Invincibility starts when I see the BOSS health bar

Chapter 138 Great Wisdom (3 more! Ask for a monthly pass!)

For the point-adding mode of a player panel like him, it is best to point a martial art to death, rather than use a pad of martial arts to pad it.

After all, mat martial arts, the foundation is too poor, it will be useless after learning, and even feel that it occupies the position of the panel.

Everything in mat martial arts, even the existence value, is just a sacrifice to make up for advanced martial arts.

There are very few books, mat martial arts can feel a little useful, and can increase the upper limit along with it, but there is also a problem.

But that is, mat martial arts, the quality itself is there, and the conditions the day before yesterday are worse than ordinary martial arts.

The truth is a bit tasteless.

After searching a few more books, Fang Yu realized that this was a normal promotion route for other native NPCs.

For players, it is not a shortcut.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu decided to look for it again, to see if he had any high-level martial arts.

If there is a flower-level high-level martial arts, then learn a few more mat martial arts, and he will recognize it.

Just to save attribute points.

When Fang Yu passed by those popular martial arts cabinets, he went deep step by step to find the martial arts cheats in the cabinet.


He found a secret book in a side door, in a cabinet of miscellaneous studies.

"Same Foot Hands".

The explanation of the exercises is very simple.

After learning, the proportions and length of hands and feet will become exactly the same.

As for the proportional length of the hands and feet, what is the use if they become exactly the same.

This technique was not mentioned, and Fang Yu didn't know about it either.

However, there are two reasons why this skill can attract Fang Yu's attention.

The first point.

It is a flower-level intermediate martial arts book.

Second point.

It actually doesn't need martial arts in advance!

That's right, this martial arts book does not require any pre-requisite martial arts, but the cultivation method is very perverted.

From time to time, you have to saw off your own hands and feet, cooperate with specific drugs, splice them, regenerate and grow, repeat several times, and grow and repair in units of years to practice.

This cultivation process can be regarded as terribly evil.

Converted to other martial arts games, those are all magic skills.

But in this game, there seems to be no distinction between good and evil.

Everyone fights demons together, and there is no right or wrong way to say the exercises, as long as they are useful and suitable, as long as they don't hurt others, no one cares about you.

Although this "Same Foot Hands" is not suitable for me at all.

But it undoubtedly opened Fang Yu's mind.

Popular martial arts, such as swords, guns, swords and sticks, fists, feet and palms, pay attention to a step-by-step process.

But partial martial arts seem to be more evil.

It doesn't matter what you have learned before and what you will learn in the future.

Like a fault, it suddenly gave the entire Hua-level middle-level exercises.

There is no cause and effect, and there is no prototype primary exercise.

Highlight one, if you can learn it, learn it, if you can't learn it, you will get it, I am not used to you.

In other popular martial arts, it's like still feeding a baby. Elementary school fencing, junior high school fencing, and high school fencing are slowly laying the foundation for you to develop.


Evil martial arts, directly teach you swordsmanship, or the kind of philosophy department that is biased by thieves.

Do you want to learn?

If you have learned it, you will have the strength of a university, even if you are a poor student.

Not learn? Can't learn? It doesn't matter, the exercises are here, and there are always people who need them.

Yes, there is always someone in need!

Fang Yu is the one who needs it!

What is step by step, what lays a solid foundation.

I am a plus person, I need this thing?

Would you like to add some dark blue?

It doesn't take into account whether the foundation is strong or not.

Give me attribute points, and I will show you all the god-level exercises.

With a clear mind, Fang Yu suddenly lost interest in the popular classified exercises.

All of a sudden, I went to this kind of side door, miscellaneous, corner, and unlabeled cabinets.

Pick up the book and just scan it.

"Moisturizing Pupils", "Yan Baiyu", "Big Kun Belly", "Two Hearts Lock"...

Weird name, but it has various effects.

Moisturizing eye pupil, can keep your eyes moist all the time.

Weird, but you can't say it's completely useless.

And there is indeed a method of cultivation, what a martial art, yes.

But it's just weird.

Yan Baiyu is fine, she can make the skin of her face whiter.

However, Fang Yu seriously doubted that the various supporting medicine formulas provided by the kung fu method were the key to turning his face white, not the way of practicing the kung fu method.

Big kun belly is a kind of exercise that allows you to eat more, the stomach can hold more food, and the food will be digested faster.

Two-heart lock, find someone to double practice this skill, cooperate with demon materials, practice day and night, until the two hearts resonate, it is a great success. After the exercise is completed, two people can share two hearts. Even if one of them has a broken heart, as long as the other's heart is still beating, that person will not die due to the broken heart.

Equivalent to organ sharing, Fang Yu feels that it is still useful.

Especially for someone like him who can regenerate organs, there is still room for manipulation.

As far as the exercises I have seen so far.

It gives people the feeling... biased, evil, strange.

It's sideways, evil, and weird.

But on the contrary, Fang Yu felt that it was very appetizing.

Because these exercises are too unique, there is no pre-existing exercises at all. Whether they can be perfect depends on personal aptitude, talent, and understanding of martial arts.

Like the native NPCs without a player panel, there are probably very few who can learn these partial martial arts with their own talents.

And those who are able to learn the partial martial arts here, and are willing to persevere in hard training for several years...

Excuse me, why not take the Kangzhuang Avenue?

With this qualification, this perseverance, and this time, those popular martial arts can be graduated from junior high school to university.

Then the same configuration.

As soon as someone else strikes a sword, the swordsmanship of ten directions will be powerful in all directions!

What about you, Runmu Tong!

Tears are streaming down, right?


Think about it this way.

Fang Yu can understand why these martial arts are classified as partial martial arts.

Obviously it has a good effect, but it is still thrown in the corner, and no one cares about it.

This thing is only suitable for players!

Fang Yu even doubted whether this thing was specially made for players.

But on second thought.

If someone is willing to invent and create a whole set of supporting martial arts for these strange martial arts, this kind of martial arts can become a broad road.


Isn't this the Lin family's [Acid Blood Work] youth beggar version!

Fang Yu recalled it for a moment.

The Lin family's unique skill [Acid and Blood Kung Fu] is no different from these partial skills in the final analysis.

It's just that the Lin family has prepared a complete set of martial arts and unique pharmacological assistance for [Acid Blood Art].

Taking [Acid and Blood Technique] as the core, it has carried out all-round expansion and escort, and finally formed an extremely powerful unique skill.

Reasonable, it turns out to be like this!

Fang Yu immediately felt like a treasure, and he liked these unorthodox skills even more.

But it's hard to pick out the good ones.

Because most of them are really similar to [Runmu Tong], strange and meaningless exercises.

For example, to make a certain finger very long, it takes a long time to practice, and it is just a simple finger lengthening, without any other amplification effect.

What is the use of this kind of breaking method?

Practice your fingering, maybe you still want to match this thing, the attack range is farther.

If you don't practice fingering, learn this, and deform your body. Is it necessary? Complete rubbish.

Continue to rummage inside.

Fang Yu discovered that the side-door exercises were actually not as beautiful as he thought.

It's like panning for gold in shit, there are not many that are really useful and easy to use.

Among the only available partial skills, there are even fewer ones that can match your own situation and have a beneficial effect on yourself.

Just when Fang Yu wanted to give up a little bit, and used some ordinary side skills to make do with it.

Suddenly, a cheat book came into his eyes.

"Ice and Blood" (remnant)


Others have clearly written it clearly in the cheat book, and it is a broken copy.

But Fang Yu's interest was brought up.

Because, he thought of one thing.

That is, for a player who only needs to add points to improve, there seems to be no difference between residual martial arts and complete martial arts.

As long as you get through the initial stage of proficiency, you will not be left behind, but it is not your cheats that have the final say, but my dark blue that has the final say!

Open "Ice and Blood Explosion".

Flower class middle class.

The effect of practice is to lower the temperature of one's own blood and turn it into an existence like an ice blade at any time to attack.

Of course, it is also possible for you to throw away your stomach, spit out the blood, condense it into ice, and spill it out as a hidden weapon.

However, this kind of operation, except for people with self-healing ability like myself, it seems that no one can do it like this.

Since I can only read the first few pages, I can't see where the remnants are.

But in the previous description, it was indeed named, this is a remnant, and there will be a lot of confirmation in the following content, and the exchange needs to be carefully considered.

who cares!

With my dark blue here, the remnants are also finished!

I want to give you the remaining cheats, a complete life!

The more he thought about it, the more Fang Yu felt that this operation was feasible.

Immediately, his eyes shone brightly, and he changed his strategy again.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to be partial or not, what matters is whether you are a cheat book.

Hide well.

Poor incomplete cheats, you don’t want your incomplete lower body to be made up, do you?

Fang Yu rummaged inside excitedly.

But what is disappointing is that the number of residual cheats is actually not that many.

After all, this is the martial arts hall of Yudifu, and the people they are facing are all members of Yudifu who put their heads on their waistbands every day.

The merits they earned with all their efforts, you put so much rubbish and remnants across the board, isn't that disgusting?

There were only a few fragments that were of good quality, or that were regarded as caught fish, but Fang Yu managed to search them out.

It's a pity that either it doesn't meet Fang Yu's situation, or it actually requires a pre-requisite skill.

Even the prerequisite exercises of this remnant are even more perverted, because there are no prerequisite exercises written on it around the cabinet where it is located.

This means that either the martial arts hall does not have the pre-recorded martial arts, or they have to rummage through the vast number of cabinets to find the pre-recorded martial arts cheats needed for the remnants.

This workload is simply speechless.

Another way is to ask the person on duty to help with the investigation, but this kind of thing is not free, you need to pay a corresponding price for the transaction, which may be silver or merit points.

Fang Yu also felt a little tired after searching such a large circle.

And his merit points may not necessarily be exchanged for many cheats.

A monster, breaking the sky, probably only has one or two merits, right?

Although I don't know the exchange ratio, but one or two points of merit, breaking the sky, I will exchange two cheat books for you.

Which secret book should I ask for?

Fang Yu was a little confused.

Fargo is the top priority.

This thing, flower-level middle-level, has no pre-installation, and it can be tested to see if it can take advantage of the remnants. If it can be won, it must be won.

But if the merit points are insufficient, they cannot be exchanged.

Then you have to choose from other exercises.

This is very tangled.

Because of other skills, at present, it feels a bit half-assed.

Just [Two Hearts Lock] made Fang Yu's eyes shine a little.

But the cultivation conditions are still harsh, and it is also a kind of screening for the objects of double cultivation.

Fang Yu wanted to train his second sister, but he didn't know how qualified her second sister was in martial arts.

After all, in the past so many years, the character's family has never thought of letting the second sister practice martial arts.

Naturally, it is impossible to know how qualified it is.

Fang Yu feels that in this regard, he can still try.

Especially now that he is still in ten households, and his monthly salary can guarantee his life, so he naturally has the conditions to let the second sister choose more and try more.

[Two-Heart Lock] is also in my hand, and together with Ice Blood Explosion, there are already two books of martial arts skills available for selection.

But not enough.

In case I can change one [Two-Heart Lock] but not the [Ice and Snow Storm], then I have to come back again.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Yu simply took all the cheat books he liked first, and then went downstairs.

The first floor is more lively than the second floor.

At least it's popular.

For example, Fang Yu just went downstairs when he saw a person standing in front of the counter, entangled in coming and going.

[Kamping: 77/77. 】

Well, I don't know.

The blood volume is also normal.

Fang Yu didn't look at him any more.

But the man looked at Fang Yu in astonishment, and then hurriedly saluted.

"I've met Master Shihu."

Oh, I have ten households!

Fang Yu stopped and nodded slightly.

To be honest, he had no real sense of his identity at all.

After all, the other ten households all have ten younger brothers, shouting and shouting, very majestic.

When I got to him, there was only one bare-handed commander, but nothing.

But Fang Yu didn't care.

To have a younger brother requires merit.

Instead of wasting merit there, it is better to use merit to kill a few more people and increase blood volume.

Speaking of it, Li Qianxuan is a bit outrageous.

He is obviously only a family of ten, but his subordinates are not just ten people, but twenty or thirty people.

In terms of rules, there are actually only ten people who are under Li Qianxuan.

But the unstoppable free man is willing to follow him, so even if he has no status, others are actually Li Qianxuan's subordinates.

Although there are ten households, due to the noble status of the Li family, they can reach the status of half a hundred households.

This is privilege.

Envy doesn't come, and no one cares about it, which means that he basically acquiesced.

In the final analysis, the power of Yudi Mansion and the five major families is still incomparable.

In order to compare, you have to join [Yan Mo Mansion] and [Pan Sheng Mansion] to join together, and then you are eligible to challenge the five major families a little bit.

After passing a few people and returning to the counter, Fang Yupa's cheat book was photographed.

"Have my credits been credited?"

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