Interstellar Industrial Age

Vol 3 Chapter 43: War mobilization

The two major camps of Carocci reached a new agreement, but this agreement is still the highest level of confidentiality agreement. Few people know it, and everyone is assigned the highest level of confidentiality.

的 The top scientists from various regions of the Caroch Star have come together, they began to study more advanced fighter aircraft, more advanced weapons, and they are constantly studying this monitor located in space.

The scientific and technological strength of the entire Caroch star was mobilized, and rockets continued to send satellites and spacecraft into space. These satellites and spacecraft were used to specifically monitor that detector, responsible for monitoring this surveillance. Everything is monitored.

Collect detailed information so that scientists can evaluate and analyze the scientific and technological strength of this alien civilization. At the same time, they can better develop anti-detection and anti-monitoring methods and methods.

With the deepening of the research, the Carochi people were also surprised to discover that the technology of this alien civilization may not be powerful enough to completely resist it.

In a secret scientific research base, where the best scientists of the entire Carogie Star are gathered here, with the most advanced research equipment and instruments, now also has the most abundant research funding.

As long as the requirements put forward by scientists here, none of them have failed. At this time, everyone knows clearly that if they want to control their own destiny, they can rely on science, not the development of alien civilization. Compassion and kindness.

Carmen and Kaman, the first cosmonautical astronomy scientists who discovered the civilization monitor, were also transferred here, and became the leaders of the field of cosmic astronomy science.

"Haha ~ found it, finally found it,"

这 "This is their spaceship. It's really big enough. It's over 1 kilometer long."

Here at the Astronomical Research Center, Carmen shouted in excitement and immediately caught the attention of others.

"At the beginning, I speculated that this alien civilization must have a secret base in our three-god galaxy (that is, the Centaurus galaxy). Otherwise, there is simply no way to reach us through the distant starry sky by relying only on this space. here."

"Sure enough, let me find it."

Carmen said excitedly as he played back the pictures he had taken with the space telescope.

With the power of the entire Carlo Star, and without an upper limit on research funding, the space telescopes that were previously unthinkable were quickly launched into space, and more than a dozen space telescopes were launched into space. In.

Using these powerful space telescopes, the team led by Carmen and Kaman also finally found the spaceship of alien civilization in the vast tri-god galaxy.

The news spread quickly, and an alien civilization spaceship was found. This spaceship was anchored in the gravitational middle area of ​​the three stars of the Tri-Star System.

I found the location of the alien civilization's spaceship, and the scientists could do more. I started to use various detectors to start studying this alien civilization's spaceship.

I want to determine the source of this alien civilization by studying this alien civilization spaceship. Is it the civilization of an adjacent galaxy around the Tri-God galaxy. How many years has this space ship come to the Tri-God galaxy? Technology situation and so on.

If they can figure out these things, then scientists will have the confidence to roughly estimate the technological strength and civilization of the other party, and then calculate how powerful they will be if the other party invades the Carogie Star, Carlo How much confidence a stranger has and so on.

Scientists can roughly calculate the strength of the opponent by making various assumptions, calculating various data, and combining everything they have.

The interstellar universe is vast and vast. It is definitely not an easy task for alien civilization to come and invade the Carogie Star. The forces that can be deployed must be rich.

Even though their technology is more advanced than that of the Calochs, the Calochs have the advantage of local warfare and can give full play to their own power. They still have the confidence to defeat alien civilization.

Scientists are constantly studying the spaceships and detectors of alien civilizations, constantly evaluating the scientific and technological strength of alien civilizations, and the forces that can be used to invade the Carocci in the future.

On the other side, the entire Carogie Star also began to change suddenly, and the friction between the two camps became more and more serious. For a moment, the sword was outstretched, and the 11th World War was about to erupt.

The conflict between the Kalui camp's Kasa Republic and the Kakabu Empire has escalated, and the two sides have once again fought in the border area because of the border territories.

鲁 Karui Kasisa of the Republic of Kassab, in public, cursed Kakabu Empire Kakabu XIII was the most wasteful emperor in Kakabu Empire history, and the most insignificant monarch.

Kakab XIII also counterattacked Kassia in public, saying that he was a scum and a hooligan, which directly exposed some of Kassia's dark history.

Conflicts on the border between the Republic of Kasa and Kakabu's empire have escalated, and the two sides have begun a new round of confrontation with each other for the land left by history.

Qiu already had two camps that were close to each other. As the big brothers of the two camps started to spark, the Karui camp and the Casca camp also began to flame, and the countries that hate each other began to be fierce.

For a moment, the original Carlodge star that was so clear in the sky was clouded and scorched in flames. You hit me today and I hit you tomorrow. Both sides announced the start of a large-scale military expansion and general mobilization of war.

The Kakabu Empire originally only required more than 5 million standing troops. It suddenly announced that it would mobilize fully, expand its army tenfold, and expand its standing force to 50 million. At the same time, it also began to dig deep and dig grains throughout the empire. The deputy was ready for the eleventh world war.

The big nations on the Carocci stars, such as the Republic of Casa, the Camille Federation, and the Kafil Federation, all have similar examples. It seems that they have also felt strong pressure and have begun to declare a state of war mobilization, and continue to expand their forces and arms. Production, hoarding, etc.

The entire Carogie Star is stretched out, the clouds are rolling, and the eleventh World War seems to be about to start soon, so that everyone on the Caroge Star becomes depressed, a lot.

I was always worried about the outbreak of the World War, especially ordinary people, and even more terrified. With the development of science and technology, the weapons developed have become more advanced and powerful, and their lethality has become more and more terrible.

The last World War is still fresh in memory. The number of deaths in each World War is in the hundreds of millions. Human lives are like grass and mustards, sometimes they do n’t even know how to die.

Of course, all of this is a superficial illusion. In fact, the two camps above the Carlo Star ~ ~ have never been so close.

The highest level maintains contacts almost daily, and elite scientists from various countries are constantly researching new technologies and new powerful weapons.

On the surface, the sword is tense and a fake of the eleventh world war. It is also for the aliens. At the same time, it is also justified for the expansion of the military. It is always prepared. Once the aliens invade Carlo With Qixing, they can immediately have a powerful counterattack and self-defense force.

Although the two camps are facing each other and the friction between them is constant, they are always controlled within a small range. The two sides have maintained a tacit understanding. There is only constant friction between the two camps, and they have not really begun to quarrel. It is for this reason to expand and prepare for war.

Carocci everything here is naturally monitored by the monitor and passed back to Mars.

Ping Xinghan has set up a team specializing in Carogie Stars to research and analyze everything on Carogie Stars.

At first, everyone also felt that this was just a war between the Carogies, and it was not surprising, but over time, the team of Xu Yifei, who was responsible for studying the Carogie stars, soon discovered some problems. .

I further judged that the Carocchi side is likely to have discovered their existence and found that they are monitoring them. All they do now is to expand their power and prepare to resist the invasion of alien civilization.

PS: Ask for tickets, various requests ~

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