Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: Ninety-eight: Watanabe recovers

Watanabe: "..."

"No, no one scolds you."

"That's good." Jerry continued to kiss him.

Watanabe couldn't help it: "Teacher, don't you know? The ninjas outside are now saying that you are a new demigod of the ninja world, and many people are asking about you."

He hopes to use the words "Ninja demigod" to awaken Jiri's pride and shame, so that she realizes how absurd her behavior is at the moment.

Jiri didn't care, and concentrated on helping Watanabe drain the blood.

Like a willow branch, the slender waist was twisted and broken in the air.

"Demigods have nothing to do with me, I just want to be your woman, pamper you, love you, and be nice to you~"

Exhaled like blue, hehe in Watanabe's heart.


Watanabe was numb, so numb that he couldn't stand it any longer.

"Teacher, you, alas!"

I don't know how much tiredness and helplessness this sigh contains, and others can't understand it.


[Blood +42, Health +41, Energy +43, Sage Time -38. 】

[Blood +45, Health +44, Energy +46, Sage Time -43. 】


Watanabe really wanted to say something that wasn't a threat to Jiri, and if you go on like this, you'll really roll your eyes in tears.



In the blink of an eye, Watanabe and Hari had been in the country of vortex for ten days.

On this tenth day, Watanabe finally digested the excess of blood and energy, ending his life of paralysis.

Jiri was proud of this, and felt that Watanabe was able to recover so quickly thanks to his day and night helping him get rid of his blood.

Watanabe said that if you are happy, you can recover in three or four days, but you can't get out of bed for ten days.

Watanabe's battle with Hanzo this time was a blessing in disguise. Although he was paralyzed in bed for many days, his qi, blood and defense were greatly improved, both of which exceeded 200,000.

If it is said that turning on the kaleidoscope is a qualitative transformation for the treatment of Li, then the improvement of blood and defense is also a qualitative transformation for Watanabe. His physique is unbelievable to ordinary people, and he can withstand more than ten times more than before. Qi and blood, even if they were bombarded by 3,000 detonating talismans again, they would only spray two mouthfuls of blood at most, and they would never be paralyzed and unable to take care of themselves.

"With my current physical fitness, it should be difficult for ninjutsu to kill me." Watanabe judged his ability to resist beatings.

If nothing else, at least in terms of defense, he has the confidence to claim that he is invincible. After all, even 3,000 detonating talismans cannot threaten him. Watanabe can't think of any ninjutsu that is more powerful than 3,000 detonating talismans. .

"Senior Mito has also fully seen my physique this time. I don't know if it can make her change her mind of making Tsunade a human pillar force. Such a big nine-tailed demon fox, sealed in Tsunade's body will definitely be very uncomfortable..."

When he thinks of Tsunade, Watanabe has a headache. His love for Tsunade comes from the bottom of his heart without any adulteration, but now he is entangled by Jiri. I don't know what kind of tragic Shura field will break out on the day the two meet. .

Watanabe didn't know what to do, so he could only pray that the car would have a way to the front of the mountain. For the time being, he took a step by step to see a step, maybe there was a turning point during the period.


"Your Excellency Jiri, you and Watanabe have come to the country of vortex for so many days. I have not entertained you yet. Now that Watanabe's health has just improved, it is time for me to thank you. Why don't you stay for a few more days?"

Daimyo sincerely retained the master and apprentice in front of him and said, Kushina stood beside him, her little face was as tender and lovely as a porcelain doll, and she was looking at Watanabe with extremely sad eyes, occasionally glaring angrily. Ji Li's eyes.

Little Loli resents Zhili very much.

When Watanabe was injured, Jiri did not allow Kushina to visit because she was afraid of being disturbed. Kushina was longing for the stars and the moon day and night. Finally, she longed for Watanabe to recover, but before she was happy, Jiri. But he was about to bring Watanabe back to Konoha immediately.

Jiu Xin Nai could eat three bowls of rice in one meal, but now Zhi Li is so angry that she can't even eat half a bowl. If she hadn't known that her small arms and legs couldn't be beaten, she really wanted to grit her teeth and fight with Zhi Li!

"We have to go back to Konoha to deal with things, we can't stay."

Zhili rejected the big name with an arrogant and indifferent attitude, while ignoring the gnashing eyes of a certain little loli.

The big name is embarrassed: "Uh, that's a pity..."

Watanabe was embarrassed by the name, and Jiri's attitude towards himself and his attitude towards others were completely different. He was obsessed with himself, and he was too indifferent to others. Who spoke to kindly.

"Thanks to Your Excellency Daimyo for taking care of him during this time, my teacher and I are very grateful." Watanabe said, adding some face to Daimyo so that he would not be too embarrassed.

He had a very good impression of Daimyo. When he faced Hanzo and others, Daimyo did everything he could to protect himself and Jiri, which was enough to show that he was a kind and righteous person. Later, when he returned to the Imperial Palace, Daimyo still cared about him very much.

"Little Brother Watanabe is serious." Daimyo laughed, "Compared to your life-saving grace, my care is nothing to mention."

"Since Your Excellency Zhiri wants to go back to Konoha to handle affairs, it is really inconvenient for me to keep you guys." Said, Daimyo looked behind him, and a guard understood that he would drive a carriage.

"Lord Jiri and little brother Watanabe's life-saving kindness, I have been thinking about it, and I can only repay it with this 50 million taels of money."

The guard lifted the curtain of the carriage, and a carload of white treasures came into view in an instant, and the provoked Bei Liuhu and Hyuga Zero couldn't help but look sideways.

You must know that even the rewards of S-rank tasks are not so much. 50 million taels is a large sum that is enough to move anyone.

"The name is so interesting!"

Watanabe silently gave a thumbs up.

That day, he detonated more than 3,000 detonating talismans and blew up all his family property, and he really needed a sum of money to make up for it.

The daimyo continued: "Your Excellency Jiri and the little brother Watanabe are eternal guests of the country of vortex, no matter when they come over in the future, they will be treated with the highest standards of etiquette in the kingdom of is calm. Nodding: "Okay, Watanabe and I accept the money. "

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your generosity." Watanabe was not polite, and echoed Jiri.

"Big brother, if I go to Konoha to find you in the future, will you ignore me?" Kushina suddenly walked up to Watanabe and asked, her pretty little face half hopeful and half nervous.

"Of course I won't ignore Her Royal Highness." Watanabe smiled kindly at Little Loli.

He knew that Kushina was Tsunade's little cousin, and Tsunade's little cousin was also his little cousin. As the saying goes, dumplings are as delicious as dumplings, and cute as cousins.

"If Her Royal Highness arrives at Konoha, I will do my best to entertain you."


Kushina almost jumped up with joy.


The smile on Watanabe's face became more and more warm and sunny, as if it could melt the ice and snow.



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