Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and eighty-nine: ghouls sealed

The Susanoo that enveloped Madara's entire body peeled off in pieces, covering the surface of Nine-Tails' body like armor.

"What is Madara Uchiha doing?"

Watanabe, Hizan and the others were still in the shock wave of Shinra Tianzheng, and they were a little surprised when they saw Madara's actions.

"He fused Susanoo and Nine Tails."

"Not good, Madara's strength is already terrifying. If you let him control the nine-tailed chakra, I am afraid that everyone will not be his opponent!"

When Susanoo covered half of Kyuubi's body——


Dozens of diamond chains pierced through the void and shot violently, firmly binding Jiuwei's limbs.

Madara turned her head to look, and saw Mito, who was hundreds of meters away, stumbled to her feet, and the vajra chains that bound the nine tails were shot out of her body.

"Not dead yet?"

Madara thought that Mito had long since died because of the nine tails being pulled away, but he didn't expect that he was still stubbornly alive.

"It's useless, it can't trap me."

Madara Yu's prestige costume Susa pulled hard, and dozens of Vajra chains made a crunching sound, and they were tightly stretched, but they were not broken away.


Mito's throat was sweet, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his face was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this distance, Mito didn't have full confidence in sealing Madara, but she had no choice. Now it was time for her to let go, otherwise, once Madara and Nine Tails were fully fused, there would be no chance to seal him.

Madara frowned and could feel the sealing power contained in the Vajra Chains suppressing his fusion with the Nine Tails.

"Stop Madara Uchiha, never let him control the Nine Tails!"

Mito desperately maintained the diamond chain and gave orders to everyone.

Watanabe and the others didn't hesitate, and after the repulsive impact dissipated, they rushed to Madara for the first time.

"Woodun, the tree world is born."

"The fire escapes, and the fire is extinguished."

Madara's hands formed seals, and countless trees ripped apart the ground and grew frantically, blocking everyone's offensive, and opened his mouth to spew out a sea of ​​fire that swept in all directions, speeding up Susanoo's ability to cover the Nine Tails.

At this moment, Madara suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

Looking towards the direction from which the coolness came, a stunned scene appeared in his field of vision.

I saw Mito's hands form a spell mark he had never seen before, picked up Kunwu and swiped **** his lower abdomen, and a lot of blood splattered out.

At the same time, a tall figure of death with blue-faced fangs manifested behind Mito, which made people shudder just looking at it.

Death put his hand into Mito's back, grabbed her soul, and slowly pulled away.

Madara only felt a tingling pain all over his body, as if he had been cursed, and the other arm of the **** of death extended infinitely along the diamond chain, grabbing it towards Madara's lower abdomen.

Before the arm of the **** of death approached, the soul in Madara had a strong urge to break out of the body. As the arm got closer, the urge became stronger.

"The ninjutsu that directly targets the soul is a threat to me."

Madara thought about it, aligning her hands on the diamond chain and the arm of the God of Death to release the repulsive force frantically.


Dozens of diamond chains were stretched to the extreme, as if they were about to break at any time, and Mito's mouth kept overflowing with blood, trying his best to keep the chains stable.

The Death God's arm stagnated for a moment, and after the repulsive force had passed, it continued to move towards Madara Yanshen.

"This kind of ninjutsu, Mito wants to drag me to death."

Madara had a bad premonition, and clearly saw that Mito's soul body had been pulled out by one third of the other arm of the Death God. Once the soul body was completely pulled out, it would mean death.

Looking at the arm of the **** of death approaching him, Madara made a decisive decision.

Even if this operation failed, he couldn't die here. If he had to die, he had to wait for him to finish his preparations before he could die.

Thinking of this, Madara immediately gave up merging with the Nine-Tails, the blue armor covering the Nine-Tails quickly faded like a tide, and re-transformed into Susanoo that enveloped Madara's entire body, inciting the Susano Wings to retreat rapidly.

Madara can retreat, but the nine tails are firmly bound by dozens of diamond chains, and there is no way to retreat.


Nine tails went mad and let out an earth-shattering roar.

It didn't know anything, the whole fox was stunned, and inexplicably blocked the knife for Banana.

"Why is it sealed to the Nine Tails??"

Mito in the distance was stunned.

Her original intention was to use the ghoul seal to perish with Madara, but Madara was so decisive that she gave up the nine-tails immediately, causing the ghoul seal to be cast on the nine-tails.

"Sure enough, the distance from Madara is too far, and it is too reluctant to use the ghoul seal to deal with him."

Mito thought bitterly, as long as the ghoul seal is used up, there is no room for regret. Her soul body has been seized by the **** of death, and it is impossible to have a chance to do it again.

"Forget it, it would be good to seal the Nine-Tails, then Madara would no longer be able to use the prestige Susa, and without the assistance of the Nine-Tails, the joint efforts of Watanabe, Hizan and others would be enough to suppress Madara, and I'll wait for Jiri to come over later. Cooperate, Madara Immortal will also be repelled."

As soon as she thought of this, Mito simply made a mistake and made a mistake, and several Vajra chains spurted out of her body, wrapped around the arm of the **** of death and pulled hard.


The nine tails roared more and more, and a group of chakra aggregates based on it was forcibly dragged out by the arm of the **** of death.

"If you can't deal with me, are you going to turn around and deal with the nine tails!"

Madara saw the tragic state of Nine Tails being dragged by the **** of death, and she couldn't help but shuddered, and immediately wanted to stop Mito.

He had a hunch that if the Nine-Tails were sealed by Mito again this time, he would not be able to summon the Nine-Tails even with psychics in the future, and the Nine-Tails played a vital role in his Moon Eye plan. No more losing control of the Nine-Tails is allowed.

However, before Madara could make a move to rescue Kyuubi, there was a sound of a sonic boom behind him, and Watanabe hit Madara on the back with a strike, knocking him away from the vicinity of Kyuubi.

"Uchiha Madara, do you want to run away again?"

Watanabe said in a cold voice, using the peacock version of the day tiger, countless tiger-shaped air cannons poured down, drowning Madara in the ruins.

Spotted Lung was about to explode with anger, and felt that Watanabe was simply a candy that couldn’t be shaken off, that is, he didn’t merge with Nine Tails just and one of Samsara Eye was missing, otherwise he would be crushed and killed It's absolutely a breeze to get rid of!




Others don't know what kind of ninjutsu Mito uses, but Tsunade knows it well, and she is not unfamiliar with the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family.

Therefore, the moment he saw the **** of death manifesting behind Mito, Tsunade panicked instantly, and couldn't care less about dealing with Madara, tears bursting out of his eyes and rushed towards Mito.

"Grandma, how did you seal it with ghouls? I don't want you to die, I don't want you to die!"

Tsunade's crying pear blossom brought rain, grabbed the arm of the **** of death and desperately stuffed it into Mito's body, trying to stuff Mito's soul back into his body.



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