Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and fifty four: Li Wei

Latest website: In fact, in the original plan of Kitahara Castle, it was not such a direct shot at Watanabe, but Watanabe, who used the aggressive method to stimulate, agreed to wage war with him, and then he would dignified Watanabe in front of everyone in Anbu. hit hard.

In this case, Watanabe will definitely be reduced to a joke, let alone the minister, I am afraid he will not even have the face to stay in Anbu as a lower-level member.

But Beiyuan City did not expect that Watanabe would dare to be so arrogant and arrogant, and he was so angry that he simply skipped the exciting part and started directly.

Beiyuan City had always hated Watanabe. In his eyes, Watanabe was just an ant that could be pinched to death. Unexpectedly, this ant brought him great humiliation. , he couldn't accept it no matter what, and he would knock him out of the cloud if he said anything, not to mention the meaning of Danzo standing behind him.

"Today, I will teach you how to be a human being, and let you understand that without the support of the Qianshou family, you are not even a waste!"

Kitahara Castle can become the deputy minister of Anbu, and his own strength is naturally good. He used the teleportation technique to flash to Watanabe at a speed of almost teleportation, and punched him in the face.


Hyuga Zero, Beiruhu, and others were shocked. They didn't expect Beiyuan Castle to attack so suddenly. The experience of their companions in the past year or so made them instinctively want to advance and retreat with Watanabe.

"Beiyuan City, stop!"

Another deputy minister, wearing a rhino face mask, stopped.

His name is Sarutobi Hakuiwa, and he is the eldest son of Sarutobi Hizan. Before Watanabe came to meet everyone in Anbu, Hizan greeted him, so that he could leave a good impression on Watanabe as much as possible. If Watanabe finally takes control Don't live with Anbu, but also let him dignified exit, can't make him too embarrassed.

Sarutobi Baiyan knew that Beiyuan Castle had the strength of an elite jounin. As a newcomer, Watanabe would definitely not be an opponent. It would be bad if he was seriously injured, but he didn't have time to stop the incident suddenly.


A terrifying sound of flesh crashing.

Kitahara Castle's fist stopped a few centimeters from Watanabe's face.

"Is that only the strength?"

Watanabe grabbed his fist with one hand and asked calmly.

Beiyuan City was stunned, unable to believe that his offensive was so easily resolved, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

"New hatred plus old hatred, and now it's just a matter of forgetting it together."

Watanabe said that his skin was red in every inch, and powerful air waves erupted from his body, knocking flying sand and rocks off the ground.

[Open four doors: qi and blood +92, energy +95, pain -124...]

"This chakra swing - it's scary!"

The Anbu people exclaimed, they had never felt such violent chakra fluctuations as Watanabe.

Hatake Sakumo and Sarutobi Shiraishi looked surprised, and Watanabe's strength at this moment exceeded their expectations.

"Is that the reason for him to be the Minister of Anbu..."

The two were thoughtful.

Watanabe's palm that grabbed Kitahara Castle's fist gradually exerted strength, and there was a tooth-stinging sound of bone shattering.

Beiyuan Castle was horrified, the face hidden under the monkey face mask distorted in pain, and he tried to pull his fist back, but Watanabe's palm seemed to be cast in copper and iron, and he couldn't shake it.

"Do you think I'm still the me who was threatened by you back then?" Watanabe's voice was rarely indifferent.

Kitahara Castle finally panicked, and the other hand suddenly pulled out Kunai from his waist and stabbed Watanabe's chest with a thunderous force.

Watanabe punched without hesitation.

The speed of his punches was so fast that before everyone could see his movements, Beiyuan City shot backwards and flew out, knocking down a stone pillar more than ten meters away. The force is quite shocking.

"Master Beiyuan!"

"How dare you injure Lord Beiyuan! Aren't you afraid of being held accountable?"

A dozen Anbu ninja glared at Watanabe and questioned.

Watanabe kept his head down, realizing that in all likelihood, these people also joined Anbu after they disbanded.

"Anyone who originally belonged to the root members, stand up." He ordered, completely different from the usual sunny and warm image, showing a domineering attitude.

"We were originally members of the root, what do you think?!"

More than a dozen Anbu ninjas were furious and walked out of the queue one after another.

Watanabe said: "I don't want to do anything, just expel you from Anbu."

"Expel us??"

There were seventeen ninjas from the root to Anbu. After hearing Watanabe's words, they were both incredulous and trembling with anger.

"What are you, what qualifications do you have to expel us?"

"Only Naruto has the right to fire us!"

"I advise you to be acquainted with each other, and don't cause trouble that you can't afford!"

Some were angry and criticized, while others were threatening.

The rest of the Anbu members, including Sarutobi Shiraishi, remained neutral and silent, did not favor any side, and quietly waited for the final result of the situation.

Anbu is nominally under the direct leadership of Hokage, but since the original disbandment of the root and a group of root members entering the Anbu, the Anbu has changed its taste. In addition to the Hokage, the leader also has an extra group.

This directly led to Anbu doing a lot of dirty work that had never been done before.

Sarutobi Shiraishi felt that such Anbu was wrong, and he approached Hizan many times, hoping that he could change Anbu back to the pure Anbu before, but Hirazan was ambiguous about it.

Sarutobi Shiraishi also understands his father, and understands that Hiiza first let Danzo intervene in Anbu with the idea of ​​benefiting Konoha, but now that Anbu is gradually getting out of his control, even if he wants to push Danzo out of Anbu again , it's not that easy.

"If Watanabe can really drive away the root people, it will be good for Anbu..."

Sarutobi Shiroishi thought to himself, at this moment, he actually hoped that Watanabe's methods would be tougher.


"I'll give you two choices Do you want to go with dignity, or do you want to be like Beiyuan City?" Watanabe was too lazy to talk nonsense with the people at the root, and let them choose directly.

He had been almost persecuted by Root, and he hated Root deeply. He felt that Root was not an official department of Konoha so much as an evil terrorist organization.

If the former members of Root remain in Anbu, wouldn't it also contaminate Anbu into a terrorist organization like Root?

Watanabe will never allow Anbu to become another root. Today, Anbu is in charge of him. Compared with allowing Anbu members to recognize him, he will first use his own means to solve the black sheep in the department.

"Don't threaten us there, if you dare to take action against us today, just wait to be convicted by Hokage-sama and Danzo-sama!"

The people at the root were outraged, and they also made threatening remarks to Watanabe.


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