Into the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 6: "Xuanjun Seven

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"Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan" (SevenCrypticalBooksofHsan)

"I often hear that non-human diligence seeks knowledge, but that who knows diligently seeks for others. But I know its fallacy. Its non-practitioners are non-practitioners, but they are out of it. They are ruthless, such as eagles and rabbits. "[I heard that it's not that people are constantly pursuing knowledge, but that knowledge is constantly pursuing people." But I know that it is wrong. Knowledge is not chasing people, but chasing people. Its chase is cruel without emotion, just like the falcons and hounds catch rabbits. ]

——Xuanjun, the second century AD

The author of this book is the ancient Chinese philosopher HsantheGreater (translation: Hsan is Weituoma Pinyin). This book is about the second century AD. It is said that the original title was "The Seven Secrets of the Earth", but its original code has long disappeared. Only this faithful and detailed Chinese manuscript is known. The oldest version is divided into seven volumes, each volume is equivalent to a chapter, its content is different, and have different themes; each volume contains one or more mantras.

Volume 1: About Huang Di's achievements, his amazing inventions and medical skills

Mantra: Immortal Sand Resurrected (ie "Resurrection of the Dead")

Volume 2: Ritual Ghoul and Ghoul Beliefs

Mantra: contact with ghouls

"These creatures can't be called complete humans, but they are similar to humans in many places. They stand upright with their feet and lean forward, and they look like a group of dogs; the skin like rubber skin is disgusting."

——H. P. Lovecraft, "Pickman's Model"

A ghoul is a humanoid monster with elastic skin like rubber. Their feet are like hoofs, their faces are like dogs, and they have pointed claws, and they speak in a hasty, crying voice. Because they often forage in tombs, most of them are covered with fungi that grow in tombs. The ghouls portrayed by Lovecraft are terrifying creatures living in the underground tunnel network of various cities; they make a contract with the witch and sometimes attack humans. After a long time, humans may become ghouls.

Volume 3: Heaven Ghost

Mantra: The Demon Holds the Ghost Trap (that is, "Calling to Control Baiaji")

"There are rhythmic **** there, a group of tamed, trained, hybrid-like winged creatures ... that even when compared to crows, moles, vultures, ants, or rotten human bodies It ’s something completely different—I ca n’t recall it, and I ca n’t.

——H. P. Lovecraft, "The Feast"

This interstellar race usually serves the "infamous Hasta", their bodies are made of ordinary materials, and ordinary weapons such as pistols can also cause normal damage. Baiyake can fly in the universe, and each can carry one person; in order to resist the vacuum and cold in the universe, the rider must use the appropriate spell or **. Baiaji does not have a base on Earth, and they generally only appear when they are called to perform missions or are used as horse riders. [1]

During the battle, Baiyaki will use two hooks to attack at the same time (two attacks in a round), or bite the enemy. After the "bite" hit, it will start sucking blood from the victim. From the beginning of the bite (including the round just bitten), Bayacchi will draw 1d6 points of strength from the victim each round until the victim dies. In terms of the character of Bayacchi, it will never relax until the victim dies or the blood is drained.

After careful care and blood transfusion, the surviving victims can recover their strength at a rate of 1d3 points per day.

Volume four: Earth ghosts and their relationship with earthquakes

Mantra: Digang's research call (i.e. "contact the earth-drilling insect")

"A bunch of surging touch limbs, which grew on that soft gray-black bag-shaped body ... Except for the stretch of tentacles that stretched and groped around, it had no obvious features to identify. No, there is Yes-yes, there is a lump at the front of this thing ... it is a diseased organ for its brain, or nerve center, or whatever else dominates this horrible, sickening creature Prepared container. "

——Brian Lumley, The Earth-Drilling Monster


This creature is like a giant squid living in the dirt.

Their slender bodies like worms are always wrapped in mucus, and some kind of singing-like sound will always appear with these creatures.

These powerful and powerful diggers can survive for a thousand years and will protect their descendants with care; earthworms have many unusual abilities that are not similar to any creature on this planet. The most important individual among them is the huge Shude Meyer (one of the old rulers).

Any earth-drilling insects in the growing stage can communicate with telepathy. Therefore, they can get in touch with any individual of their own family, and they can perceive their thoughts no matter where they are. However, only adult earthworms can use telepathy to control creatures of other races.

Volume Five: Deep Divers and Human Believers along the South China Sea Coast; Time and Space; Tindalos Hound and Liaodan

Mantra: Contact with Tindalos Hound

"'They are thin and hungry!' He screamed .... 'All the evil in the universe is concentrated in their thin and hungry bodies. Having said that, do they have bodies--I only watched them for a moment ;I can not confirm.'"

——F. Bellknapp Lang, “Tindalos Hound”

Tindalos Hounds lived on the Earth of the Archaic era, which was an era when the living organisms on the earth had not evolved and even single-celled organisms did not exist. They live in the "angle" of time, and "curve" (please understand the words "angle" and "curve" literally. The spacetime of human life is "curve", the spacetime of their life is The "angle", in simple terms, is that the two are in different dimensions). Other creatures that are ancestors (ie common creatures including humans) are different. This concept is difficult to understand, and is only applicable to the Tindalos spaniel. They will search for prey among ordinary creatures such as humans, and will chase sacrifices across time and space. They are immortal

We do not know the shape of this creature, and no one who has been in contact with it has survived. Tindalos hounds are actually very different from "hounds", but they have always been called "hounds" in the story. Because of their relationship between time and space and "angle", they can only be materialized in places with "angles" (less than 120 degrees) such as room corners. Take the general house as an example, the angle of the wall is basically 90 degrees. When the Tindalos Hound appears, smoke will firstly emerge from the corner of the room, then the head of the hound will appear from the smoke, and then the entire body.

Volume Six: The Cold Plain in Central Asia and the Unknown Caldas

Mantra: Illusionary Infantry Ascension (that is, "The Gate of Kadas")

"Hey! A-Shatanag! Let's go! Send the gods of the world back to the secret realm of Kardas, where they often come and go, and pray to everything not to meet my other thousand forms. Farewell, Randolph Carter , You have to be careful; because I ’m Nayaratopip, I ’m a chaos of ambush. "

Volume VII: Nayaratotip and its myriad forms; the rise of Laleille and the return of Cthulhu; Asatus as the beginning and end; the ideal form of gods and creatures-the various **** The rank sequence of beings and creatures arranged according to the bureaucracy

Mantra: Contact Nayaratotip

From: Dragon Sky

Original: http: www.lkong.netthread-1427774-1-1.html

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