at the Academy of Astronomy and Astronomy of the Galaxy Research Institute naturally will not miss this opportunity.

Although Mars is still on the other side of the Sun, and the distance to gather is unknown, how many billions of miles, but these launched satellites are also scientifically set.

The speed of these satellites is very slow, and the flight trajectory also follows the flight of Mars. As long as you need to wait slowly, when the Mars revolves around again, the auxiliary propulsion system on these satellites will start to work, pushing the satellites to Mars. Within the gravitational range of the planet, Mars satellites can begin to provide Mars information to Earth continuously.

Although with the development of the interstellar space age, the number of satellites, detectors, etc. launched to various parts of the solar system has been countless, but it is also good to be able to detect more satellites. Anyway, this thing is now cheap and can not cost a few dollars.

After the launch of the Mars exploration satellite, the ‘Qinglong’ spacecraft quickly returned to calm, and the crew began to resume their duties.

Some people are playing virtual games, and there is quantum communication technology. In the virtual world, there is almost no difference from the earth. They can meet and play games. This has become the main way for the crew on the spacecraft to pass the world. .

Someone is sweating hard in the gym. Everyone knows clearly that after spending three months in space, if they want to have a healthy body after returning to the earth, they must continue to maintain a few days a day. Hard training as a kid.

Neither the intensity nor the time of this exercise can be discounted, because it is not for others, but for its own sake. Once the bones in the body have passed away, the whole body will be abandoned.

The scenery outside the spacecraft is the same. The dark starry sky is full of stars. Occasionally when you look at it, you will find it very beautiful. However, you have been in such an environment for a long time. The crew on the spacecraft has long been tired of such scenery. I also miss the scenery above the earth.

Although the speed of the spacecraft was maintained at a terrible speed of 50 kilometers per second at this time, the void was really vast and vast, giving the impression that the spacecraft seemed to be stationary and would stay in the void forever. Variety.

If it were not for the spacecraft carrying various advanced detection instruments, Long Zhankong and Huang Zhibin of the Space Astronomy Science Team on the spacecraft would re-measure the spacecraft every day and update the spacecraft data, and everyone would know that they were a little Fly towards the asteroid belt.

"Captain ~ We're going to slow down the spaceship!"

These days continued for a few days, and Long Zhankong and Huang Zhibin found Wu Renjie and made suggestions to it. At this time, they were very close to the asteroid belt, and they would soon enter the range of the asteroid belt.

"Are there new orders over the Earth Command Center?"

Wu Renjie nodded. According to the plan and schedule, it was almost time to slow down, but he still had to listen to the instructions from the Earth Command Center.

The spacecraft navigates in the vast void, on the one hand, it depends on a large number of scientists on the Earth Command Center to use supercomputers for comprehensive calculations and analysis.

On the other hand, we cannot all rely on the Earth Command Center. The judgement of the scientists and engineers on the spacecraft is also very important, because only the personnel on the spacecraft can know everything very clearly and can make the most timely information. reaction.

"The meaning on the earth is the same, start to slow down ~"

Spacecraft deputy Liao Fanghong nodded.

"Starting to slow down ~"

Wu Renjie nodded and ordered.

The second-generation anti-gravity engine, which uses the star ’s huge gravity, is also the same in deceleration. There is no need to install a reverse propulsion system, and the anti-gravity engine starts to slow down slowly.

"Turn on x-ray detection, gamma-ray detection, beta-ray detection, infrared radiation detection, magnetic field detection!"

"Turn on the quantum matrix radar to produce 3D stereo images!"

"Open the weapon system and stand by."

"Launch unmanned detection satellite."

Orders were issued from Wu Renjie. The upcoming asteroid belt is not a warm and empty void. It may be hit by an asteroid at any time, so the detection radar must be turned on. In order to save energy, it is not on.

At the same time, the weapon system is also on standby at all times. The spacecraft flying in the cosmic void generally follows a straight line. If you want to change the flight trajectory to avoid the impact of meteorite and asteroid, the energy consumed will be very amazing, especially It is when the mass of the spacecraft is larger, the energy consumed is greater.

Therefore, in general, the method of destroying meteorites and asteroids in front is used to destroy them. The 'Qinglong' spacecraft also carries a rail gun such as the Xinghe Science Research Institute ’s weapon. There is no problem.

The principle of the so-called track running is actually very simple. It is to accelerate things such as hard tungsten rods to accelerate to a certain extent to hit the target, thereby achieving the role of destroying the target.

Because the speed of the spacecraft itself is very fast, now it is tens of kilometers per second. Based on this speed, the launched guide rail runs. The speed can be imagined. The faster the speed, the more energy it carries, which is enough to deal with easily. Average asteroid.

As for the unmanned detection satellites released, they are designed to grasp the situation of a wide range of voids as much as possible. These detection satellites are very cheap, disposable products, and the number is relatively large. That's why some unmanned detection satellites are continuously released along the way.

The crew of the spacecraft also started to get busy, began to overhaul the spacecraft and equipment, conduct emergency drills, and so on. At the same time, they were full of expectations for the upcoming asteroid belt.

Day by day, the speed of the spacecraft is getting slower and slower, and the distance from the asteroid belt is getting closer.

"This is the asteroid belt?"

"How do I feel like there is no difference from the previous, the same openness, the same loneliness, and no asteroids can be seen."

Wu Renjie carefully looked at the full display on the display, and repeatedly confirmed that the Qinglong spacecraft had indeed entered the asteroid belt.

However, looking at the dark void outside, there seems to be no way to see the pictures in science fiction movies at all, countless small and large meteorite, asteroids, etc. are coming towards themselves.

"Haha, we are indeed entering the asteroid belt, but it is almost difficult to discover the asteroids with the naked eye, unless the asteroid is close to us."

When Huang Zhibin heard it, he couldn't help laughing.

"Although there are countless asteroids in this asteroid belt, there are now more than 1 million known and numbered asteroids. All of these asteroids are very large asteroids in the asteroid belt. For example, Ceres is an asteroid belt. The asteroid with the highest mass is, of course, a dwarf planet. "

"In addition to these numbered millions of massive asteroids, there are countless asteroids of varying masses throughout the asteroid belt, the number of which is difficult to estimate."

"But all of these asteroids are distributed in a vast asteroid belt. The distance of this asteroid belt is very wide ~ ~ It is 2.17-3.62 astronomical units from the sun, that is, its There is a multi-astronomical unit. "

"And its length is not to mention, it is a circle around the entire solar system, a simple calculation will know how vast this asteroid belt is."

"In such a large area, even though the number of asteroids is large, the density is not as large as we think. If you want to see the asteroids with the naked eye, unless it is very close."

"The main thing we rely on to detect asteroids is various detection instruments."

Long Zhankong also explained to everyone with a smile. When Wu Renjie and Liao Fanghong heard it, they suddenly realized one by one, although everyone had made up a lot of knowledge in this regard.

However, compared with professional space astronomy scientists like Long Zhankong and Huang Zhibin, the gap can be seen immediately.

"Didi ~ Didi ~"

"Found an asteroid ~"

When everyone was chatting, the alarm sounded on the spacecraft, and everyone immediately came to the spirit. One by one, they quickly connected to the network on the spacecraft with the virtual watches they were wearing and began to get busy.

"This asteroid is 4276 kilometers away from us. According to the spectral image analysis from the detection satellite, it is mainly 40% iron and 30% copper, and the rest are basically silicon."

"Its diameter is more than 1556 meters, the overall shape is irregular, and the quality is more than 300 million tons. It is not our dish."

In Wu Renjie's mind, the virtual machine directly transmitted the relevant information to his brain. He used a computer to calculate and analyze the data, and quickly obtained the relevant information of the asteroid.

At the same time, this information was also announced to all crew members including Wu Renjie and Liao Fanghong.


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