Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and fifty-six: bold! How dare you put pressure on Danzo-sama, Watanabe!

The latest website: Danzo glanced at the mourning root members around him, and then glanced at the psychic beast Dream Tapir who was kicked away. The corners of his mouth twitched, and his face became more and more gloomy.

"Watanabe maliciously murdered Anbu members in an attempt to rebel, and please ask Danzo-sama to convict him and bring him to justice!"

Beiyuancheng and the others seemed to have found the backbone, and they swept over to Tuanzang and asked for help.

Anbu members such as Sarutobi Shiraishi and Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but sweat for Watanabe. They were different from the newcomers who had just entered Anbu, such as Jiraiya and Hyuga Rei. They knew that the people who Watanabe had hit hard just now were all Danzo's confidants and subordinates. .

Danzo, as the core executive of Konoha, has always been ambitious. After the original root was forced to disband, he was ruthless and transferred the members of the original root to Anbu, trying to transform the Anbu into another root, and Watanabe now wants all the members of the root. Expulsion, with the temperament of Danzo, it is impossible to let it go.

"Without my father, Watanabe alone can't bear Danzo's anger..."

Sarutobi Shiraishi was quite worried, his eyes switched back and forth between Danzo and Watanabe.

He very much approves of Watanabe's practice of expelling everyone at the root, but he is worried that the appearance of Danzo will completely fail Watanabe's plan.


At the same time, Watanabe saw Danzo's body filled with majesty, and he walked towards him with heavy steps, obviously with the purpose of putting pressure on himself.

However, Watanabe didn't eat him at all.

He held his breath secretly and meditated in his heart:

"Dumen, Jingmen, Jingmen, open!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The moment the seven shackles restricting the flow of chakra were lifted, an extremely violent chakra wave erupted from Watanabe’s body like a tsunami. All rolled into the sky.

The aura that filled Danzo's body was crushed to pieces in an instant.


Everyone was shocked, and they never expected that Watanabe could actually break out such terrifying chakra fluctuations.

Didn't he just go all out? ?

Danzo stopped and fell silent as he watched Watanabe's violent and boiling momentum.

"Bold! Watanabe, how dare you put pressure on Danzo-sama!"

Beiyuancheng and the others scolded and snarled in anger. They only felt that Watanabe did not know how to live and die. You must know that the person standing in front of you at this moment is Danzo-sama, how can you dare to be presumptuous! ?

"I'm just putting pressure on you."

Watanabe replied and took the initiative to walk towards Danzo.

Every time he took a step closer, the chakra fluctuations on his body became violent, and the hem of Danzo and the others were blown away by the airflow.

"Does he also want to take action against Danzo!"

Sarutobi Shiraishi's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

I don't know if it was because of psychological effects, but he felt Danzo standing in front of Watanabe at this time, like a weak and helpless quail, shivering at the coming of the storm.


"Wa... Watanabe, what do you want to do!"

Several members of the base couldn't bear the pressure of Watanabe Hiryu riding his face, especially when they were beaten just now, they couldn't help but take two steps back. Gu Kun

Only Tuanzang withstood the strong pressure of the airflow and stood motionless, his face changed from gloomy at the beginning to calm.

In fact, he was extremely shocked at this moment, and he couldn't believe that this was the pressure that Watanabe could bring him.

If it wasn't for the fact that Mito was the man Zhuri, he would even suspect that Watanabe had a nine-tailed body sealed inside.

"Why did you hurt someone?"

Danzo opened his mouth to ask, and his tone didn't seem to be asking a teacher to ask for guilt, but rather that he was asking if Watanabe had eaten dinner.

"Senior Danzo misunderstood." Watanabe explained, "It was your subordinate who committed the crime and attacked me first, so I fought back."

The following guilty……

There was a flash of anger in Danzo's eyes, and he looked back at Beiyuancheng and the others: "Is that so?"

Everyone at the root was hesitant to say anything, but before they could speak, Hyuga Zero interjected with a smile: "Yes, those people in Beiyuan City did not take the Minister seriously at all, the Minister is purely for self-protection, even if they They were all killed with no fault, and we can all testify."

Watanabe suddenly found that Hyuga Zero was very useful. If she promoted her status in Anbu in the future, she would definitely become the most capable general around him.


Beiyuan City and others quickly retorted: "Master Danzo, it was Watanabe who deceived people too much first. We want to drive all our roots out of Anbu. We reasoned with him in grief and anger..."

"Your theory is really good." Hyuga Zero interrupted with a soft voice, "The theory dares to take action against the Minister, and those who don't know will think that you are the Minister of Anbu."

The people at the root were choked.

Danzo gave Hyuga Zero a deep look, and Hyuga Zero seemed to be unaware, with an innocent and pure expression.

"He... what is Watanabe, how can he be? He is not worthy of being a minister at all!" Kitahara said angrily, trying to deny Watanabe's status as a minister from the root.

Watanabe said coldly, "Do I deserve to be a minister? Is it your turn to evaluate me? What are you?"

Beiyuan Castle directly humiliated himself. His face was red with the humiliation of Watanabe's words, and he clenched his fists tightly, but he didn't have the courage to fight with Watanabe again.

Danzo probably understood what was going on.

Since the dissolution of the root, Danzo has no choice but to transfer the original members of the root to Anbu, and wants to transform the Anbu into another root. His plan is also smooth. For more than a year, due to the lack of a minister, Anbu is from Beiyuan. The city and Sarutobi Shiraishi are jointly in charge, and Danzo is equivalent to having half of the control of Anbu in disguise.

If it continues like this, it is possible that Danzo will realize the plan of transforming Anbu into a root. After all, Lienizan also recognizes the organizational nature of the root.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. A few days ago, Danzo received news that Watanabe was about to succeed Anbu Minister.

This news once made Danzo He knew that Watanabe was hostile to Gen. If Watanabe took office as minister and found that Anbu had turned into Gen, he would definitely try to suppress the original one. root member.

Danzo did not allow his plans to be destroyed, so he instructed Kitahara Castle and others to collectively attack him on the day of Watanabe's succession, forcing him to give up the ministerial position.

No matter how bad it is, at least Watanabe must be put on hold, and he must never be allowed to have the substantive rights of ministers.

Now it seems that he underestimated Watanabe. In the face of the joint attack of everyone, he actually did one thing and another, and in turn forced everyone from the roots out of Anbu.



"Why did they kick them out of Anbu, what did they do wrong?" Danzo asked in a deep voice.

If the root members are forced out of Anbu, Anbu will have nothing to do with Danzo, and he will stop Watanabe no matter what.


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