“In the future, please call me Ainz your Gong!”

At the beginning of the video, Ainz abandons his past name and uses the name of the former guild as his name.

Below, led by Yalbed, a group of guardians solemnly swore to Ainzurgon:

Yalbed: “Your subordinates already know your honorific name, and now swear absolute loyalty to the Supreme Supreme, long live Lord Ainziurgong!” ”

A group of guardians and their dependents: “Long live Lord Anzurgon!” ”

Shatija: “Dedicate our all to the Supreme Supreme!” ”

Yaura Marley: “The king with supreme power! ”

Dimiurgus: “All things in this world will know the greatness of the Supreme”

Cosetes: “Beyond everything, the king I wait”

“Honor is with the King of the Undead, the ruler of death!” ”

Ainz your Gong: “I order you to make ‘Ainz you ‘Al Gong’ the name of an immortal legend.” ”

[Whether it is the ground, sky and sea, let the name of Anzurgong spread throughout the world to the creatures with knowledge, and I hope to spread it to friends who may come to this world].

He was an undead, just a skeleton, cold and without any temperature.

In the past, he did not have the strength and status he has now.

In the beginning, as an ordinary undead skeleton, like many undead, it was hostile and hunted by humans and other living beings.

The hatred of the living and the undead.

Hostility of humanoid creatures such as human subhumans to alien species.

These made this supreme initially just a bereaved dog hunted by others.

The change of lens is still Wei Ming’s usual lens switching technique, and the strong contrast makes the audience feel subtle discomfort.

At the same time, he also understood that the magnificent supreme just now, the majestic king of the undead, was not so powerful at the beginning.

In the picture, the skeleton figure named Momo is still shuttling through the forest, fleeing in embarrassment, which is very different from the grand image of the solemn declaration just now.

It’s hard to connect the two.


A group of people with gorgeous equipment and different body types and occupations arrive first and catch up with Momo, who is being used as prey.

As a mage itself, melee combat is at an absolute disadvantage without preparation.

Now with so many people at once, the situation is quite bad.

The battle can be one-sided.

“Alien species disgusting.”

One of the warriors on the human side said so, while raising the giant axe in his hand in an attempt to give Momo the final blow.

Seeing Momo disappear, several slashes suddenly appeared on these people’s bodies.

Almost instantly, all the people who had been surrounding Momo disappeared.

Then, a knight dressed in silver armor appeared, just like a righteous hero.

“Why did you save me who I never met?”

To the question of the undead, the knight answered like this:

“It is natural to draw a knife to help when the road is uneven.”


[Jay Felix: I feel so handsome, this person is so powerful, I solved all those people at once. 】

[Clint Barton: All in an instant, I didn’t even see his movements. 】

[An Yilunye: When he came back to his senses, the person had disappeared, this guy is so strong! ] 】

[Nishimura Hideki: Was it my delusion just now, I really want to see the words ‘justice coming’ on his body, it’s so powerful! ] 】

[Shirou Emiya: Is it really good to kill several humans in order to save an undead? 】

[Shiina Mahaku: Is this person the ‘Chuke’ of this momo? 】

Viewers who watch this is a video have basically seen Porgy’s video.

Therefore, many people also subconsciously compare Momo with Porgy.

Then, Takimi, who stood up at a critical time, was naturally also regarded as Momo’s ‘Kak’.

And the plot just now also made Ainz sitting on the throne fall into a long memory.

Below, the guardians very tacitly did not speak out at this time.

One by one, they held their breath and concentrated, while paying attention to the situation on Ainz’s side, and continued to watch the video over and over again.

Just when everyone thought that it would also be like Porgy’s video, showing the audience how a skeleton undead became the king, the pace accelerated at this moment.

As the fragments flashed quickly, people were surprised to find that these were all things that had nothing to do with Wang.

Momo, who encounters the righteous hero Takimi, and then, with the help of Taqimi, meets one companion after another who are also aliens.

The ranks of alien species with the same disease gradually expanded.

In the end, everyone decided to build their own home together.

The guardians knew that that home was now the Great Tomb of Nasarik.

In these fragments, the Guardians see how they are created.

Momo and his companions are constantly discussing and then trying to expand the development that adorns their home.

It can be said that every brick and stone of this Nazarik tomb contains their sweat and painstaking efforts.

In the end, the crowning masterpiece of their life is now the Great Tomb of Nazarik.

Although many fragments are quickly flashed.

After that, it’s a matter of everyone doing things together, shuttling between worlds, causing commotion, and leaving footprints.

Discuss research together to explore uncharted territory; Conquer a strong enemy together, and everyone strives to complete one challenge after another.

Due to their past experience, they are keen to play with revenge on humanoid creatures.

One of the episodes is that they empty a maze of human exploration, then design traps and place various wild monsters to play with the adventurers who come to explore.

Although the clip flashes frequently, the audience does not understand many of the details, at most they have an idea of their behavior.

But I don’t know why, they have this feeling:

He seems to be happy! ’

Looking at the momo with their companions, and the momo playing with their companions, even through the simple picture of the video, they can still feel the joy and happiness under each other’s cold bones.

That feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment cannot be hidden.

And it is simply a miracle that such rich and strong feelings appear in a cold and dead undead.

For a moment, some viewers seemed to understand something.

Others have a vague guess about what happened next.

The image is still fast-forwarding, but some viewers have already discovered that something is missing in the new chapter, the new clip.

Located in some prosperous and incredible country, a crystal clear, texture-looking slime seemed to notice something, and said in a somewhat low tone

“Companions… In the reduction. ”

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