Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and seventy-one: even if it is really against Konoha, so what?

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"From now on, all the Uchiha clansmen will be locked in the ancestral hall, and Anbu will strictly guard them. If anyone forcibly leaves, they will be killed on the spot."

After Uchiha Fenghuo and others were escorted away, Jiri also gave orders to the clan and Anbu ninja.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary means must be used, and Zhili no longer cares about family affection, and shows a decisive side in killing.

She would rather ruthlessly eliminate the black sheep in the family now, than the clansmen embark on the road of self-destruction.


Anbu ninjas lead in unison.

The members of the defector faction were full of resentment. They were very disobedient to Jiri's orders, but with Uchiha Beacon and others as a lesson, and surrounded by Anbu ninjas who were eyeing tigers, they did not dare to protest again.

"Watanabe, come out with me."

After making arrangements for the clan and Anbu, Jiri glanced at Watanabe and walked out of the ancestral hall.

Watanabe hesitated for a while. He was actually worried that Anbu would not be able to take care of the Uchiha clansmen. It could be seen that Jiri left so simply, and he was obviously confident in the situation in the ancestral hall, so he dispelled his worries and followed in her footsteps.

The Uchiha clansmen are all imprisoned in the ancestral hall at the moment, and the streets of the clan's land are empty and there is not a single person.

Watanabe didn't know where Jiri was going to take him, and he didn't know how Jiri was in his mood. He followed her with his duty along the way, and Jiri was silent the whole time and didn't say a word to him.


Suddenly, there was a rapid voice behind him.

The two stopped and turned around, and saw a middle-aged man with a thousand-handed clan emblem drawn on his clothes rushing from a distance, landing in front of Watanabe in a few jumps.

Watanabe had met the middle-aged man several times in the Qianshou clan before, and knew that he was Mito's subordinate, but he didn't know his name.

"It seems that I have found you. I didn't expect you to come here. Mito-sama told you to go to the Qianshou clan, come with me!" The man said in an eager tone, obviously it took a lot of money to find Watanabe. Less effort.

However, Watanabe did not intend to go with him, and instead asked, "What is Mito-senpai looking for from me?"

The man looked at Jiri, but did not answer directly. He said euphemistically, "You will know when you get to the Qianshou clan. In short, you don't have to worry about Anbu's affairs now. Mito-sama has more urgent tasks for you."

When Watanabe heard the words, his heart sank a little, thinking that Mito and Hizan had unified the front, and he also wanted to deprive him of control over Anbu.

It was impossible for him to leave. Now is the most difficult time for Zhili. No matter what, he will stay by Zhili's side to help her.

"Sorry, you conveyed to Mito-senpai for me, I can't go to see her now, next time I will come to the door to apologize in person."

"Thank you for what sin!" The man became anxious, "Mito-sama is not looking for you to be held accountable, but is really looking for you for a very urgent matter!"

After speaking, he saw that Watanabe was still indifferent, gritted his teeth, and ignored Jiri's presence, and simply confessed: "Mito-sama will give you the nine-tailed demon fox to seal, if you don't go back in time, Mito-sama We can only make Tsunade-san become a human pillar force!"

As soon as these words came out, a strange color appeared on Zhili's face.

She did not expect that Mito would be willing to hand over the nine-tailed demon fox to Watanabe. Although it is said that becoming a man-jutsu comes with certain risks, as a woman of Watanabe, Jiri knows very well how strong and brave Watanabe's physique is. Even the people of the Vortex Clan, known for their powerful vitality, can't compare to him. It can be said that if Watanabe's body can't seal the Nine-Tails, it's even more impossible for others.

After becoming the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuri, Watanabe's position in Konoha will be extremely special, even high-level officials including Hokage dare not target and embarrass him.

Jiri pursed her lips. She hoped that Watanabe would go to the Thousand-hand clan to accept the seal of the Nine-Tails. In that way, Watanabe would not only gain more power, but also avoid being affected by her.

Jiri is very clear that this time her enemy is the legendary man, even if she awakens the kaleidoscope and holds the title of a demigod in the ninja world, she still has no certainty over Madara Uchiha. Watanabe is with her. It would be dangerous to be together.

"Seal the nine-tailed demon fox..."

Watanabe hesitated.

That day Mito said that he would hand over Kuo to him after half a year, and now a month has not passed.

Was it because Madara Uchiha's return disrupted her plans?

"Watanabe, you go." Ji Li suddenly said, "I am enough for the situation here."

Watanabe looked at her, and on Jiri's beautiful face he saw only perseverance and strength, not the slightest weakness.

But in Watanabe's mind, the image of the former ancestral hall where Hari was surrounded by the Uchiha tribe.

At that moment, Watanabe almost couldn't control himself.

At this time, let him go to the Qianshou clan to seal the nine tails, and Rujiri faces the crisis of the Uchiha clan alone... Is it possible?

He took a deep breath and shook his head: "Mr. Zhili, do me a favor."

Ji Li was startled.

She and Watanabe are the people who know each other best in the world. Often Watanabe only needs to pat his butt, and Jiri knows how to change his posture skillfully. Now she also understands what Watanabe means.

After hesitating for a moment, a beautiful red glow burst out from her The thousand-handed clansman next to her was attracted by the red glow, and subconsciously raised her head to meet her gaze.

Then in the next second, he fell into the illusion and looked demented.


Ji Li put away the writing wheel, and asked Watanabe in a complicated tone.

Watanabe's face is serious: "No one can let me leave the teacher, from now until the crisis of the Chiha family is resolved, I will not leave the teacher one step."

Tears flickered in Jiri's eyes: "You have committed a serious crime by falsely passing the Hokage edict to send Anbu to me. If you can't become the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli, Konoha will definitely not be able to tolerate you afterward."

Watanabe Dandan smiled: "If you can't tolerate it, you can't tolerate it. For the sake of the teacher, let alone Konoha, even if you are an enemy of the whole tolerance world, I will not be afraid."

Saying that, he stepped forward to hold Zhili's hand and intertwined her fingers: "Don't worry, teacher, everything will be fine, no matter what you do, I will support you."

Jiri was immediately moved, and Watanabe's words were worth more than a thousand words of confession, so he hugged him tightly, and said, "How can I be your teacher, don't call me that again. "

"Is that... a wife?"

Jiri's delicate body trembled, and then he ignored Watanabe's four lips, and responded to him with the most ardent love.

At the same time, she secretly decided in her heart that after the crisis of the Uchiha family was over, if those high-level leaders of Niizhan dared to convict Watanabe for any reason, what if she really turned against Konoha?



Near the Uchiha clan, on the rooftop of a high-rise building.

Madara and Kurojue looked down at Uchiha Beacon and the others who were being escorted by Anbu ninjas below.

"Lord Madara, can you start the second step of the plan?"

Black must ask.

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