Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and sixty-seven: forcibly break into the Uchiha clan

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Thousands of hands.

The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings.

Hundreds of elite ninjas from the Senju clan gathered in Mito's mansion in full armor. The two sisters, Tsunade and Naoki, who were supposed to go to the hospital and the ninja school, were left at home by Mito in the morning.

Tsunade and Naoshu didn't understand the situation at first, but when they saw so many clansmen coming to their house, they realized that something must have happened.

"Grandma, what happened, why are so many people coming to our house?"

When Tsunade came to the bedroom on the second floor, Mito just finished changing her clothes. Today, she is no longer in the moon-white robe of the past, but is wearing a bright red dress.

Just like when she was married to the Qianshou clan.

"Uchiha Madara is back."

Mito turned around and explained to his granddaughter simply.

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened in disbelief: "Uchiha Madara? Wasn't he killed by grandpa, how could he come back?"

"He's not dead." Mito sighed slightly.

In Konoha, she is the only one who knows this secret, not even Sun Zhan.

After Uchiha Madara was defeated by Hashima, Tobirama took his body away for disposal, but after one night, Uchiha Madara's body disappeared mysteriously. At that time, Mito and Tobirama suspected that Uchiha Madara was not dead. He was resurrected using some kind of secret technique.

Tobirama secretly searched for Madara Uchiha's trace for a long time, but there was no clue. In order to appease Konoha's heart, he simply confirmed the death of Madara Uchiha.

"Uchiha Madara returned to Konoha last night and met with members of the defector faction in Uchiha," Mito said.

Tsunade immediately felt bad when he heard the words: "Does he still want to lead the Uchiha clan to destroy Konoha!"

"Perhaps so."

Mito wasn't entirely sure of Tsunade's guess.

Undoubtedly, Madara Uchiha must have come back this time with bad people, but according to Mito's understanding of him, Madara Uchiha doesn't seem to want to destroy Konoha.

With Madara Uchiha's wisdom and strength, if he wants to destroy Konoha, he can approach the defector members without being discovered by anyone, but he was discovered.

It gave Mito the feeling that he deliberately told the Konoha crowd that he was back, so that Konoha was ready to fight against him and the Uchiha family.

But in that case, it seems that Madara Uchiha's motives are very strange, and Mito can't estimate his true intentions at all.

Are you too confident? No one can stop Konoha because he is not there, so it doesn't matter if Konoha finds out in advance?

"Uchiha Madara is too hateful!" Tsunade said angrily.

"After so many years, he still thinks that he can't get along with Konoha. The Uchiha clan is already eager to move, and he will instigate it in secret? Now we must take all the Uchiha clan..."

Halfway through the words, Tsunade suddenly stopped.

She wanted to say that all the uniforms of the Uchiha family must be taken down, but she suddenly remembered that Uchihajiri was Watanabe's teacher. When this happened, Watanabe, as the Minister of Anbu, would definitely not be able to stay out of it.

Tsunade knows that Watanabe is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. If Watanabe leads Anbu members to deal with his former teacher, it will be extremely embarrassing.

"Grandma, what about Watanabe?" Tsunade looked at Mito and asked her to think of a way: "He is caught between Anbu and Uchihaji, it will be difficult."

"And Madara Uchiha is still hiding behind the scenes, that person is more dangerous than Nine Tails..."

"Don't worry about Watanabe's safety, I have sent someone to call him here," Mito said.

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief: "Just come here."

Knowing that Watanabe did not directly intervene in the conflict between Konoha and the Uchiha clan, Tsunade was relieved, and did not even ask Mito why Watanabe was called over.

She also didn't see the determined look deep in Mito's eyes.

Mito originally planned to set aside half a year to deal with the aftermath and settle her grandchildren, but the appearance of Keban disrupted her plan.

Today, among Konoha, the only people who can fight against Madara are she and Jiri. Jiri may not be an enemy of Madara, but she will never let Madara destroy the village that her husband spent his entire life building.

There is good news for the time being. After so many years, Madara Yuan is not comparable to the original heyday. Although Mito is also old, he can use the secret techniques of the Uzumaki family to restore his heyday in a short time. With the ambition to die, even at all costs, he will die with Madara.



The atmosphere of the Uchiha clan today is much more tense than in the past.

As soon as Watanabe arrived at the door of the Uchiha clan, he saw more than a dozen Uchiha clan people staring at him.

"Outsiders are forbidden to enter the Uchiha clan, and all unrelated people will detour!"

Watanabe frowned, and the Uchiha clan apparently also heard some rumors, which made him even more concerned about the situation of Jiri.

He took off the animal mask unique to the dark part of his face, and explained: "Teacher Zhili used to be my guide to Shangnin, and I have something important to discuss with her."

Hearing Watanabe reporting the name of Jiri, the vigilance in the eyes of several Uchiha clansmen became more intense, and they refused directly: "The patriarch is dealing with family I don't have time to see you!"

Watanabe was silent.

He guessed that Jiri should be beating the defectors who met Madara Uchiha last night, wondering if Jiri could deter them.

If Madara Uchiha shows up to do the right thing with Jiri, it will definitely make him very difficult.

Thinking of this, Watanabe suddenly had the urge to forcibly break into the Uchiha clan's land, but at this moment Uchiha seemed like a barrel of dynamite, and it was not advisable to take extreme actions.

Standing in the same place and confronting the Uchiha tribe for a few minutes, Sarutobi Shiraishi led a group of Anbu members to arrive. Hundreds of ninjas wearing animal masks flashed to Watanabe, and bowed and saluted: "Master Minister! "

This scene greatly changed the faces of the Uchiha clan.

In the past period of time, Anbu assisted their police department in handling public security incidents, and shared a large part of the pressure from the public for the Uchiha family, and many Affinity clansmen developed a favorable impression of Anbu.

But today is different from the past, Anbu rushing out to his family's land under this kind of stall is definitely not a good thing!

"What do you want to do!"

The Uchiha clansmen scolded sharply, and some even put their fingers on the kunai handle around their waists.

"Zero, look at where Mr. Jiri is and who is around." Watanabe ignored the hostility of the Uchiha tribe and said to Zero, who was wearing a cat-face mask beside him.


Hyuga Rei obeyed Watanabe's instructions, and the blue veins on both sides of his forehead burst open, urging his white eyes to scan the Uchiha clan in front of him.

"Bold, how can you outsiders spy on the Uchiha clan's land!"

The Uchiha clan was outraged, if it weren't for the large number of people on Watanabe's side, they would definitely have come forward to interrupt Hyuga Zero's blatant spying behavior.

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