Blue skies.

In the picture, a figure appeared first.

It was the person who stood next to the bone king in the first scene.

Shatia Bradfrön!

Immediately afterwards, the Bone King stood on the opposite side of it.

As soon as the picture appeared, the people of the heavens and realms were stunned.

Immediately after, there was interest.

After all, which one of the contents that was inventoried did not surprise them?

“Isn’t this a subordinate of the Bone King? This battle won’t be about fighting, right? ”

“Oh?! Is that really the case? Should it come to the end, the people who can fight back and forth are actually their own subordinates?! ”

“Maybe even your own subordinates can do it in one move?”


Bone King World.


“You actually dare to betray the adult?!”

“And fight against adults?!”

As soon as he saw the picture, Dimiurgos did not wait for Yalbed to take the lead in scolding Shatia.

Immediately after, Yaura, Mare, Yalbed, and Cosetes brushed their fierce eyes towards Shatia.

“Don’t be impatient!”

“Don’t be busy blaming Shatia yet!”

“Let’s look down!”

The Bone King immediately picked up his majesty and ordered everyone.

Although I don’t know why there is a scene on the big screen where he and Shatia are in pairs.

But he didn’t want to see people killing each other.

The people who were ready to strike at the first time converged a lot under the reprimand of the bone king, but the hostility remained undiminished.

In their eyes, the Bone King of Effectiveness is supreme.

There is no room for denigration, challenge or threat!

The moment she saw the picture come out, Shatia was even stunned herself.

How can I go against the adults?!

But the armor and appearance in the picture are exactly the same as her!

Although I didn’t believe it was true, I already felt a lot of self-blame in my heart.

If the Fangcai Bone King didn’t stop everyone, I’m afraid she would choose to accept it gladly….

Death to apologize!


The picture is still broadcasting….

“I’m Anzulgong, how can I lose by gambling on this name?”

“[Radiant Emerald Green]”

The Bone King shouted, but only saw Shatia on the opposite side standing in place.

This is what it looks like to be controlled by world-class treasures!

In the absence of completely hostile actions, it is not going into combat mode.

Just like a game.

Immediately after….


“[Blessing of the Magic Chanter]”

“[Infinity Barrier]”

“[Essence of Life]”

“[Magic Enchantment Divine]”

“[Advanced All-Attribute Enhancement]


“[Magic Triple Enhancement Critical Mine]

“[Magic Triple Enhancement Advanced Magic Seal]”

“[Magic Triple Strongest Rank Ascension Magic Arrow]”

He gave himself 24 buffs in a row and set three trap buffs.

Up to 27 in total!

“Sa, here we go!”

The Bone King was surrounded by several magic arrays.

“Super Magic [Sky Fall]”


White light!

In an instant, the mountain forest turned into a huge deep pit!


At this moment, the heavens and realms were shocked!

Moe King: “Lying groove?!” A fight, hundreds of millions of buffs?! It’s crazier than when I started playing! ”

Alan: “???? So engaged? How to play on the opposite side?! ”

Sakata Gintoki: “Stacked 27 buffs, and still overtook the magic start?!” Can’t afford to play?! ”

Saitama: “Bone King: Fighting, hundreds of millions of buffs is not too much, right?” It’s not too much to start, right? ”

Kakashi: “It turns out that the front is just a small fight!” This is the true strength of the Bone King? ”

Kaneki Ken: “Shatia: Can’t you afford to play?!” ”

Naruto: “Isn’t this bone king supposed to be fighting wits with air?” And then one move in seconds?! ”


Demon Tail World.

“This buff magic, it’s too much of a rai-pi!”

Elusha watched the Bone King pour buffs into herself, and froze in place.

“Look at the duel between other people’s magicians?”

“Directly pull the full buff!”

President Makarov said to the crowd.

Everyone in the guild swallowed their saliva and glanced at their guild leader.

Can this be the same?!

As soon as this bone king’s buff magic is on, maybe they will directly become S-level magic guides!

Moreover, I didn’t see the other party attacking!

For everyone’s white eyes, Makarov turned a blind eye and secretly sighed in his heart.

Such a powerful super-position magic.

It is comparable to the super obliteration magic “Goblin Radiance”, one of the three major magic of the guild!

I’m afraid that only the absolute defensive magic “Fairy Ball”, which is also one of the three major magics, can barely resist!

Terror so!

You must know that the three major magic of the guild are all legendary super magic!


Bone King World.

“My lord…. I…”

Shatia swallowed and froze in place.

How can I?!

Adults actually get on so many buffs?!

And then start a super magic?!

The bone king looked at the content in the picture, and glanced at Shatia again, and couldn’t help but have some doubts.

Such destructive power?!

Am I really invincible?

Everything I did before, was it a battle of wits against the air?

Everyone watched this scene with unclear meaning….

In their hearts, they have already guessed the ending….

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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