Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and six: You don't even call this Xia Ren?

"The rumors from the outside are exaggerated." Watanabe said modestly.

He knew that Matty had always dreamed of becoming a ninja, and did not want to publicize his strength in front of him, for fear that he would feel ashamed after knowing it.

"The ninja of Yuyin Village were mainly defeated by my teacher, and I only helped her a little."

"That's still very powerful." Matty still admired him, full of energy: "Next, I will start to prepare for the ninja exam with all my strength, and try to catch up with you!"

Watanabe heard something else from his words and asked, "Is your father alright?"

After hearing the words, Matty laughed even more boldly: "It's okay! His condition improved ten days ago, and he no longer needs to take medicine."

Watanabe: "That's good."

"Thank you for your help. If you hadn't helped me greet the guard in the mission hall and lent me the ninja guard, otherwise I really didn't know where to make quick money during that time." Mattday thanked him.

"If Brother Watanabe needs help in the future, just let me know, it's my absolute duty!"

Watanabe smiled slightly: "If you say this, you will see it."

Don't say that he didn't have the slightest utilitarian intention to help Maitdai at the beginning. Even if he did, what could he do to help him at a level that Mattdai couldn't even count on?

"Your immediate priority is to prepare for the ninja exam. In Konoha, becoming a ninja is the quickest way out of poverty."

Matty agrees: "I think so too, I must pass the ninja exam this year!"

"I was busy doing tasks some time ago and ruined the practice of taijutsu. I've been redoubled my efforts to make up for it recently. By the way, brother Watanabe, didn't you say you want to practice taijutsu with me? Do you want to join us now?"

physical training...

Watanabe hesitated for a moment, he did say that he would practice taijutsu with Matty's father when his condition improved, but he only said that for a while that day.

This kind of taijutsu can only progress faster if the stronger people accompany him to practice it, and Matt Dai is not even a ninja. It is conceivable that practicing taijutsu with him is not good for him.

"Okay, it just so happens that I have nothing to do right now, so I can practice with you." Watanabe agreed.

It's just like pointing at Matt Dai, helping him do the pre-exam raid, so that he can have a better chance of passing the ninja exam.

"Then let's go, I know that there is a field that is particularly suitable for cultivation."

Matt Dai has a fiery temperament, standing up as soon as he says go.


After a while, he took Watanabe to the grove.

"Konoha's training ground charges a fee. It's different here. Not only is it free, but it's usually very quiet. Almost no one comes here. I used to practice physique here." Introducing Watanabe.

Watanabe suddenly remembered Tsunade. He and Tsunade were like this when they were at the ninja school. Every day after school, they would go into the woods.

Although Tsunade is a little arrogant, she is really good to herself. Not only does she spare no effort to help her improve her qi and blood, but she also gives herself a lot of advanced ninjutsu. She is the one who helped her. Go through the most difficult days by yourself.

In fact, when he was in the Hokage Building just now, Watanabe wanted to ask when Hizan Tsunade would come back, but he didn't ask because he was afraid that Jiri would be unhappy...

"Brother Watanabe, let's learn from the actual combat first?"

Matdai's voice woke Watanabe from the Shura Field.

Looking at Matt Dai who was gearing up for warm-up exercises, Watanabe nodded calmly: "Okay, let's do it."

Although his physical skills are weak, he is at least at the level of Chunin, and he thinks it is not a problem to deal with Matt Dai.

In the past, Tsunade was able to help himself sparring with ease, but now he is able to help others sparring with ease—


The sound of high-speed movement sounded, and Matte disappeared in place.

Watanabe was stunned.

The next moment, Matt Dai flashed to his side, and a whip leg wrapped in the strong wind slammed into his face.

I go!

Watanabe was shocked and hurriedly put his hands in front of him to block.


The huge impact knocked him back several meters.

[Attacked: Health +21, Defense +17, Pain -18...]

"Brother Watanabe, aren't you ready?" Matty asked in surprise.

Watanabe was silent.

He was dumbfounded, feeling that something was wrong.

No matter how weak my physical skills are, I won't be able to beat even a ninja who isn't Maitdai!

"Well, I was careless just now, come again."

Watanabe focused and stopped thinking.

Matdai only thought he was really careless just now. After all, Watanabe graduated from the ninja school with the first place, and he helped Uchihaji to defeat Sansho Yu Hanzo. The name of the human shadow tree is where the strength lies. , definitely better than himself.

"Then I'm here again."

The voice fell, and Mattei swayed and disappeared again.

Seeing this, Watanabe's heart slammed, what the **** is this almost teleport-like speed! ?

Before he had time to think too much, Watanabe knew that he couldn't compete with Matdai's speed, so he decided to use the avatar technique.

Just when he used the substitute technique Matt Dai kicked him, only to hear a crisp "pop", and a stump flew backwards.

"Huh? What?"

Matty scratched the back of his head in puzzlement. He usually cultivates by himself, and has never played against others, and he has never actually experienced ninja methods.

At this moment, he heard a series of crisp sounds behind him, and he turned his head to look and saw dozens of Watanabe attacking him from all directions.


Matty was instantly awe-inspiring, and was shocked by Watanabe's hand shadow avatar technique.

Then he stood ready, flashed in front of a shadow clone, smashed it into white mist with just one punch, then flashed to the next shadow clone, and kicked it apart with a kick.

Watanabe's body stood on the top of the tree next to him, watching Mateday go on a rampage and pierce his shadow avatar, just like a reckless man, he couldn't help but doubt his life. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind:

You don't even call it xiamen, don't you?

When it comes to physical skills alone, Maitdai definitely surpasses Chunin, and even most of the special jounin are inferior to him. However, such a taijutsu genius has never been able to pass the kanin exam? ?

Watanabe suddenly felt that his johnin was very hydrated...

"There are so many Watanabe brothers, which one is the real one?"

Matty thought it was interesting at first, but as time passed, he gradually became confused, feeling that there was no limit to the number of these shadow clones, and the more they played, the more they played.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, Watanabe's deliberately reminding voice sounded at his feet:

"Tu Dun, the technique of beheading in the heart."

Matty didn't know what was going on, but he felt his feet sink. After he reacted, he was buried alive in the ground, leaving only one head exposed to the air.

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