Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: Two hundred and five: Danzang launches an attack

As soon as these words came out, the meeting room was silent for a moment.

All the patriarchs were surprised. Among them, Patriarch Hatake asked, "Lord Danzo, what mistake did Watanabe make?"

Ri Zhan, Xiaochun, Men Yan and others also looked at him.

Danzo said solemnly: "Watanabe's previous task was to lead Anbu to monitor the Uchiha clan, but he finally handed over the command of Anbu to the Uchiha clan, and his style of conduct was entirely based on personal preference, and he did not care about the wood at all. Keeping Ye's big-picture concept and high-level orders in mind, isn't this a mistake of principle?"

Everyone was thoughtful.

Anbu members are all elite ninjas selected from the major ninja clans, so after the turmoil ended, each ninja clan quickly learned about Anbu's actions today.

I have to say that Watanabe’s actions were indeed too risky. When the patriarchs learned that he had handed over the command of Anbu to Jiri, their first reaction was to feel scared, thinking that Watanabe’s decision was a big gamble. Betting Konoha's safety on Jiri alone.

If Jiri also had the intention to fight against Konoha, sending Anbu to her would be like a sheep into the tiger's mouth, but fortunately Watanabe finally made the right bet, Jiri had no intention of rebelling, she just used the power of Anbu to calm the family's civil unrest. .

"Danzo, you are exaggerating." Turning to bed Xiaochun retorted.

"Watanabe was just adapting to the situation and changing strategies flexibly at the time. It's not a principled error. In the end, it turned out that his decision was very correct. Without the intervention of Anbu, Jiri would not be able to calm down the family's civil strife so smoothly, and he would not be able to stop it in time. Madara Uchiha, the damage to Konoha will only be worse than it is now."

Danzo shook his head: "Don't distort the concept, Watanabe is just luckier, if the Uchiha clan had reached an agreement at the time, Anbu would be equivalent to the fat delivered to their mouths, who could be the best for the more than 100 Anbu ninjas Responsible for life?"

Xiaochun was displeased: "What you said is just an assumption, there is no assumption in reality, Anbu did play a major role in pacifying the civil strife in Uchiha!"

Ri Zhan let out a breath of smoke and interjected, "Tanzo, what are you trying to say?"

Danzo said in a deep voice: "The vocation of a ninja is to perform a task. No matter what the reason is, a ninja must complete the task as its mission. This is the eternal truth. Those who give up the task are not worthy of being called ninjas. Everyone here. Who disagrees with this statement?"

Everyone was silent, looking at each other.

What Danzo said of course made sense. For ninjas, tasks are more important than everything else. This is the cornerstone of the ninja system. If ninjas no longer pay attention to tasks, it is equivalent to the loss of the law, which will lead to the collapse of the ninja order.

Danzo continued: "Watanabe not only gave up the task given to him by Konoha's senior management, but also was bold enough to tamper with the content of the task without permission. What is the difference between such actions and betrayal?"

Hyuga Tianfu couldn't help but said: "But Watanabe defeated Madara Uchiha..."

"So we should advocate his behavior of tampering with the mission to all Konoha villagers, and let everyone follow his example!" Danzo interrupted.

Sun Xiang Tianfu was choked and speechless.

Of course, the behavior of tampering with tasks cannot be advocated, otherwise everything will be messed up.

Danzo said: "Watanabe's negative impact is extremely huge, and he should have been severely punished. For his great contribution to Konoha, the punishment can be waived, but he must no longer serve as Minister of Anbu, and must be exempted from his punishment. job."

When Xiaochun heard this, he instantly understood Danzo's intention.

On the day Watanabe succeeded Anbu’s minister, he expelled all of Danzo’s confidants and subordinates from Anbu. Of course Koharu knew about this. She felt that Danzo was deliberately taking the opportunity to attack. manpower.

In Xiaochun's view, Watanabe's approach to leading Anbu may be inappropriate, but he is definitely more meritorious than demerits, and compared with Watanabe, Danzo's personal selfishness should not be too obvious, but she has a moment and a half. I don't know how to refute, after all, Danzo is standing on the commanding heights of morality.

"Watanabe is in a coma right now. Regarding his merits, demerits and punishments, we will discuss it when he wakes up." Hizan said, neither supporting nor opposing Danzo's proposal, and planning to delay it.

Danzo did not agree, and said solemnly: "Why wait for Watanabe to wake up before discussing it, it can be decided now."

He didn't want to delay any longer, worried that things would change after a while. Mito is now dead, and no one can support Watanabe anymore. It would be reasonable for him to remove him from the ministerial position on business. No one could fault him!

Ri Zhan frowned, even if he and Danzang wore the same pair of pants, he still felt that Danzang's appearance was a bit ugly.

He knows that Danzo is very dissatisfied with Watanabe, but he should not say it. Watanabe just died for Konoha. At this time, his life and death in the hospital are uncertain, but you have to make a decision to severely punish him and spread the word. How chilling?


" At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and everyone turned their heads to see Zhili walking towards him coldly.

For a time, the expressions of the patriarchs appeared a little weird, and it felt like a good show was about to be staged.

The reason why Watanabe was criticized and impeached by Danzo was because he arbitrarily handed over the command of Anbu to Hari, and now that Hari is also attending the meeting, she will definitely fight for Watanabe and Danzo to the end, right?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes switched back and forth between Zhili and Tuanzang, and their thoughts were different.


Jiri was in a very bad mood. She had just come from the hospital, and Watanabe was still in a coma, and she didn't know when she would wake up.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Uchiha family really needed to give Konoha an explanation, Jiri would never have come to attend the meeting of the patriarchs. Under the repeated advice of the elders of the affinity faction, she finally handed over Watanabe to Tsunade to take care of her, which was long overdue. .

As soon as she walked into the conference room, Jiri felt that the atmosphere was not right. It seemed that everyone was staring at her. Jiri didn't care at first.

But until she was seated, everyone's eyes were still on her, and the meeting was silent.

"Do you have an opinion on me?"

Chili's tone was as cold as ice, and he said the question sentence in a declarative tone.

If everyone blamed all the losses suffered by Konoha today on the Uchiha family, then their Uchiha family would really not need to stay in Konoha anymore.

"Chili Patriarch misunderstood, we have no opinion on you."

"Yeah, Chief Chiri not only pacified the coup d'etat within the family, but also stopped Uchiha Madara, and is Konoha's number one hero!"

The patriarchs quickly denied it, for fear that Zhili would feel bad about him.

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